The Arena System is dedicated to practicing fighting skills, weapon testing and various combat events. It contains three gates build by the Nomads: one leading directly to the X-3043 crossroad (used by most of pilots); the second to Coloseum, which is a dead end system used for tactical fight events; and a third, Hive, with its special maze. The maze, which can be difficult to leave once you have entered, is also a place for racing events.
Arena has two jump holes not far from the Planet Issos. The first is leading to the Enigma System, the second into the Wheel of Sirius System; both can be used to secretly leave Arena, unlike using Nomad gate to X-3043 mentioned earlier which is the main entry and exit point.
1. Bases & Dockable Planets
- Planet Issos
- Iaentha (moon)
- Enhwar (moon)
2. Jump Holes
3. Jump Gates
4. Images
In Triangulum Field |
Near Enhwar Moon |
Iaentha Moon |
Around Planet Issos |
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