
This site describes which hook commands you can enter into the Freelancer Crossfire console. The commands are interpreted by the server and offer interaction between players, groups, system and oneself.


Command Parameters Examples
system msg /system <message>
/s <message>

Displays a message to all people who are in the same system like you.

scanner range msg /l <message>

Displays a message to all people who are in your ship scanner range.
group msg /group <message>/g <message>

Displays a message to all people who are in the same group like you.

Accounts (IDs)

Command Parameters Examples
ids /ids
Shows the client IDs of all players
id /id
Displays your own client ID.


Command Parameters Examples


/ignore <charname> [<flags>]
  • <charname>: character name which should be ignored (case insensitive)
  • <flags>: combination of the following flags:
    • p = only affect private chat
    • i = <charname> may match partially
  • /ignore SomeDude
    ignores all chatmessages from SomeDude
  • /ignore PlayerX p
    ignores all private-chatmessages from PlayerX
  • /ignore idiot i
    ignores all chatmessages from players whose charname contain "idiot" (e.g. "[XYZ]IDIOT "MrIdiot etc)
  • /ignore Fool pi
    ignores all private-chatmessages from players whose charname contain "fool"
ignoreid /ignoreid <client-id> [<flags>]
  • <client-id>: ID of the player who should be ignored (see command /ids)
  • <flags>: combination of the following flags:
    • p = only affect private chat
    • i = <charname> may match partially
  • /ignoreid 5
    ignores all chatmessages from the player with ID 5
ignorelist /ignorelist
Displays a list with users that you have put on ignore.
delignore /delignore <id> [...]
Deletes the ignore entry that you have chosen with <id>.


Command Parameters Examples

/invite$ <client-id>

/i$ <client-id>

/i <charname>

Invite the corresponding player to your group

Or use HUD icon (will show in left bottom HUD part) if is player in space near to you.

/join <group>

/j <group>

Lets you join the group, if you have been invited first.


/leave <group>

/lv <group>

Leave the current group you are in.


Command Parameters Examples
deposit /deposit <amount>
/md <amount>

Stores the money on your account.
  • <amount>: amount of money to be taken from current char account into banking account (must be greater than 0)
  • /deposit 1
    takes one credit from your char to your ID banking account

Attention: You can use this feature only for moneys above 65M on your character!

withdraw /withdraw <amount>
/mw <amount>

Withdraw some money from your account
  • <amount>: amount of money to be taken from your banking account into your current char account (must be greater than 0)
  • /withdraw 1
    takes one credit from banking account to your char
transfer /transfer <charname> <amount>
/mt <charname> <amount>
/transfer$ <client-id> <amount>
/mt$ <client-id> <amount>

Transfers money from your account to another ones account
  • <charname>: name of the character who shall receive the money
  • <client-id>: players client-id of whom shall receive the money
  • <amount>: amount of money to be transferred (must be greater than 0)
  • /transfer DC_Haegar 1
    transfers one credit from your banking account to the banking account of DC_Haegar
balance /balance /ab

Displays your current accounting balance.
compress /compress /ac

Compresses your accounting statement table. Will be done automatically if a specific number of entries is reached.
statement /statement <page number> /as <page number>

Displays the accounting statement table.
  • <page number>: which page should be displayed. If no page is given then the first page is displayed.


Command Parameters Examples
bounty /bounty
Displays a list with all bounties currently running on the server.
setbounty /setbounty <charname> <amount> <number of days>
/setbounty$ <client ID> <amount> <number of days>
/setbounty& <shortcut name> <amount> <number of days>

Places a bounty on the chosen player
  • <charname>: name of character the bounty shall be placed on
  • <amount>: bounty money
  • <number of days>: number of days the bounty is valid (including rest of today)
  • /setbounty Player1 10000000 1
    set a bounty of 10 mil on Player1 for rest of today only
  • /setbounty$ 12 5000000 2
    set a bounty of 5 mil on the player with the ID 12 for rest of today and tomorrow
  • /setbounty& DC_Hae 2000000 10
    set a bounty of 2 mil on the player that has DC_Hae in its name for the next ten days plus the rest of today

Cloaking Device

The duration of the cloak varies depending on the ship class and the time it takes to cloak your ship. After the cloaking energy is used up, you have to wait 600 seconds (10 minutes) before it becomes available again.

Command Parameters Examples
cloak /cloak

Cloaks your ship when a cloaking device is attached to it and you've loaded at least 10 red crystals in your ship cargo. When used when already cloaked, it shows the remaining time for the cloak.

uncloak /uncloak

Uncloaks your ship if it is currently cloaked.


Command Parameters Examples
frags /frags [-p] [-n] [-g] [-s]
  • -p = lists 15 lines of that page in the list
  • -n = lists only this player
  • -g = lists only players in group with this player
  • -s = lists only players in the current system
  • /frags -nDC_Haegar
    displays the frags for DC_Haegar
  • /frags -nDC_Haegar
    displays the frags for DC_Haegar
  • /frags -s -p2
    displays 2nd page for players in the current system
  • /frags -p2 -s -gDC_Haegar
    displays 2nd page for players in group with DC_Haegar in the current system
  • /frags -p
    displays frags of all players
set diemsg /set diemsg <param>

While <param> must be one of the following values:
  • all = all deaths will be displayed
  • system = only display deaths occurring in the system you are currently in
  • self = only display deaths the player is involved in(either as victim or killer)
  • none = don't show any death-messages
set diemsgsize /set diemsgsize <small/default>

This lets every user adjust the appearance of the die messages.
set chatfont /set chatfont <size> <style>
  • <size>: small, default or big
  • <style>: default, bold, italic or underline

This lets every user adjust the appearance of the chat messages.

/autobuy <param> [<on/off>]

  • <param>:
    • info = display current autobuy-settings
    • missiles = enable/disable autobuy for missiles
    • torps = enable/disable autobuy for torpedos
    • mines = enable/disable autobuy for mines
    • cd = enable/disable autobuy for cruise disruptors
    • cm = enable/disable autobuy for countermeasures
    • reload = enable/disable autobuy for nanobots/shield batteries
    • all = enable/disable autobuy for all of the above
  • /autobuy missiles on
    enable autobuy for missiles
  • /autobuy all off
    completely disable autobuy
  • /autobuy info
    show autobuy info
ping /ping

Shows your current ping
help /help [command]
/h [command]
/? [command]

Displays the help of the corresponding command.
time /time

Displays the current server time in GMT

Tax & Fine

Command Parameters Examples
Tax /tax

Is used on selected ship (target), which will get request for pay tax. Amount is counted automatically considering target moneys on his char and balance.

ONLY with equipped Pirate RP license! For more details look here: TAX/FINE commands (MP)

Fine /fine

Is used on selected ship (target), which will get request for pay fine. Amount is counted automatically considering target moneys on his char and balance.

ONLY with equipped Police RP license! For more details look here: TAX/FINE commands (MP)