1. Description
The Javelin Missile launcher's main attribute is its stalwart reliability; delivering a punishing payload accurately and effectively. This and its relatively inexpensive cost make the Javelin a welcome addition to any arsenal.
2. Stats:
- Gun/Missile Class: 1
- Shield Damage Per Shot: 244
- Hull Damage Per Shot: 489
- Range: 1000m
- Projectile Speed: 285 m/s
- Refire Rate: 0.13
- Turn Rate: 4.90
3. Price:
4. Where to buy:
- Planet New London - New London
- Southampton Shipyard - New London
- Battleship Suffolk - New London
- Waterloo Station - New London
- Canterbury Station - New London
- Thames Outpost - New London
- Kensington Shipping Platform - New London
- Birmingham Station - Manchester
- Sheffield Station - Manchester
- Liverpool Border Station - Manchester
- Kingston Border Station - Manchester
- Planet Manhattan - New York
- Planet Pittsburgh - New York
- Battleship Missouri - New York
- Trenton Outpost - New York
- Norfolk Shipyard - New York
- Newark Station - New York
- West Point Military Academy - New York
- Detroit Munitions - New York
- Fort Bush - New York
- Buffalo Base - New York
- Rochester Base - New York
- Baltimore Shipyard - New York
- Planet Los Angeles - California
- California Minor - California
- Battleship Yukon - California
- Willard Research Station - California
- San Diego Border Station - California
- Alcatraz Depot - California
- Planet Denver - Colorado
- Battleship Rio Grande - Colorado
- Ouray Base - Colorado
- Pueblo Station - Colorado
- Planet Houston - Texas
- LPI Huntsville - Texas
- Battleship Mississippi - Texas
- Beaumont Base - Texas
- LPI Sugarland - Texas
- Neutro Station - Custodian
- Juneau Shipyard - Alaska
- Planet Prophecy - Tarsus
- Planet Aventin - Vega
- Octo Station - Telosis
- Station Reese - Daedalus
- Carmona Shipyard - Daedalus
- Planet Eton - Helios
- Capua Station - Helios
- Planet Tojo - Seltos
- Enugu Station - Seltos
- Planet Tobruk - Neophobos
- Ghats Prison - Neophobos
- Planet Legacy - Vespus
- Planet Vernon - Vespus
- Planet Lima - Regalis
- Karun Shipyard - Regalis
- Planet Rodez - Casius
- Lhasa Station - Casius
- Planet Issos - Arena
- Severn Station - Nephele
- Lith Station - Nephele
- Outpost Epsilon - Enyo
- Saba Station - Enyo
- Quetzal Station - Enyo
- Outpost Zeta - Enigma
- Pescara Station - Enigma
- Novara Station - Enigma
- Murcia Station - Enigma
- Outpost Psi - Sekar
- Lynen Station - Sekar
- Shiras Station - Sekar
- Pusin Dock - Wheel of Sirius
- Mostar Dock - Wheel of Sirius
- Lagos Dock - Wheel of Sirius
- Moers Dock - Wheel of Sirius
- Pharos Dock - Wheel of Sirius
- Ice Palace - Sea of Shadows
- Orion Outpost - Oasis
- Planet Vienna - Purian Lake
- Planet Roma - Purian Lake
- Battleship Deliverance - Sol
- Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta
- Aeston Shipyard - X-3043