The Eastern Coalition (or Coalition for short) formed on Earth from Russian, Chinese and Middle-Eastern colonies. It started a war with Western Alliance, causing it to flee to Sirius Sector and soon themselves were forced to exile by Nomads and Dom'Kavash. |
1. History
Somebody who knows Starlancer good, add please some history, dates, etc, or maybe I will ... TBA
1.1. Their Own Medicine
Soon after Alliance sleeper ships left the Earth, Dom'Kavash and their Nomads servants attacked the Sol system. Unable to fight overwhelming odds, Coalition launched their own sleeper-ships: CNS Stalin, CNS Moscow and CNS Minsk. CNS Stalin reached Sirius sector, but was destroyed by Nomads. Moscow and Minsk, however, reached a system in Altair Sector which soon earned the name "Sovetskaya" ("Soviet system").
1.2. Still Alive and Found the Cake
Soon after The Order discovered CNS Stalin wreck, they caught the track of a smuggler Jack Blinch. Smuggler was knowing something and hid that data in a three separate containers. When one of Order pilots discovered the wreck, strange coordinates to Sol system were found. A strange sight was discovered by Order on those coordinates: the Transdimesional Rift that led to Altair Sector. System in which Rift was leading to - called Styx - contained, beside of Nomad outpost and swarms of Nomad ships, also human-made jumpgates.Answer to question "Who made those gates" came a couple of systems later, where three gunboats with fighter escort were waiting. Three gunboats with red stars painted on their hull. Coalition ships.
1.3. The Enemy of My Enemy
With the return of the factions that once were Alliance things became clear for Coalition: fighting a war against two enemies is hopeless. But there were reasons to turn one enemy into friend. Soon after the discovery, Coalition sent a diplomatic mission to Sol, to stop the discord between human factions. Offer was accepted and soon the Order diplomatic mission arrived to Sovetskaya. And The Order and Coalition made their first mutual operation, discovering the systems from Hieron to Menton.
1.4. Together We Stand
This part is reserved to CF 2.0. that will make things clear. Assumption made of Dom'Kavash ships no longer attacking Coalition in SP after IC quest is done.
2. About the Coalition
2.1. Community
We don't get any lore information about Coalition society. It can be either completely militaristic, or socialism akin to different USSR times.
2.2. Splitting
As a state, Coalition features quality that rare Sirius House can show: unity - either shipment and logistic companies, civilians, police forces, military or State Security are identified as "Coalition", only splinter faction is Coalition Rogues. This unity could be caused by totalitarian or authoritarian society, where all companies belong to the state.
2.3. Resources
There isn't a lot of valuable asteroid fields that are in Altair, but for Coalition it isn't something to worry about. All their needs are covered by Planet Murmansk mining operation that both made the planet habitable and allowed Coalition to mine the metal directly from planet's liquid core, allowing Coalition to rebuild their power.
2.4. Military Might
Lore-wise, Coalition Space Navy isn't at its good days now. War with Dom'Kavash caused lot of losses in manpower and resources, while Coalition Rogues do their "best" to disrupt their supply lines.But in-game, we can see how many heavy ships are flying around in some Coalition systems and note the lore dissonance. But both in lore and in game, Coalition navy is well-equipped. While big ships don't pose much a threat due to weak turrets, their fighters are dangerous, they usually fly ships with stats similar to player's ship and have advantage in numbers (they fly in wings of two, or in three with Goliath transporter, or four when escorting capital ship) and in mounting five (sixth hardpoint is used for missile launcher) Coalition Gatlings. Against more powerful Dom'Kavash gunboats or overwhelming Nomads fighters wings they usually fail hardly, however they can assist player in destruction of said foes. Coalition Rogues fighters are equal to Coalition ones, so everything depends only of ship stats and quantity.
2.5. Technology
Back to Coalition War, Coalition was a lot ahead of Alliance in terms of military tech. Jumpgates, cloaking technology and heavy Ion Cannons were stunning display of that. However during the exile, it haven't changed much. All the ion cannons, jumpgates and cloaks Coalition uses now are mostly the same. Even ship designs haven't changed - only weaponry and internals got upgrades. It haven't changed much, but it haven't stayed the same - as proves some developments like Coalition Gatlings or warp buoys.
2.6. Reputation
Deeds made by Coalition during the Alliance war was something that is hard to live down. Prisoners were taken very rarely and were held in awful conditions. Coalition were the first to use cloaking technology at war - in the hands of merciless Black Guard Squadron. It is still unknown, if faction has changed, as there barely is any lore information. Still, people in Sirius doesn't tend to trust Coalition completely, and it is mutual - Coalition takes 3,750 000 credits to grant the allowance to their systems.
2.7. Diplomacy
Coalition is neutral to most Sirius factions, as they don't have crossings, except for Order. Main Coalition enemy are Dom'Kavash and Nomads, however in SP Campaign when you return from Inner Core Sector, Dom'Kavash doesn't fights Coalition anymore, leaving only nomads as a threat. Their secondary enemy are Coalition Rogues, that are committing piracy acts throughout most of Coalition space. If you will buy two Coalition bribes in Multiplayer, you will be able to change your affiliation to Coalition one, however it will also make you hostile to Coalition Rogues. In Single-player (SP), when you return from Inner Core sector, you become hostile to Coalition Rogues. Coalition is neutral to ASF/CSF conflict or is sided with ASF.
3. Territory
Er Riad | Gagarin | Gladius * | Guangdong | Gurm * |
Kalinin | Meschhed | Nedjef * | New Beijing | New Hongkong |
New Mekka | Sovetskaya ** | Tomsk * | Vorkuta | Yakutsk * |
* System doesn't have any dockable base
** Headquarters
4. Bases
5. Equipment
* - this piece of equipment can be only looted from wrecks.
All guns overview with stats can be find HERE.
6. Ships
6.1. Fighters
Note: Only fighters that are used by Coalition (playable).
6.2. Heavy and capital military ships
6.3. Non-combat ships
- Scimitar-class
- Saladin-class
- Goliath-class
7. Known Facts
- Coalition fighters use Sirius-made equipment like Catapult Missile Launcher, Starkiller torpedo launcher, thrusters, etc. Also only weapon they sell AND use is Coalition Gatling.
- Coalition Warp Buoys are impossible to disrupt like trade lanes. (Note: will change in CF 2.0)
- Most, if not all of Coalition capital ships have Russian names (like Bratsk or Irkutsk - named after towns), despite the fact that Coalition also includes China and Middle East. Same is with fighter pilots names, which also on occasion have diminutive names displayed.
[1] We barely have any canon lore information about both Coalition or Coalition Rogues.