Roleplay vs Reputation

There are 93 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RonaldoDaVinci.

  • it has no real impact on gameplay



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ah, thought so.

    Well, then first :
    Huor : We really appreciate the work you've done. I hope you don't take our "lamenting" about this and that detail as an offense.
    THX a lot for the clarification about what this new feature can do and for this feature at all.
    (Btw : There's "0", "1", and "3".Is there also a "2" setting ?)
    And all the factions NOT "set" by this feature are free for unlimited "reputational" work.

    I like the idea of a bit more npc envolvement also into RP and clanning, as - I think - it was intended,
    when development of this feature started and as it would happen in the "fixed" settings
    (aka ;xy_p_grp = 0.65, 3 ;Liberty Police Inc. (Police) ) mentioned in the starting post.

    Therefor here are some of my suggestions :

    ;ku_p_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Kusari State Police (Police )
    ;br_p_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Bretonia Police (Police )
    ;li_p_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Liberty Police Inc. (Police)
    ;rh_p_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Rheinland Police (Police)
    ;rh_ncf_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;rh_n_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_rn_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_ln_grp = - 0.55, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;li_n_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_ncf_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;li_ncf_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_n_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_kn_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_b_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Bundschuh
    ;fc_bd_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Blood Dragons
    ;fc_c_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Corsairs
    ;fc_fa_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Farmers Alliance
    ;fc_g_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Gaians
    ;fc_gc_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Golden Chrysanthemums
    ;fc_h_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Hogosha
    ;fc_j_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Junkers
    ;fc_lh_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Lane Hackers
    ;fc_ln_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Navy FC
    ;fc_lr_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Rogues
    ;fc_lwb_grp = -0.59, 1 ;LWB
    ;fc_m_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Mollys
    ;fc_ou_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Outcasts
    ;fc_rh_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Red Hessians
    ;fc_u_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Unioniers
    ;fc_x_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Xenos
    ;ku_p_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Kusari State Police (Police )
    ;br_p_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Bretonia Police (Police )
    ;li_p_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Police Inc. (Police)
    ;rh_p_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Rheinland Police (Police)
    ;rh_ncf_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;rh_n_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_rn_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_ln_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;li_n_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_ncf_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;li_ncf_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_n_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_kn_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_b_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Bundschuh
    ;fc_bd_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Blood Dragons
    ;fc_c_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Corsairs
    ;fc_fa_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Farmers Alliance
    ;fc_g_grp = - 0.55, 0 ;Gaians
    ;fc_gc_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Golden Chrysanthemums
    ;fc_h_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Hogosha
    ;fc_j_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Junkers
    ;fc_lh_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Lane Hackers
    ;fc_ln_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Liberty Navy FC
    ;fc_lr_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Liberty Rogues
    ;fc_lwb_grp = -0.55, 0 ;LWB
    ;fc_m_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Mollys
    ;fc_ou_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Outcasts
    ;fc_rh_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Red Hessians
    ;fc_u_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Unioniers
    ;fc_x_grp = -0.55, 0 ;Xenos
    ;ku_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari State Police (Police )
    ;br_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Bretonia Police (Police )
    ;li_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Police Inc. (Police)
    ;rh_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Police (Police)
    ;rh_ncf_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;rh_n_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_rn_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_ln_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;li_n_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_ncf_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;li_ncf_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_n_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_kn_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_lr_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Liberty Rogues
    ;fc_lh_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Lane Hackers
    ;fc_h_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Hogosha
    ;fc_j_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Junkers
    ;fc_ou_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Outcasts
    ;fc_c_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Corsairs (I have added the Corsairs to the "not hostile"-range of the Smugglers due to Jack Blinch also being able to make buissness there.)
    ;fc_x_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Xenos
    ;co_alg_grp = -0.59, 1 ;ALG Waste Disposal (ALG)
    ;fc_fa_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Farmers Alliance (Alliance)
    ;gd_bh_grp = -0.59, 1 ;Bounty Hunters Guild
    ;ku_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari State Police (Police )
    ;br_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Bretonia Police (Police )
    ;li_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Police Inc. (Police)
    ;rh_p_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Police (Police)
    ;rh_ncf_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;rh_n_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_rn_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Rheinland Military (Military)
    ;fc_ln_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;li_n_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_ncf_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;li_ncf_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Liberty Navy (Navy)
    ;ku_n_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    ;fc_kn_grp = 0.59, 0 ;Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces )
    fc_cf2_grp = 0.6, 1 ;ASF
    fc_cf3_grp = -0.6, 0 ;CSF
    fc_cf3_grp = 0.6, 1 ;CSF
    fc_cf2_grp = -0.6, 0 ;ASF

    As you migth see I have set the max. positiv pirates can achive in front of police forces
    VERY LOW in the NEUTRAL range and the max. positive police can achive in front of pirates/criminals also.

    Reason :
    The very low neutral is enough for pirate/police clanners to do their trading even in oppoing npc faction infested regions.
    they have to be carefull who of npc factions they might fight, since killing an npc,
    who's allied to one of the "set" factions might turn them from low neutral to red hostile.
    they would have to "adjust" their reputation to the "set" factions as well as to their allies beforehand.

    This "neccessaty" would apply to pirate-RP as well as police-RP to certain regions
    and therefor "balancing" the advantages and disadvantages between them (I hope).

    And yes :
    That would make some regions are more dangerous than other to clan-members - well it's something NEW,
    as mentioned before : this is not Freelancer but Crossfire,
    and not Crossfire 1.92or 1.999 but Crossfire 2.0 8). .


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Quote

    Does a players affiliation have an effect on gameplay AT ALL ??

    yes, it has. because ...


    All I can think of is that it determines if another player I met somewhere in space is shown in red, white or green on my HUD and target list, according to the reputation I have with the faction he is affiliated to.

    and that's how it works (as an example): 2 players are in a group hunting/farming/shooting groups of NPC-s. if player A has an affiliation of a faction that is hostile to player B, then player B will surely shoot player A from time to time since player B's auto-targetting will get player A as next target. usually a funny mistake. till player B is shooting with a BS ;)


    in MP if you kill with your char more as 8-10 Ancient Drones in Dervon and want after this change your char affiliation, it will become affiliated with GMG (hidden) everytime

    no worries, i found a solution 8).
    i had the same problem and still have with other chars. so i started with making following: i deleted the GMG-affiliated char and a minute later i made a new char with the same name. ok, i have to start mapping now again, but at least i kept the frags (PvP-statistics) and have a nice reminder to good old times with nice fights and can so get the affiliation i want :D

    "There is no connection between truth and politics." Londo Mollari (Centauri Ambassador) londo.jpg

    Dark Phoenix Clan introduction: link
    Sigma 17 Rules: link
    DP Recruiting Office: link

    Events, Eventmanagers: link
    Event Rules: link

  • Quote

    and that's how it works (as an example): 2 players are in a group hunting/farming/shooting groups of NPC-s. if player A has an affiliation of a faction that is hostile to player B, then player B will surely shoot player A from time to time since player B's auto-targetting will get player A as next target. usually a funny mistake. till player B is shooting with a BS ;)

    What "partners" do you take with you for farming ? :D

    Other than that :


    it has no real impact on gameplay

    btw : nice "trick" about keeping frags


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • The biggest problem I see is, how are big events such as races going to be handled? With this feature, if the race ends up going through more systems with pirates, its going to be a big problem for police. The pirate players can just bypass all the NPC pirates while the police are going to be attacked, harrased and slowed down like crazy. That would give the pirates a huge and unfair advantage in those systems. The same goes for if the event involves more police heavy systems, the police will be at an advantage.

  • Quote

    and that's how it works (as an example): 2 players are in a group hunting/farming/shooting groups of NPC-s. if player A has an affiliation of a faction that is hostile to player B, then player B will surely shoot player A from time to time since player B's auto-targetting will get player A as next target. usually a funny mistake. till player B is shooting with a BS

    seriously but that makes no sense at all
    being affiliated does not automatically means to be hostile
    and being hostile does not automatically means to be affiliated

    fact is if you are in a fight and there are 2 other players
    one is -0.91 hostile (aka affiliated)
    and one is only -0.85 hostile (with other words not affiliated)
    then the chances being auto-targeted by you are equal.... simply for the fact that both are hostile to you

    affiliation plays absolutely no role in gameplay



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • ... I will make article in wiki with all about affilation which i know included known trick. We may discuss this in another thread and made info for players the best as possible. Will be rly better save Huor's time with less reading in this topic.

  • Quote

    being affiliated does not automatically means to be hostile



    and being hostile does not automatically means to be affiliated


    in fact i was in a group yesterday (farming Dooms) and my affiliation (Coalition Rogues) was hostile to another player of our group, since he used to farm Coalition Rogues for pods. and so it happened that he shot me several times (in his BS) because his auto-target was so happy about my nice red color :D

    Martin: if u need some help i can give some advices, i made many experiences with affiliation now :)

    "There is no connection between truth and politics." Londo Mollari (Centauri Ambassador) londo.jpg

    Dark Phoenix Clan introduction: link
    Sigma 17 Rules: link
    DP Recruiting Office: link

    Events, Eventmanagers: link
    Event Rules: link

  • still doesnt make affiliation any important



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ Kalisie
    Prob lies here for the EMs to "find" a proper system for event or "route of systems".
    Most likely will be solved after 1 - 3 attempts, when getting used to this feature.

    @ Martind
    Looking forward for your article. :)

    About Huor and this thread here :
    I think the "hard work" is done. He has explained how the feature works and that's it.
    No further coding to be demanded.
    But due to the "delicate" nature, no easy changing after activated, we were asked
    if it should be activated and
    to make suggestions on settings.

    It's totally up to the dev team, how this feature will be used when released and I'm sure
    we will be informed on that.
    But obviously for making up their minds they ask for our opinion.

    Therefor we should focus in this thread on exactly what was asked for :
    LIKE or NO LIKE,
    IDEAS on settings


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • I'm up for the idea, despite the consequences it might have on the reputation, but that's pretty much with everything new until you get used to it.

    More realistic - the better(or at least in most cases).

  • Is it considered that Freelancers can use this for quick reputation fix, mounting different licenses and Selling them again ?
    (don't have to work for reputation, as they have to now)
    Maybe this is considered minor against the entire purpose.

    CF RP: Probably smuggling something or exploring the universe
    EM char: Event_Manager_Silverfox


  • im not sure if any config can be considered a fix



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • depends on the settings finally choosen for this feature :

    with all the "mayor" npc factions at neutral - even when low - as suggested so far
    in some cases for some players it might be interesting to get such a "quick" neutral rep-fix.

    But as Silverfox already said :


    Maybe this is considered minor against the entire purpose.

    I , personally, WOULD consider it minor.


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • freelancers get no adjustments at all, you cannot fix anything with being freelancer. Your reputation stays as is, when you unmount your license. It may be that you are in a clan, then you surely get soon bankrupt flying without proper license.

    at the 1st :
    Does this means, the reputation you had BEFORE you mount a license will be restored when you unmount it ?

    at the 2nd :
    Does this means, wearing a clan tag without the proper license the server will "fine" you automatically ?


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • @ 1
    Then it's the "mechanism" Silerfox referred to, that some players might see a possibility for a quick rep-fix.
    But as OP said : veeeery questionable gain

    WOW, now you really choose a "FATE" becomming a clan member 8).:D


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Yes, no more pirates or mercs or police flying with other licenses just cus they feel like exploting stuff a bit, or taking a bounty off the head of their cop/pirate friend's head.

    Planned long ago, looking forward to seeing it in action. Would be nice if the fines also took out of the player's bank account, and be proportional with how much they have in that bank acc... or just 10 mill per minute works too xD

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis