Blog Articles in Category “General”

    ...Nommos, according to Dogon legend, lived on a planet orbiting another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an "ark" that descended with great noise and wind.

    It was the Nommos who brought the knowledge of Sirius B to the Dogon.

    They provided the Dogon with some interesting information about our Solar System: that the planet Jupiter has four main moons, that Saturn has rings, and that the planets revolve around the Sun. These are all facts that Westerners discovered only after Galileo invented the telescope.

    Zvijezda Sirius A i Sirius B

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    У Малију, у западној Африци, живи племе људи који се зову Догони. Верује се да је племе Догона египатског порекла, а њихово знање о астрономији сеже хиљадама година уназад, чак 3200. године пре нове ере.

    Према традицији Догона, звезда Сиријус има звезду пратиоца која је невидљива људском оку. Ова звезда пратилац има 50-годишњу елиптичну орбиту око видљивог Сиријуса и изузетно је тешка. Такође се ротира око своје осе.

    Ова древна племенска легенда би можда пала у забрани да је два француска антрополога, Марсело Гриоле и Жермен Дитерлен, нису забележила од четири догонска свештеника 1930-их.

    Можда звучи невероватно, али се испоставило да је ова легенда о Догонима истине. Како су људи који нису поседовали астрономске инструменте знали толико о невидљивој звезди?

    Звезда, коју научници зову Сиријус Б, није ни фотографисана све до 1970. године када је то урадио велики телескоп. Та фотографија Сиријуса Б била је доказ да веровања Догона нису само легенде.

    Према усменом предању

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    Damn... Well, its THAT time of the year. Sitting home near the fireplace, browsing the web, doing absolutely nothing. And then, boom, it strikes me. I'm a senior, what the heck am I going to do with my life? I've been browsing colleges, academies, all kinds of schools looking for something that may poke my interest. So far, just one. IT Academy. Enough choices, perfectly balanced studies plan, and what I was looking for the most, certificates that are valid worldwide. Now don't get me wrong, they all got certificates, but most of them are just valid in the place I live, the Balkans. So far, I'm really into this, as it has 2 things I'd like to apply for. It's either Programming, which is very thorough, with enough things to study, and alot of free will while studying, and than there's Multimedia. I already have the basic knowledge for this, and I'm torn apart here. Pick programming, which is awesome, or pick multimedia, for which i already got basic (well, lets say intermediate)

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    When I'm not cruising the Crossfire Universe

    Usually a few times a day I'm reigning carnage down upon my enemies here:

    Medal of Honor Allied Assualt MP - [<MLS> Major League Stoners ] TFA server, as Death Becomes You.
    Believe it or not these servers are very active even to this day, and from what I've heard way better then the new MoH servers.

    Whenever I need some good 'ol FPS in my day, I log on - Kill, Carnage, Mayhem, & Death then log off...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that was refreshing - Now back to Crossfire!

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    I could nt expect such the interesy to my top work with "Chronicles of Guardian" books.

    Well... It's pretty basic work with paint but much better than nothing when I'm working with my book. So, that map is special translation version. But it's only the part of the whole event map.

    I hope someone will enjoy it.

    P.S. CF is the "World of Technologies II" here.

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