1. Description
The labor camps of the Bretonian mining colonies are located on the continents of Aventin. It is also the second center of mining operations, trade and transport in Crossfire. If you are convicted of a crime against the public in Bretonia, you are either put on probation, sent to prison, put to death, or sent to work for life at the Aventin camps.
2. Stats
- DIAMETER: 13.114 km
- MASS: 6.149 × 10e24 kg
- TERRAIN: Terrestrial
- TEMPERATURE: -50°C to 40°C
- ESCAPE VELOCITY: 11.59 km/sec
- OWNER: Bretonia Police
- SYSTEM: Vega
3. Ships
4. Equipment to buy
4.1. Guns & Missiles & Turrets
- Javelin Missile
- Stalker Missile
- Eraser Missile
- Wasp Cruise Disruptor
- Hornet Cruise Disruptor
- Slingshot Missile
- Windstalker Missile
- Skyrail Turret
- Skyrail
- Ripper
- Sweeper Missile
- Adv. Skyrail Turret
- Adv. Skyrail
- Adv. Ripper