Blog Articles in Category “Freelancer”

    Ajay's Diary: Sudden Surge.

    Well, the day seemed to promise nothing, I thought, lying on my bed inside the makeshift living room in the cargo bay of my Basilisk and reading some "Horus Heresy" books on my personal console. I've been waiting on Mirtrak for a second day since I've made a quick visit to Sirius, and thought about already going back.
    But then, a signal interrupted music in my headphones. A new message. From... none other than Flyagin himself.
    Last time I've seen, heard or at least got a message from my commander was last year ago, so I was glad to hear he's doing alive and well.
    Switching from the "Flight Of The Eisenstein"[1], I opened the message and started to read.
    Defense Ministry agreed to start mutual operation with Independent Operations Consortium in Jokusuka. They asked Intelligence agents for assistance, and since you are well-known to Dom'Kavash, in order to take the easiest way to fulfill this mission I've been instructed to send you to do this. You are to

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    I was on my way back from a voyage to Banysia, and was going through Kinak when the tade Lane ahead of me showed signs of travel.
    Since I didn't see any ships in front of me I was a bit perplexed at the activation of a trade lane for what seemed to be, no reason at all.

    I exited the trade lane and saw nothing about, so I docked with the gate and went to Assris.

    Once in Assris I was approaching the last trade lane before the gate to Sorror, and just before I hit the dock button ( F3 ) the trade lane activated as if someone else was behind me.
    I quickly docked with the TL and waited on the other side once I exited, and seconds later here is what I saw...

    Flying around in formation with my invisible friends - Two Cloaked Raiders:





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    Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

    Warning, Warning!..The klaxon sounds...Core Meld Down is Eminent!

    Just my luck, three weeks out in deep space and this happens - Systems Down, processors off line, controls aren't responding!
    Suddenly everything went dead and there I was a drift in Space, no way to navigate, just an emergency backup beacon, and hope someone will find me.

    Two Months later picked up a drift by a lone Scout vessel, and soon towed to the nearest Star Base.
    A systems analysis showed that the software I uploaded prior to my last launch was far to advanced for my ships systems, and slowly but surely lead to catastrophe.

    To prevent this from ever happening again I pooled my resources, went back to square one to rebuild my ship, so not only can it handle today's software but with the ability to upgrade core components, even tomorrows.

    It was a rough road with several out of the dock engine stalls, and chips being fried when I attempted to engage hyper drive giving me Star

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    Diary of Ajay. "Returning to the Source".

    Before fourth wall establishment.
    This is a pure fiction, on-station junk, lot of headcanons, blah blah blah, less of actual events. You've been warned.

    -*Yawn* Oh, my head...
    I reached my glasses, put them on and turned on nightvision mode - it was dark and I needed to find a switch. Reaching it and beginning another morning. After 30 minutes I was ready to get to cockpit and take off. I grabbed my electronic pad and checked my mail account input.
    -Junk, spam, junk, Black Guard Squadron[1] joining offer, spam, spam, junk, spam, junk, junk, spam, Coalition High Command message, junk... Coalition High Command message?
    I opened message.
    "Dear K(NO WAY IN HELL ME WRITTING MY SURNAME HERE) Ivan Ivanovich, Lieutenant of Coalition Intelligence Agency.
    You need to arrive on the board of "CNS Gorlowka" carrier as soon as possible. This is urgent and it is an order.
    Your commanding officer
    Colonel Igor Flyagin."
    -Already a Colonel? About time - I murmured to

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    Waking up in darkness and slapping my hand on the table in search of my glasses. Grabbing them, putting on my nose and trying to recognize where the flak I am. Well... Kurgan gunboat plastic 1:72 model on the table and PKP machine gun under it. Right, I am in my ship. And where correctly? LPI Huntsville, as i understood when took my personal pad.
    Getting shower, dressing uniform and putting my cap on my head, then getting to the cockpit and starting launch sequence.

    -Подождите... Ожидаем авторизации... Личность подтверждена, _______ И.И.- кодовое имя Аджай. Проверка систем.
    Жизнеобеспечение работает.
    Системы радара, РЭБ и связи активированы.
    Проверка идентификационных кодов завершена.
    Двигатели и ускорители в норме.
    Орудийные системы готовы.
    Ракетная установка "Немезида" заряжена.
    Торпедная установка "Солнцеубийца" ожидает цели.
    Блокиратор движения "Москит" готов к запуску.
    Установка самонаводящихся мин "Раскрытие" готова к постановке.
    Ложные тепловые цели инициализированы.

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    Sector Sirius. Oasis system. Orion Outpost. Ship hangar 19-Alpha. CNS I-939 "Stranger" Basilisk-class Space Superiority Fighter.
    I had woken up in my ship's cargo bay, where I had set up small living place - it was cheaper that rent both the room and hangar on station. Quickly getting sonic shower and wearing up - uniform, cap, glasses and gyrojet in the holster - and other morning stuff. Well, another crappy day.
    I left cargo bay and headed to the cockpit, and checked my messages input folder. It was empty, and I haven't hoped else.
    Well, now I am completely feel lost. Nobody ever cared about me... and I haven't noticed it upon now?
    But wait. I am actually left here "for emergencies" by my command. Those emergencies usually are friendly pilots that need additional firepower in Inner Core. Now I am just waiting here for any such an emergency.
    And... Wait. Just wait.
    What did I do in Vega when I was just waiting for mission?
    Right, I was fighting with Outcasts and Corsairs. I wasn't sitting

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    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I have to play my game to get anywhere I want to be in it, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    I love video games, in fact if you don't love them or at least like them why the Hell are you playing them.

    Crossfire is by far the best Mod for Freelancer out there, although I know I have never played the rest, just by reading the description I knew this Mod was the Mod for me.
    No other Mod did what Crossfire did, and I'm still here today going stronger then ever.

    Complain, Complain, Complain.

    Not to get to worked up over this, but I thought I'd post something for the masses, because if I've seen it as many times as I have, I know others will concur.

    Time after Time I've ran into Newbies on Crossfire asking me how to make money here, they try typing in cheat commands that don't work on this server, they cry that they have to do missions or trade goods to make money, they ask you to give them millions of dollars to buy ships that at lower levels aren't that

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    Fanfiction elements are in use. Be aware.
    Very, Very, VERY jammed interception made on Battleship Deliverance. Dom'Kavash decryptors were in-use.
    Appendage to file Ivan_Ajay_K_Diary.dok.

    Waking up again. Gonna go home to meet a New Year. Launching a ship's system check. After some time pre-recorded voice of my ship's internal computer turns on.
    -Подождите... Ожидаем авторизации... Личность подтверждена, _______ И.И.- кодовое имя Аджай. Проверка систем.
    Жизнеобеспечение работает.
    Системы радара, РЭБ и связи активированы.
    Проверка идентификационных кодов завершена.
    Двигатели и ускорители в норме.
    Орудийные системы готовы.
    Ракетная установка "Немезида" заряжена.
    Торпедная установка "Солнцеубийца" ожидает цели.
    Блокиратор движения "Москит" готов к запуску.
    Установка самонаводящихся мин "Раскрытие" готова к постановке.
    Ложные тепловые цели инициализированы.
    Щит "Чемпион-у" готов к запуску.
    Доступ к батареям щита и наноботам готов.
    Системы управления инициализированы.
    ВНИМАНИЕ: в системах

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    Мой сленг для Кроссфайр. На алфавитный порядок можете не надеяться :)
    "Пылесосы" - орудия Kelyrd-ray Projector. Называю я их так из-за характерного звука при стрельбе, скорострельности и урона ("высасывают" корпус очень быстро).
    "Щитобойки" - орудия "Тизона Дель Сид". Иногда называются "Харчки", из-за характерного звука выстрела.
    "Немка" - ракета "Немезида".
    "Катька" - ракета "Катаклизм".
    "Санка" - торпеда "Санслейер".
    "КДхать" - останавливать ракетой-блокиратором. Или спамить этими блокираторами во время боя, а-ля Coup De Grace, в нажежде добить соперника. Пример: "долбанул немкой и откедехал напоследок".
    "Килограмм" - "Коалиционный Гатлинг", из-за сокращения "КГ"
    "Номадки" - орудия Странников. По аналогии "Ансиентки" - орудия Древних.
    "Кодовки" - ну понятно, орудия с кодовым именем. Они же "артефактки".
    "Василек", или "Васька", или "Басик" - истребитель "Василиск". Он же "плоскарь" (из-за плоской формы), он же "живучка" (из-за батареек/ботов).
    "Сара" - истребитель

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    Fanfiction elements are used. Be aware.
    Once again. As usual. Opening a sensor pad and entering security code - stream of expletives, Ajay's style. Enter. Pre-recorded voice turns on.
    -Подождите... Ожидаем авторизации... Личность подтверждена, _______ И.И.- кодовое имя Аджай. Проверка систем.
    Жизнеобеспечение работает.
    Системы радара, РЭБ и связи активированы.
    Проверка идентификационных кодов завершена.
    Двигатели и ускорители в норме.
    Орудийные системы готовы.
    Ракетная установка "Немезида" заряжена.
    Торпедная установка "Солнцеубийца" ожидает цели.
    Блокиратор движения "Москит" готов к запуску.
    Установка самонаводящихся мин готова к постановке.
    Ложные тпловые цели инициализированы.
    Щит "Чемпион-у" готов к запуску.
    Доступ к батареям щита и наноботам готов.
    Системы управления инициализированы.
    Чайный пакетик заряжен в кружку, чай будет готов в ближайшее время.
    CNS "И-939 Бродяга", истребитель космического превосходства класса "Василиск" полностю готов к взлету.
    (-Please stand by... Awaiting

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