

Singleplayer Campaign info

99.9% of the ships from the lower tables (see Fighters, Bombers and Freighters tab) can be used throughout the CF Singleplayer Campaign and can dock at all stations (there are only a few vessels that have problems due to their size to dock at battleship stations, vessels such as the Armored Transport). Other ships from the Battleship Table and Other Table require a mooring dock, meaning they do not dock over the hangar at stations, but require an Mooring Fixture to dock on planets! It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT use these ships for the Crossfire campaign!


  • All battleships and Mining Ships can dock on all stations in Sirius sector and on all planets with mooring-fixture.
  • Planets with mooring-fixture are all dockable Freelancer-vanilla planets (populated planets in Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari etc.), and two rather distant places which are Planet Earth in Sol and Planet Murmansk in Sovetskaya.
  • You can dock all big ships also in Coalition HQ in Vorkuta system (Altair).
  • Other big ships (trains, liners and transports) can dock only on planets with mooring-fixture, big stations with mooring-fixture-module (as examples for bases types can serve Newark station, Fort Bush, West Point Military Academy, Shinjuku station, Aomori station and stations in the X-3043 system) and very few small "special" stations. You need explore the Sirius sector to find these small dockable stations ... they are worth it, because most of them sell BMGs, which offer huge profits when traded (as example can serve one from small bases in the Hokkaido system).
  • Multiplayer offers one special station (build by players) which allows (now) docking for all type ships in the Inner Core sector ----> Deep Space 17.

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.









A-100 Stormrider 30 6 - CD 5.700 50 $3.977.648
Banshee 33 4 - CD 4.500 45 $141.920
Bident 15 3 - CM 2.200 20 $94.890
Bloodhound 14 3 1 CD 1.900 35 $12.120
Cavalier 15 4 - CD 2.100 30 $25.660
CSV 34 2 1 CM 3.200 100 $142.020
Dagger 15 4 1 CD 1.800 35 $27.020
Devilray 25 2 - CD/T 2.700 30 $1.320.100
Drake LF 23 4 - CD 2.800 35 $51.920
Drizzt 26 2 - CD/T 2.600 35 $1.438.882
Goshawk 20 4 - CD/T 3.400 50 $1.208.510
Hawk 26 4 - CD 3.300 45 $70.620
Hermes 31 3 - CD/T 1.700 25 $1.302.337
J-40 Quicksilver 21 4 - CD/T 3.500 40 $2.009.450
LCA Typhoon 25 4 - CD/T 2.900 35 $2.308.510
Legionnaire 20 4 - CD 2.400 35 $5.060
Nexus 25 4 1 CD/T 2.700 30 $1.125.678
P-7 Marten 11 4 - CD/T 3.200 23 $2.304.450
Patriot LF 12 4 - CD 1.300 25 $7.600
Piranha 15 4 - CD 1.800 35 $17.020
Shade 30 6 - CD/T 5.700 50 $4.083.148
StarBlazer 21 4 - CM 2.600 50 $27.060
Starflier 10 3 - CM 1.100 20 $7.000
Starskipper 15 3 - CM 2.200 20 $54.890
Startracker 15 3 - CD 1.800 30 $27.020
Tiger 31 3 - CD/T 1.700 25 $1.702.337
Zorro 23 4 - CD/T 3.700 21 $2.708.510

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.









Anubis 29 6 1 CD/T 4.200 70 $205.300
Barracuda 26 6 - CD/T 3.600 45 $71.210
Bowin 45 4 1 CD/T 6.300 50 $6.423.114
Bullpup MK I 60 5 - CD/T 8.400 60 $2.708.510
B-907A Crusader 20 6 - CD/T 2.600 35 $35.350
Centurion 55 6 - CD/T 9.200 45 $441.550
Champion 40 6 1 CD/T 8.400 60 $4.953.550
Cheetah 49 5 - CD/T 7.200 50 $4.931.380
Defender 14 5 1 CD/T 1.600 35 $12.260
Dragon 26 6 - CD/T 3.600 40 $71.210
Dragonfly (*clan ship*)
31 4x10 - CD/T 6.600 40 $10.223.379
Elder 65 4+1Fw - CD/Tx2 9.000 35 $5.193.892
Equinox 43 5+1 - CD/T 7.000 60 $482.901
Exocet 40 4 - CD/T 5.700 50 $5.270.097
Falcon 43 5 1 CD/T 6.200 60 $257.880
Interloper 43 4 - CD/T 7.100 60 $342.903
Junis Defender 50 5 1 CD/T 10.600 50 $423.660
Marauder 43 5 1 1x CD/T 6.200 45 $549.713
Ravens Claw 38 6 1 CD/T 5.800 20 $10.000.000
Shifter 55 5 1 CD/T 8.700 50 $1.153.881
Stiletto 33 6 - CD/T 4.900 45 $143.110
Stinger 50 4 - CD/T 7.900 70 $6.997.436
Trailblazer 43 5 1 CD/T 7.100 60 $442.903
Trident 43 5 - CD/T 6.200 45 $574.883
V-Fighter 45 6 - CD/T 6.700 80 $3.270.097
Valkyrie 38 5 1 CD/T 5.800 50 $202.880
Vigilant 38 6 1 CD/T 6.200 20 $9.010.000
Whirlwind 45 5 - CD/T 7.700 80 $4.731.380
Wolfhound 26 5 1 CD/T 3.600 40 $71.210

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.









A-106 Intruder II 65 6 1 CD/T 9.700 120 $9.116.911
A-9fx Hunter 50 6 - CD/T 8.100 40 $8.464.337
Abraxas 65 6 - CD/T 10.200 140 $9.570.097
Angel Wing 62 6 1 CD/T 10.700 110 $9.118.425
Antarès 50 6 - CD/T 15.200 10 $9.553.130
Archangel 60 6 - CD/T 9.100 100 $9.664.337
Avenger 65 6 - CD/T 10.700 140 $9.364.337
Azan 98 6 - CD/T 5.200 40 $9.242.337
Ball Lightning 72 6 - CD/T 10.300 110 $9.818.880
Basilisk 130 6 - CD/T 12.900 80 $9.673.435
Bastard 65 6 1 CD/T 12.600 140 $8.269.002
Bellerophon 65 6 - CD/T 9.900 100 $8.618.880
Black Angel 70 6 - CD/T 10.200 100 $9.818.880
Black Eagle 63 6 1 CD/T 9.900 70 $558.550
Bulldog 65 6 - CD/T 10.100 100 $8.318.880
Bullpup MK II 70 6 x10 - CD/T 12.000 80 $8.240.713
Butcher 100 6 - CD2/T 8.300 30 $9.497.436
Catalyst 69 6 - CD/T 9.700 125 $8.424.380
Cayman 100 6 - CD2/T 8.600 40 $9.202.936
Ceptyr 70 6 x10 - CD/T 12.400 70 $11.037.182
Charon 55 6 - CD/T 10.100 150 $9.2188.80
Chimera 65 6 - CD3/T2 9.800 130 $9.186.757
Chinook 60 6 - CD/T 11.100 80 $ 9.418.880
Claw 69 6 1 CD/T 12.500 150 $9.418.880
Cobra 67 6 - CD/T 9.500 100 $8.769.097
Coyote 65 6 1 CD/T 9.600 120 $8.230.102
Crusader 65 6 1Re CD/T 9.700 140 $8.230.213
Crusher ZX7 65 6 - CD/T 10.900 80 $8.818.880
Cyclone 80 6 - CD2/T2 12.400 70 $9.018.880
Dark Angel 43 4 1 CD/T 8.400 70 $618.880
Deathblade 55 6 - CD/T 9.500 170 $8.618.880
Deimos 61 6 x10 1 CD/T 12.500 100 $8.132.600
Devastator 59 6 - CD/T 9.500 115 $8.761.002
Devil 55 6 - CD/T 10.800 150 $9.202.337
Dolphin 75 4 1 CD/T 9.100 150 $7.343.438
Draconji 70 6 - CD/T 10.800 70 $10.926.921
Eagle 63 6 1 CD/T 9.900 70 $558.550
Eliminator 71 6 - T3/CD(?) 10.700 170 $9.502.839
Elite Defender 70 6 1 CD/T 10.800 70 $10.702.622
Enfilade 71 6 - CD/T 12.600 70 $8.730.448
Erebus 60 6 - CD/T 12.300 90 $8.418.880
Eridan (Éridan) 101 6 - CD/T 10.100 87 $9.765.610
F-180 Hornet Mark II 60 6 - CD/T 9.000 120 $9.164.337
F-190 Malice 75 6 - CD/T 12.700 150 $9.764.337
Falchion 75/62 6 - CD3/T2 10.800 142 $9.524.380
Fatality 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 130 $10.724.380
Firebolt 60 6 - CD3/T2 10.300 90 $8.318.880
Flathead 61 6 - CD2/T2 10.400 100 $8.438.611
Freedom X-Interceptor 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 120 $8.318.880
Fury VHF 62 6 1 CD/T 10.300 125 $9.502.334
Geko 60 6 1 CD/T 10.700 90 $8.870.094
Grendel 65 6 1 CD/T 9.500 150 $8.242.191
Griffin 61 6 1 CD/T 9.100 100 $8.540.002
Grinder ZX8 75 6 - CD/T 10.100 105 $8.618.880
Guardian VHF 70 6 1 CD/T 11.000 70 $10.726.765
Gunstar 67 6 1 CD/T 11.500 80 $10.732.242
Hammerhead 49 6 1 CD/T 7.900 70 $351.550
Harpy 80 6 - CD/T 9.400 120 $8.818.880
Hellcat 65 6 - CD/T 10.400 110 $9.124.380
Horizon 68 6 - CD/T 10.100 135 $9.132.339
Hurricane 60 6 - CD3/T2 10.300 110 $8.918.880
Hydra MK III 70 6 x10 - CD2/T2 12.900 70 $8.229.803
Iguana 60 6 - CD/T 9.600 110 $8.996.336
Karak 75 6 - CD/T 9.800 110 $8.244.535
Kestrel 63/67 6 - CD3/T2 11.150 120 $8.699.380
King Tiger 63 6 2Fw T2 10.400 50 $8.318.980
Komodo Dragon 80 6 2Fw CD/T 12.100 100 $8.618.380
Kossac 50 6 - CD/T 15.400 10 $9.242.338
LCA Thunderstreak 60 6 - CD/T 10.900 80 $9.518.880
Lagg 70 6 - CD/T 10.500 65 $9.718.880
Lakhesis 100 6 - CD/T 8.300 30 $9.097.436
Lobo 70 6 - CD/T 10.100 110 $8.718.880
Mayfly 65 6 - CD/T 10.010 100 $7.182.970
Mirage 70 6 1 CD/T 9.300 150 $8.239.991
Mirage-X 55 6 1 CD/T 11.700 150 $9.470.097
Murphy 67 6 - CD/T 9.900 111 $9.102.334
Mutineer 75 6 - CD/T 11.100 150 $8.902.337
Naginata 61 6 1 CD/T 9.700 130 $8.440.091
Nighthawk 65 6 - CD/T 12.600 140 $8.524.502
Nike 70 6 1 CD/T 11.000 70 $9.218.880
P-7 Badger 65 6 - CD/T 9.900 125 $10.018.880
P-7 Razorback 65 6 - CD/T 10.800 70 $9.618.880
P-7 Shote 75 6 - CD3/T2 9.300 130 $8.318.880
Patriot 65 6 1 CD/T 9.500 140 $8.251.201
Persephone 70 6 - CD3/T2 10.500 80 $9.018.880
Phantom 61 6 - CD2/T2 11.100 90 $9.074.327
Phoenix 61 6 1 CD/T 11.300 120 $8.347.701
Pink Eagle 63 6 1 CD/T 9.900 70 $558.550
Pioneer 61 6 - CD/T 10.700 100 $9.202.291
Predator 61 6 1 CD/T 9.100 100 $8.440.002
Quasar 100 6 0 CD/T 8.300 35 $9.212.931
Rage Bringer 77 6 1 CD/T 12.600 75 $8.868.422
Rapier VHF 65 6 1 CD/T 9.500 140 $8.356.701
Raptor 69 6 - CD/T 9.000 140 $9.170.097
Reaper 90 6 1 CD/T 10.900 50 $9.302.337
Redemption 75 6 x10 - CD/T 13.800 80 $17.692.550
Rocketmaster 65 6 - CD3/T2 10.100 110 $8.218.880
Royal 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 130 $13.724.380
SF18 Arrow 70 6 - CD/T 10.300 70 $8.270.097
Saber 100 6 - CD/T 10.700 100 $9.575.758
Sabre 63 6 1 CD/T 10.800 70 $558.550
Sai 63 6 1 CD/T 10.200 110 $8.333.111
Salin 55 6 - CD/T 8.700 90 $9.003.335
Saracen 78 6 - CD2/T 10.200 150 $8.764.758
Scirocco 65 6 - CD/T 10.600 100 $9.438.895
Scourge 70 6 - CD/T 12.000 75 $8.246.792
Seahorse 61 6 - CD/T 10.200 131 $8.724.380
Seething Fury 70 6 x10 - CD/T 11.000 70 $8.435.591
Shadowblade 65 6 - CD2/T2 9.500 130 $8.118.880
Shadowreaper 75 6 1 CD2/T2 11.000 80 $9.464.769
Shamal 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 130 $9.098.880
Shooting Star 63 6 - CD/T 10.100 130 $9.242.358
Shroud 65 6 - CD3/T2 9.700 130 $8.118.880
Silverfish 63 6 1 CD/T 10.450 80 $8.053.673
Stormcrow 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 120 $8.818.880
Strike Eagle 70 5 2 CD/T 9.100 150 $9.221.338
T-Rex 63 6 - CD3/T2 12.300 85 $9.118.880
Tempest 63 6 1Re CD/T 13.000 120 $8.243.003
Terror 60 6 - CD3/T2 10.800 90 $8.918.880
Thanatos 105 6 - CD3/T2 9.300 95 $8.918.880
Thunder 63 6 - CD/T 9.600 125 $9.031.103
Tigre 60 6 - CD/T 10.700 85 $8.418.880
Titan 71 6 1 CD/T 12.600 70 $776.380
Titus 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 130 $13.724.380
Tornado 75 6 - CD/T 9.500 120 $9.618.880
Venom MK I 105 6 - CD/T 9.100 110 $9.018.880
Venom MK II 70 6 - CD3/T2 10.700 90 $9.218.880
Vulcain 98 6 - CD/T 8.400 30 $9.353.620
Warblade 55 6 - CD/T 10.500 130 $8.618.880
Warthog 60 6 - CD3/T2 11.100 85 $8.518.880
Werewolf 65 6 1 CD/T 9.700 140 $8.130.213
Wizard 65 6 - CD/T 9.700 130 $10.724.380
Wolverine 65 6 1 CD/T 12.600 140 $8.219.002
Wrath 68 6 - CD/T 9.900 110 $9.518.880
X7A Fyrefly 110 6 - CD3/T2 9.100 70 $8.718.880
ZX14 Protector 65 6 - CD/T 10.100 110 $8.764.658

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.









Blackburn** (*clan ship*)
71 - 2 (9,10)
CD/T(6) 14.900 54 $9.658.426
Foxhound** 75 - 2 ? 10.500 58 $8.758.492
Hades** 65 - 2 4C/8T/1CD 9.700 200 $6.352.992
Kamov** 65 2 - ? 9.600 120 $9.123.435
Libertine Bomber 85 2 1 CDx1/Tx4 12.500 100 $8.418.028
Lightbringer Bomber 85 - 3 CDx1/Tx3 13.700 140 $6.402.737
Thorax** 65 - 2 ? 9.800 57 $6.358.492

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.









Adonis 85 1 5 CD/T 14.200 210 $8.186.928
Antares Freighter (*clan s.*)
50 4x10 1x9 CD/T 19.000 520 $10.016.232
APC Freighter 135 4 4 CD 20.300 450 $9.952.238
Apophis 135 4 4 CD 20.300 410 $9.357.738
Armored Transport** NA 0 9 NA 50.000 750 $18.760.000
Bullpup MK III 120 6 3 CD/T 21.000 400 $9.716.232
Clydesdale 15 3 5 CM 2.200 125 $23.010
Dissolver Freighter 55 6 - CD/T 9.100 170 $5.308.510
Dromedary 23 3 5 CM 3.600 275 $62.820
Drone 23 2 6 CM 3.600 175 $62.820
Haidar 65 6 - CD/T 11.100 330 $8.973.758
Humpback 33 2 6 CM 5.800 250 $170.940
Luna Sunrise 50 1 5 M, CM, CD2/T2 10.800 375 $7.893.682
Mule 15 4 4 CM 2.200 90 $20.590
Peon Freighter 55 1 5 CD/T 10.800 330 $7.188.259
Rhino 12 3 5 CM 1.600 80 $9.170
Serafina 140 4 4 CD/T, 2CM 11.300 350 $6.062.970
Swashbuckler 33 2 6 CD 5.800 250 $180.940
Troop Carrier 115 2 4 CD 15.300 250 $4.292.426

** Armored transport ship size was modified (is smaller) in CF 2.0 but it is still big ship. You can expect some issues when docking on some bases (especially battleships-type) and is not recommended try dock on liner-type stations.

INFO: Table is atm WIP.

Name -- Type
-- Guns -- Turrets -- Armor --- Cargo ----- Price
Bretonia Destroyer
CR 1 (build-in)
7 (build-in)
80.000 400 32105000
Kusari Destroyer
CR 1 (build-in)
7 (build-in)
80.000 400 32105000
Liberty Cruiser
CR 1 (build-in)
7 (build-in)
80.000 400 32105000
Order Destroyer
CR 1 (build-in)
7 (build-in)
80.000 400 32105000
Rheinland Cruiser
CR 1 (build-in)
7 (build-in)
80.000 400 32105000
Bretonia Gunboat
GU 1 (build-in)
4 (build-in)
40.000 200 16105000
Kusari Gunboat GU 1 (build-in)
4 (build-in)
40.000 200 16105000
Liberty Gunboat
GU 1 (build-in)
4 (build-in)
40.000 200 16105000
Rheinland Gunboat
GU 1 (build-in)
4 (build-in)
40.000 200 16105000
Ragnarok (admin)
GU 6+1 (special)
2 12.600 360 N/A

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.





BS Torps*




BorderWorlds Dreadnought - Inquisitor DR - 8+2 4 (build-in)
450.000 600 $140.009.996
Bretonia Battleship - Crown BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Bretonia Dreadnought - Harbinger DR - 8+2 4 (build-in)
450.000 600 $41.059.996
Corsair Battleship - Maelstrom BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Kusari Battleship - Edo BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Kusari Battleship - Navitas BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Kusari Dreadnought - Manticore DR - 8+2 4 (build-in)
450.000 600 $41.059.996
Liberty Battleship - Iteron BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $40.659.996
Liberty Dreadnought - Virginia DR - 8+2 4 (build-in)
450.000 600 $140.009.996
Miner (admin) NA - 10 - 50.000 1000 NA
Osiris BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Reliant BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Rheinland Battleship - Bismarck BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $105.009.996
Rheinland Battleship - Retribution BS - 8+2 2 (build-in)
350.000 600 $40.659.996
Rheinland Dreadnought - Celestis DR - 8+2 4 (build-in)
450.000 600 $140.009.996
Yggdrasil (admin) DR 1 special 8+2 -
550.000 600 NA

INFO: click on chosen column head to sort the table.



Bo & Bats







Transport Transport_ - - 5 NA 30.000 1.000 $15.072.970
Large Transport Transport_ - - 5 NA 35.000 1.500 $26.332.970
Scouser Train_ - - 6 (2x9, 4x10) NA 60.000 1.750 $52.572.970
Train Train_ - - 6 NA 40.000 2.000 $40.099.997
Soulforge Train Train_ - - 6 NA 45.000 2.500 $56.349.995
Luxury Liner Liner_ - - 11 NA 150.000 0.500 $35.105.000
Prison Liner Liner_ - - 5 NA 150.000 0.500 $37.605.000
Mining Ship
Mining_ 47 1Fw mining laser 4 (build-in)
NA 27.000 0.700 $24.105.000