
Crossfire universe offers for your ships various equipment which can improve ship abilities, add special functions or even can change ship look!


Name Range
Countermeasure Dropper 1000 70%
Imp. Countermeasure Dropper 1000 80%
Adv. Countermeasure Dropper 1000 90%

Tractor Beams

Range (m) Reach Speed (m/s)
Light Tractor Beam 1500 1000
Medium Tractor Beam 5000 2000
Heavy Tractor Beam 10000 3000


Reg. Rate
Armet H. F. Shield 1 10 490 Positron
Armet L. F. Shield 1 10 450 Positron
Sentry L. F. Shield 1 13 600 Graviton
Rampart H. F. Shield 1 10 490 Molecular
Sentry H. F. Shield 1 14 654 Graviton
Armet Fr. Shield 1 12 570 Positron
Sentry Fr. Shield 1 17 765 Graviton
Rampart Fr. Shield 1 12 570 Molecular
Rampart L. F. Shield 1 10 450 Molecular
Adv. Rampart H. F. Shield 2 14 670 Molecular
Adv. Rampart Fr. Shield 2 17 790 Molecular
Adv. Sentry H. F. Shield 2 19 894 Graviton
Adv. Rampart L. F. Shield 2 13 620 Molecular
Adv. Armet L. F. Shield 2 13 620 Positron
Adv. Sentry Fr. Shield 2 23 1047 Graviton
Adv. Armet Fr. Shield 2 17 790 Positron
Adv. Sentry L. F. Shield 2 18 821 Graviton
Adv. Armet H. F. Shield 2 14 670 Positron
Cuisse L. F. Shield 3 18 840 Positron
Cuisse Fr. Shield 3 24 1080 Positron
Sconce H. F. Shield 3 20 920 Molecular
Guardian H. F. Shield 3 27 1225 Graviton
Guardian L. F. Shield 3 25 1124 Graviton
Sconce L. F. Shield 3 18 840 Molecular
Sconce Fr. Shield 3 24 1080 Molecular
Cuisse H. F. Shield 3 20 920 Positron
Guardian Fr. Shield 3 31 1433 Graviton
Adv. Sconce L. F. Shield 4 25 1150 Molecular
Adv. Guardian H. F. Shield 4 37 1677 Graviton
Adv. Cuisse Fr. Shield 4 32 1470 Positron
Adv. Cuisse H. F. Shield 4 28 1260 Positron
Adv. Sconce Fr. Shield 4 32 1470 Molecular
Adv. Guardian L. F. Shield 4 34 1539 Graviton
Adv. Cuisse L. F. Shield 4 25 1150 Positron
Adv. Sconce H. F. Shield 4 28 1260 Molecular
Adv. Guardian Fr. Shield 4 43 1962 Graviton
Sentinel Fr. Shield 5 59 2687 Graviton
Pourpoint H. F. Shield 5 38 1720 Positron
Pourpoint Fr. Shield 5 44 2020 Positron
Palisade Fr. Shield 5 44 2020 Molecular
Palisade H. F. Shield 5 38 1720 Molecular
Palisade L. F. Shield 5 35 1580 Molecular
Pourpoint L. F. Shield 5 35 1580 Positron
Sentinel H. F. Shield 5 51 2296 Graviton
Sentinel L. F. Shield 5 46 2107 Graviton
Adv. Palisade H. F. Shield 6 52 2360 Molecular
Adv. Palisade Fr. Shield 6 61 2760 Molecular
Adv. Sentinel L. F. Shield 6 64 2884 Graviton
Adv. Pourpoint L. F. Shield 6 48 2160 Positron
Adv. Pourpoint Fr. Shield 6 61 2760 Positron
Adv. Palisade L. F. Shield 6 48 2160 Molecular
Adv. Pourpoint H. F. Shield 6 52 2360 Positron
Adv. Sentinel Fr. Shield 6 81 3677 Graviton
Adv. Sentinel H. F. Shield 6 69 3143 Graviton
Order H. F. Shield 6 69 3143 Graviton
Bulwark Fr. Shield 7 84 3780 Molecular
Aegis Fr. Shield 7 84 3780 Positron
Aegis H. F. Shield 7 71 3230 Positron
Protector L. F. Shield 7 87 3948 Graviton
Aegis L. F. Shield 7 65 2960 Positron
Bulwark H. F. Shield 7 71 3230 Molecular
Protector Fr. Shield 7 111 5034 Graviton
Protector H. F. Shield 7 95 4303 Graviton
Bulwark L. F. Shield 7 65 2960 Molecular
Adv. Bulwark L. F. Shield 8 90 4050 Molecular
Adv. Protector H.F. Shield 8 130 5890 Graviton
Adv. Aegis H. F. Shield 8 98 4420 Positron
Adv. Aegis L. F. Shield 8 90 4050 Positron
Adv. Protector L. F. Shield 8 120 5404 Graviton
Adv. Bulwark H. F. Shield 8 98 4420 Molecular
Brigandine H. F. Shield 9 134 6050 Positron
Barrier H. F. Shield 9 134 6050 Molecular
Champion H. F. Shield 9 179 8063 Graviton
Adv. Barrier H. F. Shield 10 184 8280 Molecular
Adv. Brigandine H. F. Shield 10 184 8280 Positron
Adv. Barrier H. F. Shield MK II 10 241 10738 Molecular
Adv. Brigandine H. F. Shield MK II 10 239 10892 Positron
Adv. Champion H.F. Shield 10 245 11038 Graviton
Sup. Aegis Fr. Shield (clan base product) 7 184 7780 Positron
Sup. Aegis L. F. Shield (clan base product) 8 150 6020 Positron
Sup. Brigandine H. F. Shield (clan base product) 10 249 12152 Positron


Max Force Power Usage Max Speed
Thruster 72.0 165 200
Order Thruster 72.0 150 200
Deluxe Thruster 72.0 150 200
Heavy Thruster 72.0 133 200
Advanced Thruster 72.0 125 200
Helium Polymer Thruster 75.6 125 206
Advanced Helium Polymer Thruster 75.6 110 206
Xenon Thruster 79.2 125 212
Advanced Xenon Thruster 79.2 115 212
Hydroxin Thruster 82.8 125 218
Advanced Hydroxin Thruster 82.8 120 218
Superior Helium Thruster (clan base product) 75.6
90 206
Superior Hydroxin Thruster (clan base product) 84.8
105 221
Superior Xenon Thruster (clan base product) 86.0
115 223


IMPORTANT: Each one container uses 400! units of the cargo space (NEW in 2.0) and can be equipped only on Train or Soulforge Train ships. Theirs trading routes and prices are PRESET (and unaffected by dynamic economy) - between all main NPCs factions planets in Sol (Earth) and Sirius (Planet Manhattan, Planet New London, Planet New Berlin, Planet New Tokyo, Planet Malta, Planet Crete). Containers can be there purchased in equipment stores, they works like any other ship equipment (trains have 4 or 6 extra equipment slots for them). If is your ship destroyed (NPCs, player) and you re-spawn, you will still have all those containers. In combat they can be damaged or destroyed.

Damaged container have lower sell price!


Scan Range Cargo Scan Price
Scanner 2.500 2.000 $5.000
Deep Scanner 5.000 2.000 $100.000
Adv. Deep Scanner 7.500 6.000 $1.000.000
Subspace Scanner 10.000 8.000 $5.000.000
Adv. Subspace Scanner 12.500 10.000 $9.999.999


IMPORTANT: Each playable ship on the Crossfire server is equipped with two license slots intended for server role-play purposes. The Crossfire server accommodates two types of role-play: Basic (Pirate License, Police License, Mercenary License & Smuggler License) and Special (ASF_License & CSF_License). Players can assign only one basic and one special license to any of their ships. A distinct arrangement is applicable to server clans, wherein clan members uniformly utilize the same license, either for basic or special role-play, as per the internal decision of each clan.

Power Generators

Capacity Charge Rate Price
Power Generator MK I 10.400 1.140 $1.909.000
Power Generator MK II 10.400 1.240 $3.256.567
Power Generator MK III 10.400 1.340 $5.674.531
Power Generator MK IV 10.400 1.440 $7.307.873
Power Generator MK V 10.400 1.540 $9.578.765

WARNING: Once you buy and equip any Power Generator (PG) it becomes an integral part of your ship replacing the ship's original reactor. NEVER UNEQUIP AND SELL THIS PG! - If you do this, you will irreparably damage your character! If you want to unequip PG for transfer (for new ship or other character), and not do irreparable damage your character then look on How to safe unequip Power Generator!

Is also strongly advised do not equip power generators on ships with "infinite" energy like are trains, liners, battleships etc. ... if was done, it may be very costly experience for you. You can remove power generator only with buy another ship.

Shield Upgrades

Shield regeneration
raised by
Shield Upgrade MK I 2 units $1.132.876
Shield Upgrade MK II 4 units $1.876.987
Shield Upgrade MK III 6 units $2.567.876
Shield Upgrade MK IV 8 units $3.876.543
Shield Upgrade MK V 10 units $4.767.666
Shield Upgrade MK VI 12 units $5.655.768
Shield Upgrade MK VII 14 units $6.987.654
Shield Upgrade MK VIII 16 units $7.543.298
Shield Upgrade MK IX 18 units $8.453.432
Shield Upgrade MK X 20 units $9.467.677

All Shield Upgrades are equipment lvl 9 (this means that they can't be used on most freighters) and helps raise shield regeneration on your ship.

Armor Upgrades

Hull add % Price
Armor Class 1 10 % $1.000.000
Armor Class 2 20 % $2.000.000
Armor Class 3 30 % $3.000.000
Armor Class 4 40 % $4.000.000
Armor Class 5 50 % $5.000.000
Armor Class 6 60 % $6.000.000
Armor Class 7 70 % $7.000.000
Armor Class 8 80 % $8.000.000
Armor Class 9 90 % $9.000.000
Armor Class 10 100 % $9.999.999

Those armor upgrades will add more resistance to your ship hull. Downside is that they will add more mass - loss of maneuverability and bigger inertia effect! Can be purchased on Planet Crossfire (X-3043) and Earth (Sol).

Weight Reductions

Name Cargo Reduction Hull Reduction
Weight Reduction Kit MK I 30 50%
Weight Reduction Kit MK II 40 75%
Weight Reduction Kit MK III 60 100%

Upside is less Inertia, faster (a bit) acceleration and strafe. Downside is cargo space reduction.
