Blog Articles by Ajay

    Waking up in darkness and slapping my hand on the table in search of my glasses. Grabbing them, putting on my nose and trying to recognize where the flak I am. Well... Kurgan gunboat plastic 1:72 model on the table and PKP machine gun under it. Right, I am in my ship. And where correctly? LPI Huntsville, as i understood when took my personal pad.
    Getting shower, dressing uniform and putting my cap on my head, then getting to the cockpit and starting launch sequence.

    -Подождите... Ожидаем авторизации... Личность подтверждена, _______ И.И.- кодовое имя Аджай. Проверка систем.
    Жизнеобеспечение работает.
    Системы радара, РЭБ и связи активированы.
    Проверка идентификационных кодов завершена.
    Двигатели и ускорители в норме.
    Орудийные системы готовы.
    Ракетная установка "Немезида" заряжена.
    Торпедная установка "Солнцеубийца" ожидает цели.
    Блокиратор движения "Москит" готов к запуску.
    Установка самонаводящихся мин "Раскрытие" готова к постановке.
    Ложные тепловые цели инициализированы.

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    Sector Sirius. Oasis system. Orion Outpost. Ship hangar 19-Alpha. CNS I-939 "Stranger" Basilisk-class Space Superiority Fighter.
    I had woken up in my ship's cargo bay, where I had set up small living place - it was cheaper that rent both the room and hangar on station. Quickly getting sonic shower and wearing up - uniform, cap, glasses and gyrojet in the holster - and other morning stuff. Well, another crappy day.
    I left cargo bay and headed to the cockpit, and checked my messages input folder. It was empty, and I haven't hoped else.
    Well, now I am completely feel lost. Nobody ever cared about me... and I haven't noticed it upon now?
    But wait. I am actually left here "for emergencies" by my command. Those emergencies usually are friendly pilots that need additional firepower in Inner Core. Now I am just waiting here for any such an emergency.
    And... Wait. Just wait.
    What did I do in Vega when I was just waiting for mission?
    Right, I was fighting with Outcasts and Corsairs. I wasn't sitting

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    Fanfiction elements are in use. Be aware.
    Very, Very, VERY jammed interception made on Battleship Deliverance. Dom'Kavash decryptors were in-use.
    Appendage to file Ivan_Ajay_K_Diary.dok.

    Waking up again. Gonna go home to meet a New Year. Launching a ship's system check. After some time pre-recorded voice of my ship's internal computer turns on.
    -Подождите... Ожидаем авторизации... Личность подтверждена, _______ И.И.- кодовое имя Аджай. Проверка систем.
    Жизнеобеспечение работает.
    Системы радара, РЭБ и связи активированы.
    Проверка идентификационных кодов завершена.
    Двигатели и ускорители в норме.
    Орудийные системы готовы.
    Ракетная установка "Немезида" заряжена.
    Торпедная установка "Солнцеубийца" ожидает цели.
    Блокиратор движения "Москит" готов к запуску.
    Установка самонаводящихся мин "Раскрытие" готова к постановке.
    Ложные тепловые цели инициализированы.
    Щит "Чемпион-у" готов к запуску.
    Доступ к батареям щита и наноботам готов.
    Системы управления инициализированы.
    ВНИМАНИЕ: в системах

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    Мой сленг для Кроссфайр. На алфавитный порядок можете не надеяться :)
    "Пылесосы" - орудия Kelyrd-ray Projector. Называю я их так из-за характерного звука при стрельбе, скорострельности и урона ("высасывают" корпус очень быстро).
    "Щитобойки" - орудия "Тизона Дель Сид". Иногда называются "Харчки", из-за характерного звука выстрела.
    "Немка" - ракета "Немезида".
    "Катька" - ракета "Катаклизм".
    "Санка" - торпеда "Санслейер".
    "КДхать" - останавливать ракетой-блокиратором. Или спамить этими блокираторами во время боя, а-ля Coup De Grace, в нажежде добить соперника. Пример: "долбанул немкой и откедехал напоследок".
    "Килограмм" - "Коалиционный Гатлинг", из-за сокращения "КГ"
    "Номадки" - орудия Странников. По аналогии "Ансиентки" - орудия Древних.
    "Кодовки" - ну понятно, орудия с кодовым именем. Они же "артефактки".
    "Василек", или "Васька", или "Басик" - истребитель "Василиск". Он же "плоскарь" (из-за плоской формы), он же "живучка" (из-за батареек/ботов).
    "Сара" - истребитель

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    Fanfiction elements are used. Be aware.
    Once again. As usual. Opening a sensor pad and entering security code - stream of expletives, Ajay's style. Enter. Pre-recorded voice turns on.
    -Подождите... Ожидаем авторизации... Личность подтверждена, _______ И.И.- кодовое имя Аджай. Проверка систем.
    Жизнеобеспечение работает.
    Системы радара, РЭБ и связи активированы.
    Проверка идентификационных кодов завершена.
    Двигатели и ускорители в норме.
    Орудийные системы готовы.
    Ракетная установка "Немезида" заряжена.
    Торпедная установка "Солнцеубийца" ожидает цели.
    Блокиратор движения "Москит" готов к запуску.
    Установка самонаводящихся мин готова к постановке.
    Ложные тпловые цели инициализированы.
    Щит "Чемпион-у" готов к запуску.
    Доступ к батареям щита и наноботам готов.
    Системы управления инициализированы.
    Чайный пакетик заряжен в кружку, чай будет готов в ближайшее время.
    CNS "И-939 Бродяга", истребитель космического превосходства класса "Василиск" полностю готов к взлету.
    (-Please stand by... Awaiting

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    Well, yesterday I begun to wander in space... but decided to buy armor for battleship. I bought it on Sol, then moved it to Shikoku by my primary char, transferred it to BS with help of GrandAndreas. I remembered that my storage char is neutral with GC, and, using it, bought Adv. Hydroxin thrusters (2 for bullpup, 1 for Basilisk) on Ainu and transfered one of them to main char (on this time thanks for Solyaris aka AL aka VezdeSyshyi, another russian player, who helped me since my second day online). Then I warmonger Ainu Depot. After gathering whole cargo bay of Sergeant and lieutenant pods, I switched to fighter and continued wandering, on this time I visited Helios... and got a distress call from VezdeSyShyi. He was leaving Altair, but lost thruster and was unable to fight off Nomads. I bought a Adv Thruster on FP9, had breakthrough to Lower Unknown and begun to fight with those Nomad fighters. He jumped in from Yakutsk and headed to Primus planet, then I began to ensuring safe

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    So, dont believe I am writing here again. I can say what did i done in missing days:
    -Got another char with battleship Osiris.
    -Bought Bullpup Mk3 for storage char. The trophy Nyses'o Blaster is now mounted on it.
    -Moved my primary char to Vega for farming.
    That had a bad side, though. I spent almost all deposit money (140 mils), so I apologize, but I for some time won't be able to help you this way :)
    So, today from morning I got 7200000$ in Vega (in one sucsessful take-off from planet) by primary char, then switched to battleship and made a raid to Ainu Depot. I got 6 mils and leaved.
    When I returned, I did that again, on this time I wasted not so much time, then I switched back to Basilisk, got some outcasts in Vega (once it was a real slaughter, but I managed it out - seems like I am becoming more tough), and then I returned to battleship... and decided to go and get some Outcasts with battleship in Tau-37. They were not so tough, and I was feeling like yelling "FIR3 T3H BR0ADSID3!!!",

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    Well, after some exploring I decided that I got nothing to do in Inner Core and headed back. Thanks to GrandAndreas's maps I had a coordinats for every hole. And then I returned back to Sovetskaya again.
    *Fan-fiction begins here*
    Ajay landed his scarped, spacedust-stained and fully-outfitted Basilisk on the Planet Murmansk, on landing pad near main town's outskirts. It was already afternoon.
    -Well, welcome back to home. At least I will take a bath and will get drunk. Dom'Kavash could be nice gu... aliens, but they have not first nor second - as usually, Ajay murmured to himself. - Hell, I think my fidel ship needs bath too. And I will need to repaint it. Hmm, I am just like my ship.
    After some time Ajay came home again. The first thing he took in hands was his homephone. As usual - nobody called and nobody left a message. No one cares.
    -Aha, everything is all flakking right. Nice. Now, let's do everything I wanted.
    On another day Ajay was awaken by an electronic video agent call.

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    Today I moved to Ainu Depot again. On this time I cripled the depot itself. I landed on Shinjuku when ion storm begun, i left for forum... and forgot tha I am on Shinjuku (I thought that I am on Roppongi). So I understood tht I took the wrong direction when I already was in Kuyshu. I decided to go to Alaska, and improvise what to do there. I done there two missions and returned to NY. Then i again flew to Kusari, paid a visit to Ainu depot (to lower the popuation of crazy feminists in Kusari and to increase the population of creds in my pocket), then again flew to X-3043, again arrived to Alaska, ang again flew from Alaska to Alpha, farming some o-casts there. Then I headed to Shikoku. by the way I was telling advices to Illuha, another russian player (he headed to Altair, so I helped him with advice).
    On another day I joined server lately. I had some talkings with R@F1, (Fallen)Ward and Aurel, while going to Omicron Alpha again. This time I was just staying near jumphole to Tau-37.

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    Yesterday I moved to Vega to farm some o-casts again. Then I moved to X-3043, then decided to check my skills with |LC|Soul. I got him two times with Nemesis, and he took me down 5-6 or more times. If I will say that Basilisk is not the best ship for PvP, I will shrink the reality - Basilisk is not for PvP at all. But PvP is not my primary requirement, right? And Basilisk was holding itself even with a handful of HP (Just like a IRL attack plane Su-25 "Frogfoot", able to fly with one engine and huge amount of holes).
    Then I headed to Kusari, but made a travel to Earth to take a photo of Lake Baikal (Deepest lake of IRL world... And I was born near it).
    So, yesterday I landed on Leeds. Really, nothing interesting happened.
    Today I decided to take one more travel to Omicron Alpha, to farm some Outcasts. Unlike the SP I didn't gone rambo with killing@stealing, I took a sneaky way southern Omicron Alpha. Firstly I came closer to Hispania wreck (still remember, how I was exploring vanilla

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