RP new concepts for 2.0 and similar

There are 19 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • I have read this thread 2 times or more and i can only come to 1 conclusion.....

    Do we need Really NEED Arena System in its current form..

    Hear me out...

    I can understand its used for Events meets, training, and PvP but i feel you can do that almost anywhere.
    Atm, Arena is ( and be honest ) just a pissing contest, the best TOP GUN who reigns supreme in there.

    Isn't it about time that Arena was used in a better way.

    There is a Planet there, if you want to improve your skills in fighting have missions based there that are really hard ass
    with high rewards, that way you will learn how to fight better and get rewarded too.
    And i mean REALLY HARD missions with Nomad, K'Vash BS's and NPC's from IC, but in a sort of drone guise.
    OK, you may argue that in PvP situations you will learn more, but when you are trading ( as i often do ) all you see
    flash on the screen is... Fred Killed Tom by Missle and gets 250k for his efforts, and Tom killed Fred by guns and gets
    175k for his efforts
    ..... its get FECKING annoying seeing it all the time, but thats something i have to put up with.
    I still say fighting the NPC's in IC is the best way to learn how to fight, where there is more than one of them, rather
    than just 2 of you's in a safe sytem, because the risk is higher and more dangerous, and if you are in there on your own,
    boy its harder.

    Crossfire as i understand it, is about the threat of the Nomads and Dom K'Vash, but most ppl would rather just come on,
    spawn camp in Arena and just kill anyone that goes into X or Custodian, just to prove their point.
    I think these ppl have lost their true way in which Crossfire RP was intended to be played.

    The one thing i do know is, if i had a RANK of 100, i would help new players on the server, not just bully others that are
    exploring for the first time ( or mapping as its referred too ), cos thats what they are BULLIES.

    On other Mods that i have played, it is a general rule if you want to be a Pirate, you have [X] after your name so as you
    know who's what in a system and gives you a chance to avoid said system they are in, perhaps something we should concider.
    That way the pirates will get their asses out of Arena and hunt you down which inturn should pave the way for better RP interaction.
    But if they stay in Arena and X, ppl would just avoid system, as they know thats where the BULLIES live, which is unfair to
    new players.

    So my question i put to you, Should we change the way Arena System is devised.

    I don't expect to get reasonable replies to this bc most of the time it falls on deaf ears.

    My Pennies worth.



  • difficulty of missions cant be harder than anywhere else... FL is pretty much limited in that area



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • difficulty of missions cant be harder than anywhere else... FL is pretty much limited in that area

    OK, i accept that, but lets put it another way.

    500 ppl download your mod..

    250 ppl can't play online due to high ping or other realated isp problems.

    leaves 250..

    Out of those 250, 150 ppl would rather play on SP version only.

    100 left..

    All of the 100 go online at sometime or other, 60 of those have a bad experience online,
    they either go to SP or delete mod entirely.

    40 left..

    How do we keep the 40 that are left, interested.

    Bare in mind this is all approximations...

    Your Mod is far better then the others imo, but answer me this, WHY does Discovery have more ppl on it???

    Is it better than Crossfire....NO.....i dont like it.
    Is it graphically better than Crossfire....NO....Crossfire way better in that department.

    So the golden question is WHY ?? is it the rules set out in it, the ping, the people, or just better RP idk
    But whatever it is, we need a bucket load of it on Crossfire.

    I will always be a Crossfire fan,,always,, perhaps CF 2.0 when completed may raise it from the ashes like
    a fiery Pheonix............ i hope so, its too good to lose...



  • It is planned that players of different RP licenses, have their text on different light colors, to diferenciate their RP when they talk, and few more reasons. For example a cop speaks in a light blue, a pirate in light red, etc, and everyone else sees those colors ( Puking rainbows is not allowed xD, they are slight color changes, nothing strong).

    That about having an [X] or such at the tag is an interesting idea, just that it will never happen that everyone of a type of RP wears a tag on their chars. BUT it is a good idea, so it should be possible to be done using our flhook to also diferenciate player numbers by the license they wear, and not only chat's text color.
    So any character with a Cop license would have some symbol, no matter freelancer or clan...

    But thinking it better, as in practically, that idea can bring some problems.

    We could talk the suggestion topics on another thread (the current suggestions one, or a new thread), on the proper topic, because this is not the right thread for that.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Since we started suggesting stuff here, I have a question; I don't have it formulated well in my mind so I'll just post it here instead of posting a new thread:

    Is it possible to have a, let's say, a really strong battleship ... no, no, MOTHERSHIP, in Inner Core, for example, that would need plenty of people to take it down, but will also offer great equipment? Kind of sounds like a MMORPG, but I think it might be a good way to force people to group up and do things together.

    Just imagine, a ultra-strong mothership that requires at least 8 people to take down. You can involve trains (to carry the cargo), repair ships, battleships, bombers carrying coalition torpedos and whatnot. And since it will be hitting as hard as hell, you will have to pick the right configuration of ships in order to kill it :)

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • The idea was to speak about the suggestions on another thread with the correct topic, as we are off topic... but as this post would get moved together with the rest of suggestion posts, well:

    It is possible, and I tried to suggest that some years ago, but maybe it could work this time, I would support your idea :D

    By when I though it, there was no Inner Core, so the idea is the "Arrival of the Nomad Solar Bomber", where that huge nomad bomber (not like the tiny ones we have now) from the extended introduction, that blows up the sun, counting it as not happened because the Dom Kavash came first to make the Coalition flee, would be an event where some GR comes with that ship, heavely armed, and a timer of like 10 minutes that it takes for the main gun to load, in which if people don't stop it before the time runs out, the GR shoots the forward cannon which has a radius big enough to kill everyone in the system.

    Maybe transforming that idea to a Sentinel Destroyer/Mothership (sentinel just looks as the most advanced, and cool hostile race), we could have it as a NPC that fires around like a dumb duck as the already existing Mothership, but with more weapons, and deadly fast fire rate weapons, or to have it as a common account for any GR to hold events with it at the proper time, and make a better use of the deadly weapons, and add the "surprise" part of the Main Forward Cannon. While of course, the ship would not be able to move at all, targeted towards the sun.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • as a relative newbie I thought I would put my 2 cents into this discussion

    I wholly agree with tyael and cygna. I am gradually getting used to and being drawn in to RP, with the kind help for forlon. to be quite frank, when I see these quabbles and bullying that have occurred on the MP server
    and the rows here in the forum, it makes me want to lose interest and just do my own thing.

    personally, I think OP, the Devs and the moderaters do a very good job, but at times it must be exasburating for them with all the moans and groans.

    so my request and hope is some of you just damn well grow up and play the game as it was mean't to be. I can say this because of my age, the average age on the server is mid twenties. so please grow up, act like adults
    and play nice.

    there, I have said all I have to say on the subject, u all can like it or lump it


    Ray OK


    oooops some how this reply is in the wrong thread, how could that have happened, I thought I had put it into the thread about the arguing and bullying earlier this week

    Edited once, last by RayOK: my reply has ended up in the wrong thread. I was replying to the thread about bullying and arguing about PvP I wonder how this happened, this thread has some good idea's ().

  • you really expect an answer?
    seriously there are more complaints against certain ppl than it would be good for them

    I dont really understand whats going on in some ppl mind.
    Look at the server population... it is dropping.
    It does not do that because the mod is bad... the discovery server does not have more players because they have a better server or a better mod.
    They have more players coz they have working RP and not ppl which constantly destroy other ppl fun by disturbing other RP types.

    OP you are right. Discovery have soo many players because RP are clear and everyone understand that. If someone kill player the player ho was kill can't go in the system that he was be killed for 3 hours and the player ho was kill him can't kill him again for 3 hours. They can fight eatch other if the both side was agree with this...and if they are with this licens. Exapmle player with corsair licens can and have to kill player with outcast licens. My point is that they have many player because they respect RP. If here players do the same i am sure it will come more and more players here from the others mods (i don't know if it's the only 2 mods Crossfire and Discovery) and they will forget for the rest mods because this mod have OWSOME SP story VERRY good communication in MP and the graphics is TOTALY OWSOME and now will have and good RP. So if nonone break the rules here it will be much more fun and will have much more players 8). ...btw if i'm do somthing wrong with this post then i will take the consequences without get angry because i wll deserve it !!!

    Always have a thought for those you care about. That way they will never be forgotten even after they are gone.

  • if you are up for such changes then work something out... a concept... something that we can try to turn into real



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • OP if you realy think i can help it will be a honor for me and i will do my best, but for now i don't have any ideas in my mind, but i will try to think of somthing 8).
    Hunter Out

    Always have a thought for those you care about. That way they will never be forgotten even after they are gone.

    Edited once, last by Night-Hunter: . ().

  • Night-Hunter said:

    OP you are right. Discovery have soo many players because RP are clear and everyone understand that. If someone kill player the player ho was kill can't go in the system that he was be killed for 3 hours and the player ho was kill him can't kill him again for 3 hours. They can fight eatch other if the both side was agree with this...and if they are with this licens. Exapmle player with corsair licens can and have to kill player with outcast licens. My point is that they have many player because they respect RP. If here players do the same i am sure it will come more and more players here from the others mods

    This i feel we should adopt something like it, stops spawn campers.

    OP said:

    if you are up for such changes then work something out... a concept... something that we can try to turn into real

    Night- Hunters suggestion could be put into Crossfires rules as an amendment, which could be a good change, or something like that.
    Gives the person who's been killed a choice to either carryon PvPing, or flee the system.
    And as with Corsair or Outcast licence, seems logical to me for them to fight eachother, but must adere to the 3hr rule unless agreed differently.

    And as for Taxing, i think that could be only directed at Traders, as its the Traders that make the mega bucks and have more to lose,
    such as cargo contents.
    I have had Pirates on CF stop me and ask " Would you care to make a donation to the Outcast Orphan fund please " normally around 1-2 mil,
    If you say " NO, just bog off " he carrys on to say, " Now i must insist that you do, as i have 2 Starslayer torps aimed at your engines "
    thus roleplay is acheived.
    " HALT, TAX 1 MIL" is not.

    The taxing of HF or VHF, doesn't seem right to me, unless you enter their clan system, which it becomes an admission fee..



  • pls not touch taxing :) ... everyone can pay tax no matter if in vhf when lose fight. Its only matter of players lore. nothing more, nothing less.

  • There is the no repeating a tax on somebody for 2 hours rule.

    Same as bounties and fines, obviously.

    They are not supposed to be abused to damage a certain player... so this detail should be ok.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • We already invented a Big Bad CF Rules Book, you probably got that wording from our project itself.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • So, as a newcomer, I don't know everything going on, but I do have to say that I have not seen a great deal of "PvE" type RP opportunities. Of course, you and other players can make something up, like invading Nomad or DM space, but I really like stuff along the lines of the above suggestion, where you can make some sort of superpowerful NPCs that absolutely need a group to take down. And maybe there could be other things that can somehow involve NPCs like that, while encouraging others to get together and even helping them make up stuff for themselves.

    As for the "MMORPG" likeness of it... MMORPGs work. There are many things they do wrong, but they wouldn't have gotten so far if there wasn't anything they did right. This is an awesome game with great mechanics, great action, and a whole bunch of things a player can do, but the one thing it lacks is guided multiplayer opportunities, whereas most MMOs seem to lack what FL has, which is unguided, make up your own awesome thing to do. If we could find someway to take some of the guided stuff, it would definitely help keep more interest in the community, which then can reinforce the RP structure.

    Also would be cool to somehow make actual "player fleets" for PvE like events (or heck, even PvP. Saw a Discovery video where there was a fight between Liberty players and Rheinland players, capital ships included. I have no clue how often it happens here in CF, but it seems like not often enough.)

  • Daverin: fleet action are from time to time, more is for PvE as in PvP. Reasons is more, like this that in fighter it is more 'adrenaline' :) and also that BS in experienced hands can significantly chage power balance fighting sides. But imo main reason why are fleets actions used less often is that in space is not enough ppl supporting crossfire role-play. Its rly easy, each player starting use cf rp for his and other fun can help with raising bigger 'actions. And here come often used excuses like 'I not know pvp' I not know ppl around' or I' not speak english'etc. ... truth is that for have fun doing cf-rp you need only basic pvp (all RPs), you not need to know ppl around (bcs this you will learn doing cf rp quick) and you need only basic written English knowledge (which you can improve also fast. Next to this you need in your mind accept that if been killed is nothing serious and before you start 'be pissed' you better ask ppl what you can do to change your 'chances to survive'. If player want, on cf is almost everything possible (with only minimum server rules), if not, then is hard to do anything.

    .. so imo cf not need much new rp concepts or changes for systems like Arena or X-3043 , cf need ppl playing in rp style for fun. With more such ppl we all will have much more fun in space and also requested bigger actions.

  • 1. About missions so hard that you need a group of players to do it, that is already existing, the Inner Core part I mentioned above. Just travelling through it can be easy while you avoid any contact with hostile aliens, but doing the missions of killing certain aliens in the hostile areas, is very hard for most players. A Savage mothership is very hard to kill, except it's stats and top weapons, it has a fleet of cruisers escorting it (like any other Mothership), and if at once you meet with a wing of fighters, you are doomed.

    So for now, your needs of something hard can have a taste of that action, you just have to be in space, with top equipment and ships, and call SA for a group ride into the Inner Core (SA got the Omega 3 system, where the Inner Core Hypergate is, for tactical purposes as they are explorers, and defenders of humanity, with help from CFPD, other police, and such :D ).

    2. There are player fleets battles, just that they are not daily so that players with less than a week online see them. Battles bigger than the ones between clans, when somebody invades another system (under agreement), and such, there are the ASF vs CSF fights, where half the population on the server is on a side, and the rest, on the other side. Except most freelancers who are not capable of entering complex battles which put in risk the whole Sirius sector, and who controls it. The main requisite for joining any of both sides, is having 100 hours online, on this server, in total on your chars. And thinking of Tyrale, it might be a good idea adding that those 100 hours have to be in this CF version, or year :D The fighter chars and basic skills should already be acomplished by then.

    So for anything you guys mention here, you need the top fighter ships with the top equipment to even get into that action. A Shroud, Lagg, Saracen, Cayman, etc, with Armor Upgrade x or weight reducer III, shield upgrade, one of the 3 top MK II shields or Adv Champion Shield (only found in the Hiruga labyrinth, and as surprise item for Redemption in Tarsus, by CFPD), Coalition Gattlings, W'ar-sy Propulsor , Kelyrd-ray Projector , and such stuff.

    PS: Nice timing Forlon xD

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis