Holoprojector Bremen

  • Holographics projector


    1. Info-Card

    This Holoprojector creates low gravimetric impulses that can, in combination with a network of high energy lasers, form a hologram around a ship. This technology is used to spread wrong information and lets small fleets look even more dangerous. Disadvantage of this technology is that it does use extremely high amounts of energy (functional only on ships with ''unlimited power'' like trains, liners, battleships, cruisers etc.'') History: (Starlancer, mission 16) The ANS Bremen, the German Class 1 Carrier, was commissioned in 2159 and used by the Western Alliance together with his sister-ship ANS Koenig during The Great War. Technical details: Mass 65.000 tons, Medium armament, Crew 443, Ion pulse drives, 30-38 spacecrafts on-board, Regular fighter squadron - Vampires (commanded by the Klaus Steiner)

    2. Stats:

    • Class: 8
    • Shield Capacity: 0
    • Regeneration Rate: 0
    • Regen Power Drain: 1000
    Holoprojector Bremen

    3. Where to buy:
