Crossfire 1.8 Feedback

There are 149 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Martind Forlon (SA_Forlon).

  • Short feedback - even if you are very drunk, on crappy lenovo laptop in China and you are using a VPN connection to Bulgaria - you can easily install and use 1.8. 8)

    Just tested. So don't cry those who cry.

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Spiky-
    omg can't believe what just happened

    myric and me were on the wrong server (test server) and wondered why there was nobody reconnecting lol

    welcome to my laptop



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • OMG, that's hilarious. How the hell did that happen.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • Shield regeneration is extremely fast, this is unplayable. Even 10lvl NPC with 6lvl shield ale for lvl6 weapons virtually indestructible. NPC use all his shield replacement (scan) and I am not able shiled penetrate (cca 10 sec and shield is from 10% to max!!!)

    Note: Today I instal 1.8 and forgot to write old MPID (rokie). Starting new character with indestructible NPCs and unstable server is really pain :-( :-( ... recent example: 6 enemies, after 2hours shoting and 5take out servr crash, I am realy hapy :D

  • Maybe it is jusy that I have my old X700 Radeon card installed, but travel through nebulas creates rather jumpy graphics for me ATM. I need to replace my monitor soon, though, so maybe this will clear up when I put my HD3850 back in...

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Very cool mod! Totally new stuff I love it :D

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Yea, there are now 3 or even 4 Sectors like Sirius and Altair... like DK's one in another Galaxy :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • You guys are crazy, trading is such a boring part no 10q :P


  • Once only smugglers can trade BMG, money will be much harder to obtain.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • Hehe...pirate will have great hunting!! :D

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
    "marauder": Syn: bandit, buccaneer, desperado, forager, looter, pillager, pirate, plunderer, predator, raider

    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • Graphics are Epic.Game runs extremely smooth even though my ping is very high(210 0 0).

    Terms like stunning and brilliant come to mind.

    A Big thank you to OP, Haegar, Centaurian, Arvedui, and all the other folks involved in making this incredible mod. Stunning and brilliant may even be an understatement.

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums

  • So far, so good. The bump mapping didn't work right for me (laptop, 8600M GT card), but works fine on just "Advanced" setting. While understandable, not being able to F1 in space is a bit annoying when you're out in the middle of nowhere and want to take a break :p.

    Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
    - John Greenleaf

    Funny how a super manly show about awesomeness makes people bawl like little girls.
    - MySpaceBarBroke on Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann