
  • 14001-asf-license-pngLicense allowing participation in server special Role-Play - ASF vs CSF.

    ASF_License: Allows players to be part of the Alliance Star Fleet (ASF) which fight against the Confederated Strike Force (CSF), more details here. Every ship equipped with this license is open to attack from any player carrying on his ship opposite license (CSF_License) anywhere and any-time in all Crossfire RP systems.


    • Class: 8
    • Cost: $1.000.000
    • Allows collect Bounties
    • Where to purchase: Aeston Shipyard (ASF_HQ in X-3043 system)

    IMPORTANT: Each playable ship on the Crossfire server is equipped with two license slots intended for server role-play purposes. The Crossfire server accommodates two types of role-play: Basic (Pirate License, Police License, Mercenary License & Smuggler License) and Special (ASF_License & CSF_License). Players can assign only one basic and one special license to any of their ships. A distinct arrangement is applicable to server clans, wherein clan members uniformly utilize the same license, either for basic or special role-play, as per the internal decision of each clan.
