Diary of Alay - X-ray+11/X-ray+12

Today I moved to Ainu Depot again. On this time I cripled the depot itself. I landed on Shinjuku when ion storm begun, i left for forum... and forgot tha I am on Shinjuku (I thought that I am on Roppongi). So I understood tht I took the wrong direction when I already was in Kuyshu. I decided to go to Alaska, and improvise what to do there. I done there two missions and returned to NY. Then i again flew to Kusari, paid a visit to Ainu depot (to lower the popuation of crazy feminists in Kusari and to increase the population of creds in my pocket), then again flew to X-3043, again arrived to Alaska, ang again flew from Alaska to Alpha, farming some o-casts there. Then I headed to Shikoku. by the way I was telling advices to Illuha, another russian player (he headed to Altair, so I helped him with advice).
On another day I joined server lately. I had some talkings with R@F1, (Fallen)Ward and Aurel, while going to Omicron Alpha again. This time I was just staying near jumphole to Tau-37. Then, as usually: Tau-Alpha->X->Alaska->X->Custodian->NY. BTW, i found nice cover for chatting and idling in Omicron Alpha (only for slim ships!). Then again: back to NY. Then Bucket offered me to go to Inner Core. I agreed. All of us did the way to Omega 3 and then we jumped to Inner Core system. Then we, together with CharlieBucket and Rafi made "RUN FLAKKING RUN" trip to Weth. I got CDed in Jormdar and Bucket covered me , while I was leaving... I am thankful for that. Then Bucket changed char to BucketHunter and decided to get to Jormdar to hunt some savage. I agreed. We made short hunt because we all got an afternoon and needed to go to sleep. The only time it was close - that was when we got followed by Nepesh and they wiped more than 3/4 of my hull. The rest was really fine.
Actually, I got 1 trophy weapon Nyses'o Blaster for now.
well... Savage were tough. That was really hard to avoid those W'ar-sys. Especially on heavily armored ship. But Dom'Nepesh... They are dangerous too, but their ships have almost no agility! And they were flakking big, and easy to hit. I even don't under-flakking-stand, HOW did they defeated Savage. Or maybe they first defeated Savage and then turned lazy... Or they zergrushed them, kekeke ^_^.

"Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
-Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

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