This place was for long time controlled by the drug Cartels. Main drug Cardamine is produced on the Planet Gortyn, where are hidden numerous producing facilities, which are all controlled by the Outcasts. They then distribute the drug to the local Cartels and manage smuggling to distant systems; numerous customers are also from the Liberty. Governament of the Liberty tried to stop this drug, but people controlling Station Reese were either bribed or intimidated or in some cases executed as a warning.
However, in recent times were drug cartels weakened due military support to the Carmona shipyard which is producing cruisers and destroyers. These ships are crucial in ongoing fights with Nomads and theirs mighty masters, and this brought strong military presence into system. Outcast therefore decided to limit cardamine production for this system and distancing themselves from cartels. They have thought that it is wise to stay low profile here until will be military presence weakened.
Local environment of this system was also for very long time ideal for all kind of criminal activities included piracy. One of the parts of the Station Reese was used by small group of pirates known as the Lost Prophets (MP), who were operating from here with impunity, because of intimidated management of the Station.
1. Bases & Dockable Planets
- Carmona Shipyard
- Planet Gortyn
- Asurn (moon)
- Enis (moon)
- Enkim (moon)
- Verud (moon)
- Weril (moon)
- Station Reese
2. Jump Holes
3. Jump Gates
4. Wrecks & Special
5. Images
Planet Gortyn moons |
Luxury Liner near Asurn moon |
Using Trade Lane |
Gas Miner |
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