Blog Articles
...Nommos, according to Dogon legend, lived on a planet orbiting another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an "ark" that descended with great noise and wind.
It was the Nommos who brought the knowledge of Sirius B to the Dogon.
They provided the Dogon with some interesting information about our Solar System: that the planet Jupiter has four main moons, that Saturn has rings, and that the planets revolve around the Sun. These are all facts that Westerners discovered only after Galileo invented the telescope.
У Малију, у западној Африци, живи племе људи који се зову Догони. Верује се да је племе Догона египатског порекла, а њихово знање о астрономији сеже хиљадама година уназад, чак 3200. године пре нове ере.
Према традицији Догона, звезда Сиријус има звезду пратиоца која је невидљива људском оку. Ова звезда пратилац има 50-годишњу елиптичну орбиту око видљивог Сиријуса и изузетно је тешка. Такође се ротира око своје осе.
Ова древна племенска легенда би можда пала у забрани да је два француска антрополога, Марсело Гриоле и Жермен Дитерлен, нису забележила од четири догонска свештеника 1930-их.
Можда звучи невероватно, али се испоставило да је ова легенда о Догонима истине. Како су људи који нису поседовали астрономске инструменте знали толико о невидљивој звезди?
Звезда, коју научници зову Сиријус Б, није ни фотографисана све до 1970. године када је то урадио велики телескоп. Та фотографија Сиријуса Б била је доказ да веровања Догона нису само легенде.
Према усменом предању
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## Commander's Report - Cmdr Swarthos, Destrukiton
**Date:** 18053310.00 **Time:** 15:44 UTC
**Subject:** Incident Report: Planet Hyuedau PP-F d11-2 & Bounty of Discovery
This report pertains to the recent incident involving my Fleet Carrier, Destrukiton, and the survey mission on planet Hyuedau PP-F d11-2.
The initial jump into the system was routine, but the unforgiving gravitational pull of the planet Hyuedau PP-F d11-2 caused significant course deviation. The autopilot attempted to correct, but the force was too strong. The resulting impact, though minimal, resulted in minor damage to the starboard dorsal thruster. Thankfully, the repairs were swift, executed within 24 hours.
Despite the initial setback, the planet Hyuedau proved to be a treasure trove of discovery. Upon conducting scans, I detected the presence of five distinct biological varieties, previously unknown to the galactic database. I secured samples of each species, culminating in a lucrative deal with
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## Situation Report - Fleet Carrier Destrukiton
**Date:** 3310-05-15
**Time:** 18:00 UTC
**Location:** Achilles Altar Sector, Hyuedau XH-B b42-0
**Comms Status:** Secure, limited range
**Reporting Officer:** CMDR Swarthos, Commanding Officer
**Mission Objective:** Continue exobiology research, marker Tritium hotspots, conduct reconnaissance for new discoveries.
**Current Status:**
* **Exobiology:**
* Ongoing exploration of planetoid Hyuedau XH-B b42-0 B 4. We have identified two new species, with potential for further analysis.
* One specimen, denoted “X-17”, exhibits unusual bioluminescence and may be a previously unknown strain of the genus *Bioluminidae*. Detailed sample analysis is underway.
* The second species, a fungus-like organism “F-38”, has shown aggressive growth patterns and exhibits a high tolerance to radiation. Further investigation is warranted to determine potential hazards and application in bioengineering.
* **Tritium Hotspots:**
* Our team has successfully marked one new
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It was October 3305 when Karina left the Bubble with course plotted to 22k ly far Colonia region. She thought that she was well prepared for this journey, but like many others before she was wrong. After spending six months with intensive scanning and exploration of systems along planned route she was very close to the destination. Remained maybe only two thousands light years (ly) to closest inhabited system of Colonia, when she overlooked readings of the planet gravity during routine landing. It was "just" a 2G planet, but she has never done landing on heavier gravity world before and usual docking routine proved to be almost fatal. Impact with surface was rough, ship's shields immediatelly collapsed and the sound of the deforming hull was deafening. Ship hull integrity was reduced below 20% and most of ship's vital modules were severely damaged. It was another lesson learned in a very hard way, but thankfully she survived ... for now ...
After she got initial shock under control
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Let's Play Freelancer Crossfire: Mission 5
WARNING: People participating in the drinking game "whenever something explodes near Edison Trent, take a shot" are strongly encouraged to overthink their life choices and at least downgrade it to a sip.
So, we stopped Intermission 4 on our way to Planet Cambridge. To start Mission 5, land on Planet Cambridge and go to the Bar. The cutscene will start automatically.
Trent: Hey.
Trent walks up to Juni
Juni: I was wondering when you'd show.
(Yeah, riiiight. It took almost 10 months.)
Trent: Did you find Quintane?
Juni: That's the thing. The good doctor has just disappeared.
Trent: You mean like the others?
Juni: No, not like them. This one left a trail. But I need your help, Trent. Are you with me?
It's kinda funny how we still rely on the LSF intel for difficulty. Even considering that LSF intel has somehow missed Rheinland ships back in Mission 3.
"Accept" clicked
Trent: taht's why I'm here. Count me in.
Juni: Good. What do you know about xenoarcheology?
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Intermission 4
WARNING: Once again, by the time we'll be done with this Intermission our equipment loadout will go deep into overkill territory.
Okay. So. We've got free reign over most of Sirius sector. Let's get back to trying to get the killiest set of equipment.
First order of business is getting a new ship. I opted for Seahorse on Planet Harris in Tau-31 (Leeds->Stokes Smelter->Tau-31 jump hole, there fly to Harris right after the jump gate). This will fix our Bounty Hunter reputation. You can ignore this step and deal with Bounty Hunters being hostile if you want.
Then let's go to Kusari. In Tau-31: from Leeds jump gate -> Outpost Holman -> Tau-29 jump gate. In Tau-29 go along trade lanes.
I did some missions in Kyushu. I recommend doing missions against Blood Dragons. Yes, their Dragons have a tricky hitbox, but they drop Lieutenant Escape Pods which cost 100K credits each.
Once the cargo bay is full, let's find a prison to drop them off. It's located in Shikoku. There is a shortcut,
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Note: this article may contain references to the biography of Martind Forlon.
Commander Forlon has awakended in pilot's chair of his Hathor with a very sore head. Beer botles lying in big numbers on the floor around the chair were perfectly fiting to the mood he was in for no less as last few weeks. It all started with a messsage from a courier returning from Colonia region which was paid to search all information about Karina or her's ships which she owned and used on her exploration journey. The courier was able found numerous traces of her travel on stations along route to the Colonia, but it were two months already when she left the Polo Harbour, which is one from last stops before Colonia region where she not arrived yet. There were countless reasons why it could happen, including exploration of free space which looks there much different to the Bubble. Forlon also knew well that space can be very dangerous ... still, it was him who opened access to the stars for her, and just the
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