

Name Class Faction Type Shld
Energy Range Speed Sh. D.
Hu. D.
Starbeam 1 Civilian Laser 7 14 8,33 4 600 750 58 117 33
Justice MK I 1 Liberty Laser 8 16 8,33 5 600 750 67 133 42
Azrael 1 Rogues Laser 9 19 8,33 6 600 750 75 158 50
Lavablade MK I 1 Liberty Plasma 48 97 2,00 20 600 500 96 194 40
Adv. Starbeam 2 Civilian Laser 9 18 8,33 5 700 700 75 150 42
Justice MK II 2 Liberty Laser 10 20 8,33 6 600 750 83 167 50
Gunslinger MK I 2 BHG Laser 10 20 8,33 7 649 700 83 167 58
Barrager MK I 2 Junkers Photon 15 30 8,33 9 600 600 125 250 75
Stunpulse 2 Civilian Pulse 155 4 4,00 9 600 750 620 16 36
Brave MK I 2 BHG Particle 24 49 4,00 15 650 650 96 196 60
Scorpion 2 Xenos Particle 36 73 4,00 15 549 699 144 292 60
Lavablade MK II 2 Liberty Plasma 61 122 2,00 25 600 500 122 244 50
Heavy Starbeam 3 Civilian Laser 11 22 8,33 7 600 750 92 183 58
Justice MK III 3 Liberty Laser 12 24 8,33 7 600 750 100 200 58
Avenger Type A 3 Gaians Photon 20 41 5,88 9 600 750 118 241 53
Adv. Stunpulse 3 Civilian Pulse 189 5 4,00 11 600 750 756 20 44
Drail 3 Rogues Laser 14 29 8,33 11 600 750 117 242 92
Helios 1 3 Zoners Photon 20 41 5,88 12 649 700 118 241 71
Matterthief 1 3 IMG Tachyon 24 49 4,00 14 700 700 96 196 56
Adv. Scorpion 3 Xenos Particle 44 89 4,00 18 549 699 176 356 72
Lavablade MK III 3 Liberty Plasma 74 149 2,00 31 600 500 148 298 62
Vengeance MK I 4 Liberty Laser 15 31 8,33 9 600 750 125 258 75
Gunslinger MK II 4 BHG Laser 15 31 8,33 11 649 700 125 258 92
Raphael 4 Rogues Laser 18 37 8,33 11 600 750 150 308 92
Avenger Type B 4 Gaians Photon 26 52 5,88 12 600 750 153 306 71
Barrager MK II 4 Junkers Photon 23 47 8,33 14 600 600 192 392 117
Helios 2 4 Zoners Photon 26 52 5,88 15 649 700 153 306 88
Protector MK I 4 Unioners Neutron 39 79 4,00 15 549 600 156 316 60
Suncannon A 4 GC Photon 26 52 5,88 15 600 750 153 306 88
Matterthief 2 4 IMG Tachyon 31 63 4,00 18 700 700 124 252 72
Vulture 4 Farmers Alliance Neutron 63 126 3,30 21 549 600 208 416 69
Brave MK II 4 BHG Particle 37 75 4,00 23 650 650 148 300 92
Dragoon Type 1 4 Outcasts Tachyon 47 94 4,00 23 700 700 188 376 92
Hellflurry Mk I 4 Lane Hackers Tachyon 39 79 4,00 23 700 700 156 316 92
Pyros Type 1 4 Outcasts Particle 56 113 4,00 23 600 600 224 452 92
Ripper 4 Bretonia Tachyon 39 79 4,00 23 700 700 156 316 92
Skyrail 4 Bretonia Particle 47 94 4,00 23 600 600 188 376 92
Magma Hammer Mk I 4 Liberty Plasma 94 189 2,00 39 600 500 188 378 78
Death's Hand MK I 5 Order Laser 20 40 8,33 12 600 750 167 333 100
Tanto 5 Blood Dragons Laser 20 40 8,33 12 600 750 167 333 100
Vengeance MK II 5 Liberty Laser 20 40 8,33 12 600 750 167 333 100
Sunfury 1 5 Kusari Photon 25 50 8,33 15 600 600 208 417 125
Usiel 5 Rogues Laser 24 48 8,33 15 700 750 200 400 125
Gaia's Savior Type A 5 Gaians Photon 33 67 5,88 16 600 750 194 394 94
Natter 5 Red Hessians Laser 26 53 5,88 16 600 750 153 312 94
Dublin Duster MK I 5 Mollys Neutron 50 101 4,00 20 549 600 200 404 80
Reaper MK I 5 Order Neutron 50 101 4,00 20 549 600 200 404 80
Scrambler 1 5 Kusari Neutron 50 101 4,00 20 549 600 200 404 80
Angelito MK I 5 Corsairs Neutron 60 121 4,00 24 600 600 240 484 96
Borroco 5 Corsairs Pulse 308 10 4,00 24 600 600 1.232 40 96
Vulture 2 5 Farmers Alliance Neutron 80 161 3,30 26 549 600 264 531 86
Adv. Ripper 5 Bretonia Tachyon 50 101 4,00 30 700 700 200 404 120
Adv. Skyrail 5 Bretonia Particle 60 121 4,00 30 600 600 240 484 120
Hellflurry MK II 5 Lane Hackers Tachyon 50 101 4,00 30 700 700 200 404 120
Pyros Type 2 5 Outcasts Particle 72 145 4,00 30 600 600 288 580 120
Tarantula 5 Xenos Particle 72 145 4,00 30 549 699 288 580 120
Devastator_gun 5 LWB Tachyon 67 134 3,30 32 700 700 221 442 106
Dragoon Type 2 5 Outcasts Tachyon 80 161 3,30 40 700 700 264 531 132
Magma Hammer MK II 5 Liberty Plasma 121 242 2,00 50 600 500 242 484 100
Flashpoint 6 Civilian Laser 23 47 8,33 14 600 750 192 392 117
Vengeance MK III 6 Liberty Laser 26 52 8,33 15 600 750 217 433 125
Death's Hand MK II 6 Order Laser 26 52 8,33 16 600 750 217 433 133
Wakizashi 6 Blood Dragons Laser 26 52 8,33 16 600 750 217 433 133
Vampire 1 6 IMG Tachyon 52 105 4,00 18 700 700 208 420 72
Sunblast A 6 GMG Photon 39 79 8,33 19 600 750 325 658 158
Sunfury 2 6 Kusari Photon 32 65 8,33 19 600 600 267 541 158
Ion Gun 6 Coalition Photon 32 65 8,33 19 600 600 267 541 158
Winchester MK I 6 BHG Laser 26 52 8,33 19 649 700 217 433 158
Gaia's Savior Type B 6 Gaians Photon 43 87 5,88 21 600 750 253 512 123
Natter Zwei 6 Red Hessians Laser 35 70 5,88 21 600 750 206 412 123
Barrager MK III 6 Junkers Photon 39 79 8,33 23 600 600 325 658 192
Dublin Duster MK II 6 Mollys Neutron 65 131 4,00 26 549 600 260 524 104
Fury_gun 6 Zoners Photon 43 87 5,88 26 649 700 253 512 153
Protector MK II 6 Unioners Neutron 65 131 4,00 26 549 600 260 524 104
Reaper MK II 6 Order Neutron 65 131 4,00 26 549 600 260 524 104
Scrambler 2 6 Kusari Neutron 65 131 4,00 26 549 600 260 524 104
Stealthblade MK I 6 Rheinland Tachyon 35 70 5,88 26 700 700 206 412 153
Suncannon B 6 GC Photon 43 87 5,88 26 600 750 253 512 153
Angelito MK II 6 Corsairs Neutron 79 158 4,00 31 600 600 316 632 124
Drake Type A 6 Hogosha Plasma 79 158 4,00 32 550 550 316 632 128
Vulture 3 6 Farmers Alliance Neutron 105 210 3,30 35 549 600 347 693 116
Adv. Tarantula 6 Xenos Particle 94 189 4,00 39 549 699 376 756 156
Tachyon Cannon 6 Coalition Particle 94 189 4,00 39 549 699 376 756 156
Dissolver 6 Bretonia Tachyon 65 131 4,00 39 700 700 260 524 156
Hellflurry Mk III 6 Lane Hackers Tachyon 65 131 4,00 39 700 700 260 524 156
Pyros Type 3 6 Outcasts Particle 94 189 4,00 39 600 600 376 756 156
Sunrail 6 Bretonia Particle 79 158 4,00 39 600 600 316 632 156
Warrior Mk I 6 BHG Particle 63 126 4,00 39 650 650 252 504 156
Adv. Devastator 6 LWB Tachyon 87 175 3,30 42 700 700 287 578 139
Dragoon Type 3 6 Outcasts Tachyon 105 210 3,30 52 700 700 347 693 172
Luger Type A 6 Bundschuh Tachyon 105 210 3,30 52 700 700 347 693 172
FlameCurse MK I 6 Rheinland Plasma 158 316 2,00 65 600 500 316 632 130
Magma Hammer MK III 6 Liberty Plasma 158 316 2,00 65 600 500 316 632 130
Laser Cannon 6 Coalition Plasma 158 316 2,00 65 600 500 316 632 130
Adv. Flashpoint 7 Civilian Laser 31 62 8,33 19 600 750 258 516 158
Heavy Flashpoint 7 Civilian Laser 31 62 8,33 19 600 750 258 516 158
Death's Hand MKIII 7 Order Laser 34 69 8,33 20 600 750 283 575 167
Katana 7 Blood Dragons Laser 34 69 8,33 21 600 750 283 575 175
Debilitator 7 Civilian Pulse 401 11 4,00 23 700 700 1.604 44 92
Sunblast B 7 GMG Photon 52 104 8,33 26 600 750 433 866 217
Sunfrenzy 1 7 Kusari Photon 43 87 8,33 26 600 600 358 725 217
Neutron Particle Gun 7 Coalition Photon 43 87 8,33 26 600 600 358 725 217
Vassago 7 Rogues Laser 41 83 8,33 26 700 750 342 691 217
Winchester MK II 7 BHG Laser 34 69 8,33 26 649 700 283 575 217
Roter Blitz 7 Red Hessians Laser 46 92 5,88 29 600 750 270 541 171
Reaper MK III 7 Order Neutron 87 174 4,00 32 549 600 348 696 128
Disinfector 1 7 Kusari Neutron 87 174 4,00 34 549 600 348 696 136
Dublin Duster MK III 7 Mollys Neutron 87 174 4,00 34 549 600 348 696 136
Fury 2 7 Zoners Photon 58 116 5,88 34 649 700 341 682 200
StealthBlade MK II 7 Rheinland Tachyon 46 92 5,88 34 700 700 270 541 200
Angelito MK III 7 Corsairs Neutron 104 209 4,00 41 600 600 416 836 164
Rapier 7 Corsairs Pulse 531 17 4,00 41 600 600 2.124 68 164
Vampire 2 7 IMG Tachyon 69 139 4,00 41 700 700 276 556 164
Drake Type B 7 Hogosha Plasma 104 209 4,00 43 550 550 416 836 172
Adv. Dissolver 7 Bretonia Tachyon 87 174 4,00 52 700 700 348 696 208
Adv. Sunrail 7 Bretonia Particle 104 209 4,00 52 600 600 416 836 208
Warrior MK II 7 BHG Particle 83 167 4,00 52 750 750 332 668 208
Pulse cannon 7 Coalition Particle 83 167 4,00 52 750 750 332 668 208
Eliminator_gun 7 LWB Tachyon 116 232 3,30 55 700 700 383 766 182
Luger Type B 7 Bundschuh Tachyon 139 278 3,30 69 700 700 459 917 228
FlameCurse MK II 7 Rheinland Plasma 209 418 2,00 87 600 500 418 836 174
Gattling Laser 7 Coalition Plasma 209 418 2,00 87 600 500 418 836 174
Sunfrenzy 2 8 Kusari Photon 66 139 8,33 39 600 600 550 1.158 325
Messon Blaster 8 Coaltion Photon 66 139 8,33 39 600 600 550 1.158 325
Gendaito 8 Blood Dragons Laser 63 126 8,33 33 600 750 525 1.050 275
Reaver MK I 8 BHG Laser 53 106 8,33 39 649 700 441 883 325
Skyblast A 8 GMG Photon 79 159 8,33 39 600 750 658 1.324 325
Natterturn 8 Red Hessians Laser 70 141 5,88 44 700 750 412 829 259
Adv. Debilitator 8 Civilian Pulse 806 23 4,00 47 700 700 3.224 92 188
Protector MK III 8 Unioners Neutron 132 265 4,00 52 549 600 528 1.060 208
Fury 3 8 Zoners Photon 88 176 5,88 53 649 700 517 1.035 312
HornViper MK I 8 Rheinland Tachyon 70 141 5,88 53 700 700 412 829 312
Suncannon C 8 GC Photon 88 176 5,88 53 600 750 517 1.035 312
Disinfector 2 8 Kusari Neutron 132 265 4,00 63 549 600 528 1.060 252
Salamanca Mk I 8 Corsairs Neutron 159 318 4,00 63 600 600 636 1.272 252
Vampire 3 8 IMG Tachyon 106 212 4,00 63 700 700 424 848 252
Drake Type C 8 Hogosha Plasma 159 318 4,00 66 550 550 636 1.272 264
Kraken Type 1 8 Outcasts Particle 190 381 4,00 79 700 700 760 1.524 316
Adv. Eliminator 8 LWB Tachyon 176 353 3,30 84 700 700 581 1.165 277
Luger Type C 8 Bundschuh Tachyon 212 424 3,30 106 700 700 700 1.399 350
Wyrm Type 1 8 Outcasts Tachyon 212 424 3,30 106 700 700 700 1.399 350
FireKiss MK I 8 Rheinland Plasma 318 636 2,00 132 600 500 636 1.272 264
Gattling Plasma Cannon 8 Coalition Plasma 318 636 2,00 132 600 500 636 1.272 264
Reaver MK II 9 BHG Laser 81 163 8,33 61 649 700 675 1.358 508
Skyblast B 9 GMG Photon 122 244 8,33 61 600 750 1.016 2.033 508
HornViper MK II 9 Rheinland Tachyon 108 217 5,88 81 700 700 635 1.276 476
Salamanca Mk II 9 Corsairs Neutron 244 489 4,00 97 600 600 976 1.956 388
Tizona del Cid 9 Corsairs Pulse 1412 40 4,00 97 600 600 5.648 160 388
Buckshot 9 BHG Particle 195 391 4,00 122 750 750 780 1.564 488
Proton Cannon 9 Coalition Particle 195 391 4,00 122 750 750 780 1.564 488
Kraken Type 2 9 Outcasts Particle 293 586 4,00 122 700 700 1.172 2.344 488
Vulcan Battery 9 Coalition Particle 293 586 4,00 122 700 700 1.172 2.344 488
Wyrm Type 2 9 Outcasts Tachyon 326 652 3,30 163 700 700 1.076 2.152 538
Firekiss MK II 9 Rheinland Plasma 489 978 2,00 203 600 500 978 1.956 406
Collapser Gun 9 Coalition Plasma 489 978 2,00 203 600 500 978 1.956 406

The contents of the table can be sorted according to the selected property by clicking on the column header.

Name Class Faction Type Shld
Energy Range
Archangel 10 unknown Antiproton 489 978 2 269 700 600 978 1956 538
Bloodstone 10 unknown Antiproton 440 880 2 220 700 600 880 1760 440
Blue Blaze 10 unknown Antiproton 538 1076 2 245 700 600 1076 2152 489
Cerberus 10 unknown Antiproton 587 1174 2 293 700 600 1174 2347 587
Dark Blossom 10 unknown Antiproton 489 978 2 269 700 600 978 1956 538
Diamondback 10 unknown Antiproton 587 1174 2 293 700 600 1174 2347 587
Golden Blade 10 unknown Antiproton 391 782 2 196 700 600 782 1565 391
Guardian 10 unknown Antiproton 538 1076 2 269 700 600 1076 2152 538
Iron Hammer 10 unknown Antiproton 440 880 2 220 700 600 880 1760 440
Jade 10 unknown Antiproton 326 652 3,03 163 700 600 988 1976 494
Onyx 10 unknown Antiproton 538 1076 2 269 700 600 1076 2152 538
Prometheus 10 unknown Antiproton 293 587 3,03 147 700 600 889 1778 445
Silver Fire 10 unknown Antiproton 359 717 3,03 179 700 600 1087 2173 543
Thor's Hammer 10 unknown Antiproton 440 880 2 245 700 600 880 1760 489
Wild Fire 10 unknown Antiproton 538 1076 2 220 700 600 1076 2152 440
Archangel MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 853 1706 2 269 1000 1000 1706 3412 538
Bloodstone MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 978 1555 2 220 1000 1000 1955 3110 440
Blue Blaze MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 828 1656 2 245 1000 1000 1656 3312 489
Cerberus MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 903 1806 2 293 1000 1000 1806 3612 587
Dark Blossom MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 855 1710 2 269 1000 1000 1710 3420 538
Diamondback MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 904 1809 2 293 1000 1000 1809 3617 587
Golden Blade MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 927 1453 2 196 1000 1000 1853 2906 391
Guardian MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 828 1655 2 269 1000 1000 1655 3310 538
Iron Hammer MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 983 1565 2 220 1000 1000 1965 3130 440
Jade MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 552 1104 3,03 163 1000 1000 1673 3345 494
Onyx MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 876 1753 2 269 1000 1000 1753 3506 538
Prometheus MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 551 1102 3,03 147 1000 1000 1670 3339 445
Silver Fire MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 554 1108 3,03 179 1000 1000 1679 3358 543
Thor's Hammer MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 988 1575 2 245 1000 1000 1975 3150 489
Wild Fire MK II 10 unknown Antiproton 928 1655 2 220 1000 1000 1855 3310 440
Ancient Energy Cannon 10 Ancients Photon 972 1073 3,03 153 1000 750 2944 3251 464
Cer'lor Emitter 10 Sentinels Laser 637 993 3,03 153 1100 1000 1929 3010 464
Coalition Gatling 10 Coalition Particle 282 364 8,33 65 1100 1100 2349 3033 538
Dom'Kavash Annihilator 10 Dom'Kavash Plasma 602 1003 3,03 172 1300 1100 1823 3039 520
Kelyrd-ray Projector 10 Warriors Plasma 232 384 8,33 59 1200 900 1934 3201 488
Nyses'o Blaster 10 Dom'Nepesh Tachyon 994 1065 3,03 173 1000 1000 3011 3228 524
Phoenix Project Cannon 10 The Order Neutron 789 977 3,03 158 1200 1000 2389 2961 478
Que-irtor Gun 10 Dom'Razak Pulse 602 1043 3,03 169 1100 1000 1823 3161 512
Ther'hon Cannon 10 Dom'Setek Particle 752 1023 3,03 191 1100 1200 2277 3101 579
W'ar-sy Propulsor 10 Savages Tachyon 363 326 8,33 65 1,300 1,100 3,025 2,718 541
Nomad Energy Blaster 10 Nomads ? 318 636 4,00 0 699 600 1,271 2,542 0
Nomad Energy Cannon 10 Nomads ? 423 847 3,03 0 699 600 1,284 2,568 0
Renaissance Blaster 10 Renaissance Meson 399 551 5,88 103 1000 1200 2347 3240 604
Name Range Speed Hull Dmg Shlield Dmg Refire Rate


Wasp Cruise Disruptor 2.500 700 37 18 1 s $2.285
Hornet Cruise Disruptor 3.000 800 159 79 1 s $68.510
Mosquito Cruise Disruptor 5.000 2.090 169 84 1 s $5.105.500

Disruptors "missile" abilities:

  • Disrupts Cruise speed for the affected ship (... in some cases the ship shield must be down first!) and prevents use of the "targeted" ship's cruise engines for 5 seconds.
  • Disrupts Engine Kill mode for the affected ship (mostly used in PvP)
  • Can destroy incoming missiles/torpedoes (must hit, does not work every time)
  • Can destroy CMs (some pilots use this often in PvP , see Combat Video Lessons)
  • Due to the hull/shield damage caused, they can be used for a "finish off" strike against an severely damaged opponent.
  • In conjunction with missiles/torps, they can help with better salvo tracking and increase your chances of hitting your target.
Name Class Type Shld Dmg. Hull Dmg. Range Speed Refire Blast Radius
Javelin Missile Launcher 1 Ballistic 244 489 1000 ? 8 16
Screamer Missile Launcher 1 Ballistic 244 489 1000 ? 8 16
Stalker Missile Launcher 2 Homing 122 244 1000 ? 8 16
Slingshot Missile Launcher 3 Ballistic 373 747 1000 ? 8 16
Eraser Missile Launcher 3 EMP 660 16 1000 ? 4 16
Banshee Missile Launcher 3 Ballistic 373 747 1000 ? 8 16
Hawk Missile Launcher 3 EMP 660 16 1000 ? 4 16
Windstalker Missile Launcher 4 Homing 186 373 1000 ? 8 16
Catapult Missile Launcher 5 Ballistic 606 1212 1000 ? 8 16
Sweeper Missile Launcher 5 EMP 1279 31 1000 ? 4 16
Imp Missile Launcher 5 EMP 1279 31 1000 ? 4 16
Vagabond Missile Launcher 5 Homing 303 606 1000 ? 8 16
Moonstalker Missile Launcher 5 Homing 303 606 1000 ? 8 16
Lancer Missile Launcher 7 Ballistic 1045 2091 1000 ? 8 16
Neutralizer Missile Launcher 7 EMP 2822 69 1000 ? 4 16
Raptor Missile Launcher 7 Homing 522 1045 1000 ? 8 16
Havok Missile Launcher 7 EMP 2822 69 1000 ? 4 16
Sunstalker Missile Launcher 8 Homing 522 1045 1000 ? 8 16
Firestalker Missile Launcher 9 Homing 1222 2445 1000 ? 8 16
Jackhammer Missile Launcher 9 Homing 1222 2445 1000 ? 8 16
Cannonball Missile Launcher 9 Ballistic 2445 4890 1000 ? 8 16
Havoc Missile Launcher 9 Ballistic 2620 5240 1000 ? 8 16
Cataclysm Missile Launcher 9 Ballistic 3055 6110 1000 ? 8 16
Nemesis Missile Launcher 9 Ballistic 3660 7320 1000 ? 8 16
Paralyzer Missile Launcher 10 EMP 7921 195 1000 ? 4 16
Solomon Missile Launcher 10 EMP 7921 195 1000 ? 4 16
Name Type Shld Dmg. Hull Dmg. Range Speed Refire Blast Radius
Starkiller Torpedo Launcher Ballistic 1.212 2.424 1.500 ? 8 25
Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher Ballistic 5.868 11.736 2.700 ? 8 25
Coalition Torpedo Launcher * Ballistic 17.500 35.000 7.500 ? 8 500
Battleship Torpedo Launcher ** Ballistic 35.000 50.000 7.500 ? 8 500
Nova Torpedo Launcher *** Ballistic 7.868 15.736 2.700 181 8 25
Starstreak Torpedo Launcher *** Ballistic 6.118 12.235 4.700 181 8 25
Storm Shadow Torpedo Launcher *** Ballistic 6.608 13.216 2.700 300 8 25
Name Class Type Shld
Energy Range Speed Sh.D.
Starbeam Turret 1 Laser 7 14 8,33 4 700 700 58 117 33
Justice Turret Mk I 1 Laser 8 16 8,33 5 700 700 67 133 42
Zaphiel Turret 1 Laser 9 19 8,33 6 700 700 75 158 50
Lavablade Turret Mk I 1 Plasma 48 97 2 20 600 500 96 194 40
Gunslinger Turret Mk I 2 Laser 10 20 8,33 7 750 750 83 167 58
Barrager Turret Mk I
2 Photon 15 30 8,33 9 700 700 125 250 75
Stunpulse Turret 2 Pulse 155 4 4 9 700 700 620 16 36
Adv. Starbeam Turret 3 Laser 11 22 8,33 7 700 700 92 183 58
Badariel Turret 3 Laser 14 29 8,33 9 700 700 117 242 75
Matterthief Turret 3 Tachyon 24 49 4 14 800 701 96 196 56
Justice Turret Mk II 3 Laser 12 24 8.33 7 700 700 100 200 58
Lavablade Turret Mk II 3 Plasma 74 149 2 31 600 500 148 298 62
Rowlett's Revenge Turret (only SP) 3 Laser 19 37 8,33 8 ? ? 158 308 67
Gunslinger MKII Turret 4 Laser 15 31 8,33 11 750 750 125 258 92
Barrager Turret Mk II 4 Photon 23 47 8,33 14 700 700 192 392 117
Helios Turret 4 Photon 26 52 5,88 15 750 750 153 306 88
Brave Turret 4 Particle 37 75 4 23 750 750 148 300 92
Dragoon Turret Type 1 4 Tachyon 47 94 4 23 800 701 188 376 92
Hellflurry Turret Mk I 4 Tachyon 39 79 4 23 750 750 156 316 92
Pyros Turret Type 1 4 Particle 56 113 4 23 700 700 224 452 92
Ripper Turret 4 Tachyon 39 79 4 23 799 699 156 316 92
Skyrail Turret 4 Particle 47 94 4 23 700 700 188 376 92
Death's Hand MKI Turret 5 Laser 20 40 8,33 12 700 700 167 333 100
Vengeance Turret 5 Laser 20 40 8,33 12 700 700 167 333 100
Sapiel Turret 5 Laser 24 48 8,33 15 700 700 200 400 125
Sunfury Turret 1 5 Photon 25 50 8,33 15 700 700 208 417 125
Natter Turret 5 Laser 26 53 5,88 16 700 750 153 312 94
Dublin Duster Turret Mk I 5 Neutron 50 101 4 20 650 650 200 404 80
Reaper Turret Mk I
5 Neutron 50 101 4 20 650 650 200 404 80
Scrambler Turret 1 5 Neutron 50 101 4 20 650 650 200 404 80
Angelito Turret Mk I 5 Neutron 60 121 4 24 700 700 240 484 96
Adv. Ripper Turret 5 Tachyon 50 101 4 30 799 699 200 404 120
Adv. Skyrail Turret 5 Particle 60 121 4 30 700 700 240 484 120
Magma Hammer Turret 5 Plasma 121 242 2 50 700 500 242 484 100
Tanto Turret 6 Laser 26 52 8,33 16 700 700 217 433 133
Vampire Turret 1 6 Tachyon 52 105 4 18 800 701 208 420 72
Sunblast Turret 6 Photon 39 79 8,33 19 700 700 325 658 158
Sunfury Turret 2 6 Photon 32 65 8,33 19 700 700 267 541 158
Winchester Turret 6 Laser 26 52 8,33 19 750 750 217 433 158
Barrager MKIII Turret 6 Photon 39 79 8,33 23 700 700 325 658 192
Debilitator Turret 6 Pulse 401 11 4 23 700 700 1604 44 92
Scrambler Turret 2 6 Neutron 65 131 4 26 650 650 260 524 104
Stealthblade Turret Mk I 6 Tachyon 35 70 5,88 26 800 800 206 412 153
Pyros Turret Type 2
6 Particle 95 189 4 39 700 700 389 756 156
Borroco Turret 6 Pulse 401 13 4 31 700 700 1604 52 124
Drake Turret Type A
6 Plasma 79 158 4 32 650 650 316 632 128
Fury Turret 6 Photon 43 87 5,88 34 750 700 253 512 200
Dissolver Turret 6 Tachyon 65 131 4 39 799 699 260 524 156
Dragoon Turret Type 2 6 Tachyon 79 158 4 39 800 701 316 632 156
Hellflurry Turret Mk II 6 Tachyon 65 131 4 39 750 750 260 524 156
Sunrail Turret 6 Particle 79 158 4 39 700 700 316 632 156
Luger Turret Type A
6 Tachyon 105 210 3,03 52 800 701 318 636 158
FlameCurse Turret Mk I
6 Plasma 158 316 2 65 700 500 316 632 130
Death's Hand Turret Mk II
7 Laser 26 52 8,33 16 700 700 217 433 133
Flashpoint Turret 7 Laser 31 62 8,33 19 700 700 258 516 158
Reaper Turret Mk II
7 Neutron 65 131 4 26 650 650 260 524 104
Sunfrenzy Turret 7 Photon 43 87 8,33 26 700 700 358 725 217
Thoth Turret 7 Laser 41 83 8,33 26 700 700 342 691 217
RoterBlitz Turret 7 Laser 46 92 5,88 29 700 700 270 541 171
Disinfector Turret 7 Neutron 87 174 4 34 650 650 348 696 136
Dublin Duster Turret Mk II 7 Neutron 87 174 4 34 650 650 348 696 136
StealthBlade Turret Mk II
7 Tachyon 46 92 5,88 34 800 800 270 541 200
Angelito Turret Mk II 7 Neutron 104 209 4 41 700 700 416 836 164
Warrior Turret 7 Particle 83 167 4 52 750 750 332 668 208
FlameCurse Turret Mk II
7 Plasma 209 418 2 87 700 500 418 836 174
Katana Turret 8 Laser 53 106 8,33 33 700 700 441 883 275
Reaver Turret 8 Laser 53 106 8,33 39 750 750 441 883 325
Skyblast Turret A
8 Photon 79 159 8,33 39 700 700 658 1324 325
Adv. Debilitator Turret 8 Pulse 806 23 4 47 700 700 3224 92 188
Fury Turret 2
8 Photon 58 116 5,88 53 750 700 341 682 312
HornViper Turret 8 Tachyon 70 141 5,88 53 800 701 412 829 312
Rapier Turret 8 Pulse 808 26 4 63 700 700 3232 104 252
Vampire Turret 2 8 Tachyon 106 212 4 63 800 701 424 848 252
Drake Turret Type B
8 Plasma 159 318 4 66 650 650 636 1272 264
Kraken Turret 8 Particle 190 381 4 79 700 700 760 1524 316
Wyrm Turret 8 Tachyon 159 318 4 79 800 701 636 1272 316
Luger Turret Type B
8 Tachyon 212 424 3,03 106 800 701 642 1285 321
Firekiss Turret 8 Plasma 318 636 2 132 600 500 636 1272 264
Skyblast Turret B
9 Photon 122 244 8,33 61 700 700 1016 2033 508
Salamanca Turret 9 Neutron 244 489 4 97 700 700 976 1956 388
Buckshot Turret 9 Particle 195 391 4 122 750 750 780 1564 488
Coalition Turret 10 Neutron
269 538 4 97 700 700 1076 2152 388
Bretonia Battleship Defense Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Bretonia Battleship Flak Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Civilian Battleship Defense Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Civilian Battleship Flak Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Kusari Battleship Defense Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Kusari Battleship Flak Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Liberty Battleship Defense Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Liberty Battleship Flak Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Rheinland Battleship Defense Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Rheinland Battleship Flak Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Adv. Battleship Defense Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Adv. Battleship Flak Turret 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Note: Battleships turrets were all highly modified in CF 2.0, exact data TBA.

Name Type Shld
Refire Blast Radius
Drone Mine Dropper Ballistic 163 326 instant 16
Seeker Mine Dropper Ballistic 204 408 instant 16
Wardog Mine Dropper Ballistic 249 498 instant 16
Razor Mine Dropper Ballistic 316 632 instant 16
Tadpole Mine Dropper Ballistic 404 808 instant 16
Driller Mine Dropper Ballistic 527 1054 instant 16
Swatter Mine Dropper Ballistic 697 1394 instant 16
Cutter Mine Dropper Ballistic 1060 2120 instant 16
Screamer Mine Dropper Ballistic 1630 3260 instant 16
Ripper Mine Dropper Ballistic 1956 3912 instant 16
Revelation Mine Dropper Ballistic 2556 5112 instant 16
Gloom Mine Dropper EMP 2.445 10 instant 16
Refractor Mine Dropper EMP 3.668 16 instant 16
Fire Mine Dropper EMP 4.224 24 instant 16
Leech Mine Dropper EMP 7.737 54 instant 16
Strike Mine Dropper EMP 10.106 81 instant 16

Note: you can hold only 20 mines on your ship.