Posts by Martind Forlon

    Martind Forlon added a new version:

    Just as feedback, it contain battle (heavy), asteroid base view (awesome, it really look great), cutscenes (seems some parts look much better now) and station menu (dark textures issue) at the end. Game performance seems really good, I only had short sound issue during battle and next to it there are some "dark" textures in cutscene and stations as were mentioned above.

    (edited video version was re-uploaded and btw Im rusty as hell with ship piloting :D )

    Battle 00:00

    Asteroid station 03:44

    1st cutscene 04:30

    1st cutscene 04:43

    Station menu: 06:15

    It looked like there are “holes” where you can see through the planet (that was my initial thought) or that there’s something off with the texture.

    Some parts certainly look better (compared to DX12), some I like more in DX12 (mainly related to cutscenes as Terran, hair, clothing). Stations definitely look amazing in OpenGL

    it was however only short testing, but game worked well in both renderers for me.

    Hello, apache101,

    Try delete (or move) old save games and then try start campaign. That, or maybe "non-original" version of FL can have such effect (as far as I remember reported issues). And then just maybe issue (unlikely) with mod installation which should be not the case anymore with latest installer.

    "C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer"

    Can you try start once Multiplayer? ... could be worth to check if game engine runs. Below added intallation instructions how I installed game last time in 2023.

    Forlon: .... Original place for this post is here: ... but bcs that website is dormant now for some time already (and some of images, files are already gone :( , I've decided to make backup here bcs for ships dimensions in ED is only very limited amount of sources. And with quite unexpected, but very welcomed, influx of new ships in 2024 (2 released, one coming very soon and one at end of year), this may come quite useful to anyone wanting to comparing ships dimensions and do own estimates ...

    I’m glad you asked!

    The landing pads in Elite dangerous come in three flavours. Small (66m x 55m), Medium (150m x 90m) and Large (213m x 128m) and these are rotating tables that sink into a shaft and rotate 180 degrees before reversing your ship into the hangar below.

    See this early render of the Panther LX.

    So far so good.

    Now a Lakon Type-7 Transporter is (according to my blueprints) 56.1m wide by 81.6m long and 25.4m high. Which means the Type-7 sits well within the maximum size of the pad.

    It’s not so big

    Compared to the more expensive multi-role Python, the Type-7 is both shorter and narrower despite having similar cargo sizes and yet the Python is Medium ship. So, what’s the problem?

    Height. That pesky 3rd dimension is raining on our Medium pad parade! The highest Medium pad ship is the Federal Assault Ship which is 49.5m wide by 73.8m long and 22.8m high. That means the maximum headroom for a Medium hangar is somewhere between 22.8m and 25.4m, the average of which is a few centimetres short of 24m, so it’s safe to assume that the ceiling is 24m for a ship with gear deployed. Which, for the Type-7, is a problem because without gear out, it’s already more than 25m high – closer to 27m with feet on the ground.

    Like really tall men and women everywhere the poor Type-7 just has to shop elsewhere for hangars big enough, because what fits all those other Medium ships just isn’t tall enough for the Type-7.


    And that's why the Type-7 Transporter cannot land on Medium pads. Not because the ship is too big for the pad, but because the ship is too high for the medium hangar.

    Martind Forlon added a new version:

    It seems like there must be "hidden" faction owner in the play like IndianaJones has mentioned. That was usually the case for SP Campaign needs. If it is so, you don't have much chances to change "red" state once is achieved. It could be curious to look why Nomads killing affects reputation in these special cases.

    Edit: I knew there was already given some info about this: Affiliation - SWAT Portal

    Mystery solved....killing enough Nomads will make the base or two wings woun't hurt:D

    ... info added to above posted wiki entry :)

    Welcome in Crossfire! Aomine

    Smugglers usually know theirs stuff ... as it was the case also for police officers :) ...

    In case that you want to find your own way for making fortunes via trading, check this: Introduction to smuggling - SWAT Portal, including links added to that article.

    Now few general informations:

    • Each commodity have its own need for cargo space (ie. some like alien organisms needs only 0.5 cargo space, so trader ship with 400 cargo can carry 800 AOs, and some comodities may need for example 2 cargo space, so trader ship with 400 cargo can carry 200 those)
    • There is hard set period (less as month) which uses dynamic economy for change prices across all stations. You can ask around or gather own experient by yourself, thing is that revealing a way how dynamic economy works is crucial for become really rich in Crossfire :) or how to be very efficient in doing most of forms of RP on the Corssfire server.
    • Cargo in form of commodites is always lost when is your ship destroyed. To be neutral with NPCs faction is for trader a common routine, in case of MP you may also need to deal with players ... which depends about how many are on server and how much are some in mood for chase :) ... that was personally my most liked part of play CF ... basic info for server RP: Server staff: Crossfire 2.0 RP overview
    • There is however one cargo which is safe against destruction and this is Cargo Container ... check wiki entry for more information.
    • Some commmodities also can be mined (under some circumentstances it may give quite decent income/time
    • Some of small stations allow also docking for large ships (like most commonly used soulforge train)
    • in MP you can also cooperate with other players via transfering cargo between small and large ship, which can also make nice profit in some cases, like when you have good buy source on planet and small station nearby which buy commodity for big money :) . These occasions are rare, but can be time very efficient for making profit and are also quite safe even in case of hostile server RP encounters.

    In case of MP you have two options how to get perfect knowledge about actual market prices, becasue SP and MP shares the same market prices. So you can use your SP character (or gamesave) where you will have strored goods of your choice (and ideally have visited all stations) and look there what is the best trade for a day, OR you can make new character in MP which will be used for this role. While playing in smuggler clan or with experienced smuggler ... there was commonly available information about good daily trading oprtunities.

    ... trading can make you money MUCH faster as selling pods, you will however need to do some preparations for this :)