With Crossfire 2.0 come significant support for the Crossfire clans which are the backbone of the server environment. This has getting done by introduced new set of features just for the clans. With the new Clan management system the Clan leaders get the option to let Freelancers join their clan and rename theirs characters (adding clan tag), so these new members do not have to create new characters and lose their progress on the old chars. Next to that, the Clans are allowed to build own big modular stations (access can be restricted) which needs money and huge amount of commodities for each new module. These stations on higher levels sells special ships, build special ship equipment and also can manufacture energy crystals needed for cloaking device. Clan bases have also bar (one from early level) where local NPCs offers missions in nearby space and base can store various stuff, including escape pods. Clan leader have also ability set for the clan system an "Welcome message", which will inform every visitor about rules for this system ... no one can now say, like in the past, that he wasn't informed ...
NEW - Crossfire clans overview is now available in dedicated portal section: Clan - SWAT Portal . Leading of each clan can there fully manage all informations related to clan's chosen role-play (pirates, smugglers, police, mercenary), internal rules, recruiting or clan system. Each clan have there also private space (forum) which allows build own forum structure and store informations or discussions which should be accessible only by clan members.
NEW - Crossfire mod Systems renting service is available here: Shop - SWAT Portal . The current fee for the possibility to use clan benefits on the server, which is used to maintain the operation of the server for the Crossfire mod, is set at 10 euros per month. Every registered user of the portal now has the option to pay (sponsor) a monthly fee(s) for the selected system. Each registered user of the portal now also has the opportunity to see whether the monthy fees for selected clan systems are paid in a given calendar year. The rent system in its current form is open / fair and gives a level playing field for each clan. If the clan has temporary problems with payment (RL matters are always the first), it is advisable to discuss this privately with the server administrator as soon as possible. Without the rent paid, the clan base will be switched off first, and then (if the payment is not renewed) the system will be opened for rent to other interested parties. Without prior communication with the server administrator, the removal of clan benefits will take place without further warning.