1. Description
The prison ship Huntsville, under the control of Liberty Police, Inc. (LPI), is commonly referred to by prisoners and locals alike as "The Wall." Xenos make up a large percentage of the population and are isolated here to minimize exposure to other inmates in the penal system. Apart from the prisoners and jailers, the Bounty Hunters Guild also maintains an on board presence in the event of any unforeseen escape attempts.
2. Stats
- CLASS: Tantalus
- GRAVITY: Complete
- DOCKING: Restricted
- AMENITIES: Limited
- OWNER: Liberty Police, Inc. (Police)
- SYSTEM: Texas
3. Ships
- no ships available
4. Equipment to buy
4.1. Guns & Missiles & Turrets
- Eraser Missile
- Javelin Missile
- Justice Mk I
- Justice Mk II
- Justice Mk III
- Justice Turret Mk I
- Justice Turret Mk II
- Lavablade Mk I
- Lavablade Mk II
- Lavablade Mk III
- Magma Hammer Mk I
- Slingshot Missile
- Stalker Missile
- Sweeper Missile
- Vengeance Mk I
- Wasp Cruise Disruptor
- Windstalker Missile