In the recent past this System struggled desperately due to the ASF vs CSF conflict, and the situation worsened with the ASF revealing that a CSF base had been found on Yerith, planet Rodez's only moon. During this time and in this System, many casualties were suffered in the ranks of the civilian pilot population, however, since then the situation has slowly improved. Now the System is much calmer, tourist started enjoy visits to Planet Rodez and local companies slowly rebuilt trade routes. However, visitors should be warned, that within the System one can still encounter strong patrols of the CSF, since the CSF no intent to give up this system completely.
Caisus was for a very long time the home system for the IOC (Independent Operators Consortium) clan. They decided a few years ago to move from their home base in the Sirius Sector, to the New Hongkong System in the Altair Sector. One of the main reasons for this move was the building of a new connection (Hypergate) by the Coalition which lead directly to the Inner Core System. This meant the IOC could now use this gate for their operations and have direct access to the Inner Corer.
1. Bases & Dockable Planets
- Core Station
- Lhasa Station
- Planet Rodez
- Yerih (moon)
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