Clan foundation and recruitment: [Battle Command]

There are 143 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Duck_Dodgers (SA_SCORPION).

  • Hello, mates. We have long been preparing for this day and it's finally come. The Battle Command is currenty officially founded here, on the Crossfire Server.


    Battle Command is the InterGame community extending to any game where the clan can ever exist. It means that we can present in every game as lone players or as command or clan.
    [BC] was created on 20 May 2001, based on game StarCraft. At 2003-2004 we were come to freelancer game and some years later forged the InterGame Alliance. Many great battles, victories and loses have been. But the history still continues. The clan was nearly destroyed or died several times, but in the same way it was reborn from the ashes again...
    On March 2010 we have lost everything. The first clans of AoUCN were disappeared and old BC have fell apart. Only afGun, the first founder, remained from the old community. But now, the clan once again revived and continues its path forward. And never will back. AoUCN forged once again for a week just before 2011 New Year.



    Unfortunately to some others, the BC community consits of russians or people who speaks only russian or similar languages. It means that we can not take anyone who can't speak russian. But the Alliance based on international relations and some other clans can join it anytime they wish.
    So, if you see the russan who have problems with english, you can redirect him to this topic.

    If you want to know more about our history, ideology, diplmacy factors and the structure, read here

    - Clan Licence: Mercenary. (Just becouse we are neytral to both sides of cops and pirates)
    - Clan Global Roleplay: Coalition Special Combat Forces (Tasks directed to fight against the alien threats. Specialized to: Nomads)
    - Current RP-history Chapter: 3 (The Ancients)

    Clan RolePlay History:

    [expander]Chapter 1: The Beginning.

    Once somewone told that the rumors should not be always trusted. And it is true.
    The incident between the Titan's pilot and Rheinland patrol wing was really happened. But the pilots of patrol wing did not knew the task of searching for highnest firepower as it possible. Even then he told to them about this task, they just not believed that. And opened fire... But we are not war with any humans, because we are they too...
    The "last location" of our High Commander in these rumors was wrong. May be it happened because the rumors were transformed to myth after several retellings. He was in Edge Worlds, but not in Omicron Alpha. He was interested of new technologies for survival and self-defence of his people.
    Not long ago there was the unsuspected great battle in Omega-5 system between Corsairs and Red Hessians. We was as hostiles to Corsairs for that moment. But not after what they seen. It was an accident when several patrols and trade convoys of Corsairs and Red Hessians had met each other near the jumphole to Cambridge. Our commander was exited from hyperspace just for after a few moments from the dogfight was started. He have already showed the unusual abilities for survival and combat at once when the reinforcements of both sides have arrived. There were also many of freighters who was unlucky to get under this crossing fire.
    This fight has lasted more than a half of hour. And it costed to both sides many lives. Remains of Corsairs had preferred to not open fire against the strange guest and just flown away. But after some days this pilot has changed his ship to the Titan. This ship was a gift from the Corsairs for his unexpected help. And the first fight on this ship was the assault of Ronneburg Station. It was almost destroyed due this planned heavy attack but Red hessians called the reinforcements in time. And these reinforcements have arrived with very haste. Finally, they forced the Corsairs to withdraw.
    Some time after that, all in prison station BPA New Gate were greatly surprised of fully packed cargo hold with escape pods of the officers of Red Hessians.

    Even so, the rumors were wrong. He went not to home of the Outcasts, but home of Corsairs - Omicron Gamma, the planet Crete.
    But with all of this, the pilot was unknown to anyone. Even to sons of the Eastern Coalition itself...

    The strange signal was caught in the Sol system. It has come from Phaethon asteroid belt. But this signal was exactly primitive electromagnetic radio waves. After decoding of these transmissions the Alliance realized that some kind of meeting has happend at least six hours before the first waves reached their sensors. The fleet was sent in to this location but nobody was here already. May be the radio was used to prevent any interceptions, but who knows?...
    However, the decoded transmissions had clearly indicated that this meeting was the diplomatic negotiations on russian language. Someone had managed to "reunite" the Coalition. And this one was none other than our High Commander himself, which strange rumors were about of.
    Later there were new rumors about of mass destruction of Bounty Hunters in Omicron Gamma. No Hunter was survived the meeting with Corsairs fleets. They was just killed within their escape pods without any hesitation or mercy. But this could not be happened without of serious reason. And this reason was an assassination of one of our battlebrother... and one of Commander's greatest friends. Any relations between us and Bounty Hunters seems to have been spoiled however as the relationship with whole Bretonia of course. So, we have another reason to make freindship with Corsairs anyway.
    Meanwhile, one of Corsairs, who had been arrested for smuggling with alien artefacts in Bretonia space told that was another great battle in Omicron Gamma. The command of planet Crete have set three cruisers with huge fleet of fighters to the legendary jumphole to Unknown1 for some reason. Our commander was in that flight to the dangerzone. Ths fleet was an expedition to Unknown1 with main task of clearing this area from overwhelming fleets of aliens. But it was only mission of extermination but to defend the Unknown habitants from aliens and to make safety route from Altair sector to Sirius. And this mission was accomplished in unprecedented success so far has.

    But all of this happened under the condition that our Commander was only as a recon. So, whole the Sirius sector can expect much more surprises when we all will arrive...

    Chapter 2: Crossroads

    Our first appearance in Sirius didn't turn up to be as lucky as we would like to see it. We were known to nobody, and therefore everyone, including the Coalition, was keeping a distrustful eye on us. But the worst of it was that we were simply ignorant of the laws and customs of this place. Things have changed so much here... One of our scouts was performing a basic task of infiltrating, gathering all possible information and coming back. Sad to say, in Liberty he was taken as a Coalition spy, and due to his accent being quite characteristic, they never hesitated to identify his belonging to the specific organization.
    But that man wan't so plain. Having smartly escaped from detention, he directed his flight towards us, and away from Liberty. However, he somehow disregarded one powerful organization which worked in close cooperation with the police of every single Sirius house - The Bounty Hunters Guild. Being designated by LSF as a highly wanted criminal, he was brought into the notice of this guild. Our insider had time to establish contact with the Commander for transmitting all necessary data. They set a rendezvous to ensure a safer way back to the fleet. Yet having barely seen of each other, they encountered a heavy wing of guild's fighers. While most of them were taken out, one managed to flee. A few days later, the runaways were caught up by way more seriuos pursuers. This time, the Commander couldn't help failing to save his comrade-in-arms, now matter how desperately he was trying.
    That was a huge mistake made by the Hunters. Having no idea of what was concealed inside our Commander, they unintentionally unleashed it out. As a result, the Commander's rage cost them 32 pilots who... weren't picked up to the nearest station this time. All escape pods were destroyed.

    However, the Corsairs took us as fellow victims after that. And what is more, many pirate and terrorist factions from all over Sirius began to progressively sympathize with us. The irony was that the Commander had never supported pirates... But in fact he unwillingly became one.
    It didn't fit in his plan though, at least because almost the entire military machine of Sirius was meant for another purpose coming earlier or later. Hardly would they listen to him then, but we all knew what danger they were in threat of. And all the more couldn't we let ourselves incite hostility with Sirius. Otherwise it would end up in what we had one day started from - the Coalition War. The humanity wouldn't survive another one - neither would the Alliance and the Coalition, nor even pirate syndicates taken one with another.

    On the other hand, we accomplished the starting point of our plan. The Corsairs had already been holding the alien threat for a long time. Perforce they were protecting Sirius from an early invasion, as it had happened previously. The Outcasts were also liable to the same confrontation.
    Due to their vital conditions being that severe, these two pirate factions developed military technologies more powerful than even those of Sirius. Certainly, a closer acquaintance with the other four sleeperships' descendants slowed down their technological advancement. Anyway, they were neither able nor willing to wage war on the aliens.
    Long before we were born, at the time of the First Nomad War, the Corsairs were dreaming of a conquest of Sirius. They craved for it so vitally that a whole fleet capable of defeating the strongest enemy, such as the Nomads in their system, was built. Yet being afraid of detection, they hadn't used that fleet in warfare for many years, reinforcing it with new ships and technologies instead. All that impeded them were the Bounty Hunters who kept putting spokes in their wheels.
    But finally the great day arrived. Not the way the Corsairs had expected though. Having understood rather quickly why we were seeking for their military support, they began to prepare that fleet for battle, with their agents previously informed of the need of resources in quantities. But before fighting the aliens, we had to defeat other humans first... The Bounty Hunters. They were not the ones able to negotiate. Considering the Commander's anger being still intense, their pilots were shot on sight.
    When Omicron Gamma, once in a blue moon, was clear, and the fleet fully equipped and battailous, we headed together for the war everything was meant for...
    We put many things at stake: we needed safe transportation routes to make our way back to Altair. With that purpose, Lower Unknown system had to be cleaned up of any alien presence. The Nomads were strong enemies... and rather numerous. Many good pilots perished there, but there sacrifice was not in vain, for we managed to occupy the system shortly enough.
    Now the way from Altair sector is virtually clean. And if we succeed, this route may thereafter become a strategical object of great importance which links the two sectors. And this will enable any reinforcements traverse in both directions.

    Clan-in-Crossfire information (at 4th June 2011):
    - Clan Status: founded. Needs constant game members to create the game leadership structure. Needs the players who can speak english as good as possible.
    - Game members: 5

    - From them can speak / understand English: 5/5
    - From this game in academy: none
    - Allies (clans in this game): none
    - Hostiles (clans in this game): none
    - Clanwars (in this game): none
    - Standard relations with unknown clans: Neytral

    Overall information (currently out of date):
    AoUCN Average CM Activity % 2012.PNGAoUCN Clans Players 2012.PNGAoUCN Total CM Changes 2012.PNGAoUCN Clans Activity (%) 2012.PNG

    Ingame status: (currently out of date)

    Clan Charter and Agreements:

    Clan Charter: (New Charter is in effect. Please wait for translations)

    Ingame Freelancer (Crossfire) Clan Charter

    If you want to write something here, please read about some traditions here:
    [expander]According to reasons below what sometimes make misunderstandings and the conflict zones:
    1. Our clan has non English speaking people (russian - english language barriers)
    2. Presence of context distorsions through the translation (If dual language-speaking used)
    3. Frequent talking\asking to one person but not to clan
    4. Frequent talking\asking AS a person, while being as clan or GR member.
    5. Presence of the discussions in Russian.

    Make next traditions:
    1. In what language the question was asked, in that language the answer will be (russian or english)
    2. If someone writed something in the russuan, then, if he would like, he can translate it in to the english language. But he can not be forced to do that.
    3. If you have the questions to the person, then ask it through PM.
    4. The discussions about our clan in english may be on this topic or in our clan forum (Main Clan Hall is for english speaking).
    5. The discussions about our clan in russian must be only in our clan hall after the registration and accepting the clan's web-sertificate. Also, the Freelancer CH subforum is available for registered users.
    6. Questions about some things on this topic may also be in russian.
    7. If you asking as clan\GR\adm. representative, then please, specify it and keep your behavior properly. No matter of what is happening.[/expander]

    Russian information (информация для поступающих на русском):


    Наш клан является межигровым, что означает наше присутствие в нескольких играх сразу. Правом на основание клана в новой игре обладает каждый член клана, что, правда, накладывает на него ответтсвенность лидера в этой игре. Именно это и дает клану в целом такую мобильность. Вы можете поступить на основе фрилансера, но при этом так же играть с остальными сокланами и в любые другие игры совместно. Вы можете реализовывать разного рода идеи и тем самым учавствовать в развитие клана как такового.
    Из-за того, что мы можем быть в разных играх в разное время, приличная часть наших сокланов достаточно непостоянна относительно отдельно взятой игры. именно поэтому, те, кто собираются быть здесь на постоянной основе, являются для нас наиболее ценными людьми, т.к. учавтсвуют в развитии наших внутренних структур.

    В данной игре, мы являемся представителями специальных войск Коалиции, пришедших из параллельного мира (оттуда, где солнечная система была номадами уничтожена посредством взрыва звезды). на данный момент мы лишь развиваемся, но уже стараемся приготовить все для того, что бы полностью исключить риск того, что то же самое может произойти и здесь. Именно поэтому, наша основная цель - номады.
    Как таковой клан имеет нейтральынй ролеплей, в виде лицензии наемников. Просто потому, что внутри клана были некоторые противоречивые желания и даже споры на тему быть пиратом, наемником или полицейским. Многие доказывали, что в войне все средства хороши, но на данном сервере, к сожалению, такой подход пока с добродушием не принимается. Именно поэтому, мы решили стать наемниками.

    Хотите создать собственную историю? Поучавствовать в развитие клана и в его жизни? Поучавствовать, или даже создать собственные сервер эвенты? Ну или хотя бы просто не быть одиноким в этом жестоком космосе?
    Тогда вам точно к нам.

    Более подробную общую информацию вы можете узнать в нашей приемной: [BC]Main ClanHall
    Там же, вы можете найти общие сведения о поступлении, и как таковом клане.
    После регистрации на форуме, вы можете найти сведения о поступлении на основе данной игры: тыц

    Если же вас что-то интересует, то вы можете задать вопрос здесь или на форуме клана, после регистрации на нем.

    Но просьба, учитывать правила поступления:
    1. Вы должны быть зарегестрированы на форуме клана. (это необходимо для открытия категорий-игр, на основе которых осуществляется прием. Т.е. там лежат отдельные инструкции)
    2. В случае вступления в клан на основе игр из социальной сети Вконтакте и прочих, ваша анкета должна быть открыта. Это необходимо во избежание внутриигрового шпионажа.
    3. Как зарегистрированный пользователь, вы сможете увидеть в кланхолле категорию игры, на основе которой вы хотите вступить в наш клан, после чего последовать ее индивидуальным инструкциям.
    4. Во время поступления в клан, вы должны находиться в онлайне по возможности чаще, для того, что бы с вами можно было быстро связаться.
    ничего сверхъестественного от вас не требуется, а если вы не можете появляться часто, то просто об этом предупредите.

    Хочу еще раз уделить особое внимание тому, что если вы пришли среди потока, т.е. в период массовой вербовки, то вы станете испытуемым со следующего понедельника от времени отправки заявки, согласно всем общим и внутриигровым инструкциям.
    А так же, все заявки на принятие в клан внутри самой игры обрабатываются либо в особых случаях во время испытательного срока, либо после вашего принятия в клан.
    И главное - при отправке заявки обязательно идентифицируйте себя!

    Правила регистрации:
    1. При регистрации, ваше имя на форуме не должно содержать случайный набор символов или содержать некорректные слова. Подобные учетные записи будут деактивироваться без предупреждения.
    2. При регистрации, с целью подачи заявки на вступление, сразу опознавайте себя именно тем людям, которые вас сюда привели. В противном случае, ваша заявка может быть отклонена, как неопознанная.
    3. При идентификации себя в соц. сетях давайте ссылку на свой основной аккаунт, а не на ваши твинки. Нам они погоды не сделают, а вот отклониться с заявкой, как подозрительной могут.

    Примечание: От пользователей мейлру в последнее время часто слышны жалобы на отсутствие письма с активацией учетной записи.
    В случае, если вам не удается зарегистрироваться из-за почты, отправьте с этого же почтового ящика письмо на, в котором обязательно укажите имя своей учетной записи.

    Clan Contacts and Resourses

    Mails: - Central clan mail system - [BC]afGun's mail - [BC]Head Administration


    [BC]Portal (BC official net resource)
    {AoUCN}Forum (the Alliance of United Clans'n'Nations resource)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited 17 times, last by [BC]afGun: Updated and corrected. Added contacts. ().

  • Congratulations [BC] and welcome again.

    Which System did you rent - was it Helios?

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Daywalker, Mr_Verbose - thanks very much :)


    [Makes me recall C&C: Red Alert 2]

    ...or World in Conflict? :D

    Well.. It's only beginning :)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • [Makes me recall C&C: Red Alert 2]
    Gen. Carville: Soviet invasion confirmed.

    Let's hope they don't have Yuri with them, otherwise we're screwed.

    Welcome to Crossfire!

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • Which System did you rent - was it Helios?

    That's Synergy clan who is renting Helios if I am not mistaken.

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • Quote

    Which System did you rent - was it Helios?

    We have no system at this time. Everything has its time.

    P.S. Thanks for replies.

    This thread will be a recruitment center constantly. If anyone will have questions about our clan, he may ask it here in english or russian aswel.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Welcome aboard CF mates, nice presentation of the clan! i wish you all the best!

    yours truly,

    The Elusive One :thumbsup:

    'I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant' - Robert McCloskey

  • We are proud to announce that the May 20, 2011 our clan will be 10 years old.

    Once a long time ago, in a game called StarCraft a team was formed. We have had own our principles, own tactics and strategy. We were just amateurs, and did not seek any serious purposes. Until accidentally we had been among the winners at one of the fan championships. Then we called our team "Battle Command" which meant that our teamwork friendship and much more which positively effect on successes in battle.
    But soon, our team has grown considerably to nine people. We have begun to emerge its own resources, its own connections and yet unwritten rules. Then we decided to become a clan. The history of our clan was quite saturated. We see many, many things experienced. Not the whole of lived up to these days as part of a clan though, we're still glad to know that years of history and experience are behind us.

    Happy anniversary, comrades!

    The nuclear explosion was a first logo of the clan. It meant and still means the specific life and ighting syle of our clan and interaction with the others. The Internal concept of the clan state that "there is only a absolute peace, or nuclear war - everything else is too long". My function within the clan was a "event catalyst". Because events are accelerating under my influence and the whole clan suddenly explodes with powerful energy and activity, provided by condition of certain enemy presence. The stronger that enemy, the stronger the blast. In one game, the explosion resulted in through lot of clan wars for signing of many treaties among which was the first treaty of alliance with the American clan Dark Angels. This alliance was called the "Hammerhead" with a fair amount of jokes about his the future a joint Soviet-American flag. More later, in consequence of the powerful but the dirty war against us, the alliance has received much support from other interested clans and reorganized into the Alliance of united Clans and Nations (again, with the amount of black humor: "it seems its time for us to unite the local UN"- "Nope. The UN is already is. But united clans and nations, still no"), but that's another story...

    P.P.S. The whole BattleCommand team members were became to Founders some years later. It happend cos the the clan structure was transformed on to the InterGame. Under ths condition the usual structure is uneffective. So, we whole game team were became to the High Leadership Council :)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited once, last by [BC]afGun ().

  • gratz



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Sorry for our long disappearance... May be it caused by several events in other games, may be because I'm currently the center of clan initiative here - I don't know. Anyway only a week remains to pass all of exams of this ^%#%^&% session for me :) May be sometime after that but we will return :)

    P.S. hope I will pass the Engish exam tomorrow xD

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Добро пожаловать на сервер Crossfire. Снова, или опять :) Позвольте несколько советов -
    как можно скорее определиться с вашим статусом - RP- все-таки, ребятки, интересно узнать, будут ли наши кланы союзниками -
    Dragon Corps - это полицейский клан, владеющий системой Тохоку. Но если вы выберете роль пиратов - думаю, мы не будем против - легитимные
    цели нам также необходимы :) (предупреждаю- я атакую пиратов без предупреждения, как и позволяют правила).
    Второе - если вы хотите, чтобы вас воспринимали серьезно, а не как кланы-однодневки, коих тут много - арендуйте систему, внесите свои правила транзита/посещения и будет вам счастье :)
    Ну и третье - тренируйтесь драться сами и учите своих рекрутов. DC структурировались годами, и теперь у нас есть тренировочное крыло для новоприбывших (независимо, опытен он или нет). Мы отбираем перспективных рекрутов с неплохими навыками боя (PvP) и тренируем их. Могу с гордостью сказать, что практически все наши офицеры хороши в бою и уважаемы на сервере.Желаю того же и вам. Удачи!

    English traslation:
    Welcome to Crossfire server! Again and again :) Let me give you some useful advices-
    a.s.a.p set your RP- status, after all, guys, very interesting to know, will be our clans allied or not - Dragon Corps- is a police clan,
    own Tohoku system. But if you`ll choose pirate RP-, I guess we`ll haven`t objections- we need a valid targets too :) ( attention: I attack
    pirates without a warning, within server rules).
    If you want to be respected clan on server instead of many "one-day clans", rent a system, set your own rules of transit/ visit and have your way :)
    And,keep training- you and train your recruits. DC have a clan structure, builded by years, and now we have a training wing for a newcomers (
    not really important, is he/she experienced or not). We choose a promising recruits with a good PvP skills and train them. I say it with proud - almost all our officers really good in PvP and respected on server. I wish you the same. Good luck!

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Quote

    You will

    So, I did it :)



    как можно скорее определиться с вашим статусом - RP-

    Мы пока не определились вообще на каком мы вообще свете, это к слову.

    А по рп - я думал ответ на вопрос уже дан в первом посту: мерки.


    , будут ли наши кланы союзниками

    Приличная часть наших межклановых отношений основывается больше на отношениях как таковых, а не рп. Причина - существоание межигрокого союза кланов, в которым мы учавствуем. такой политике рп обычно только мешает наладить толковые и продуктивные отношения.
    Так что во всех этих перепитиях еще раобраться в начале надо. Пока что мы отталкиваемся от своего личного тношения к определенным кланам, т.е. у нас нет четкой граудированной шкалы по типу фрила. У нас есть статусы, начиная от кланвара или потенциального врага, заканчивая составом официальном союза AoUCN.
    Проще говоря - дедовский принцип. Устаревший, но пока не подводивший. Может фриловский метод и удастся подчерпнуть, но придется тогда интегрировать по всей системе. А у нас, простите, внутренний стандарт - люди плутать начнут. Да и к тому же свои отношения мы обычно на первых полосах не разглашаем. Во всяком случае той открытости которая у кланов обычно наблюдается у нас нет. Мы уже пару раз просто пострадали от нее и решили отказаться. Профессиональная параноя, в общем.

    Лично у меня нейтральное отношение как к пиратам так и к копам. Я считаю, что в разных случаях необходимы разные средства. Поэтмоу я могу резко начать вести себя как пират или коп, ансколкьо позволяет рп наемника - зависит от случая.


    если вы хотите, чтобы вас воспринимали серьезно, а не как кланы-однодневки, коих тут много

    Не хочу показаться грубым, но нам 10 полных лет, и как-то мы сами предпочитаем решать, что нам делать ,что бы нас воспринимали серьезно. Как правило, те кто не воспринимает нас всерез - допускают фатальную оршибку, потмоу что это делают как правило враги. А врагам говорить о совершаемой ими ошибке - по меньшей мере невежливо. Друзьям же - они сами обычно прекрасно знают кто мы и на что способны. А если не знают, то очень быстро узнаЮт. До остальных нам как правило просто лень доводить свою мысль до разума, если сами они не понимают. В крайнем случае решаем силой. В более кранйем случае есть доктрина Судного Дня, на которую может среагирвоат ькак весь состав клана, так и союза.
    В общем гвооря, мы вполне готовы к любым поворотам. А строить что-либо с ноля - это мое любимое занятие. А после меня хоть потоп.

    Да и вот еще. Обычно из основанных мной оплотов клана выживаемость менее 25%. Тем не менее, к 2009 году в клане было более 25 игр с нашим присутствием. Прост овсему свое время. Если что-то где-то не получается, за соломинку мы не хватаемся. Только лишняя трата времени и сил.


    арендуйте систему, внесите свои правила транзита/посещения и будет вам счастье

    Платить, простите, дохрена бабок за неизвестное пока еще счастье - нет, спасибо. Вот будет устоявшийся мемберский состав, будет лидер, который будет за меня сдесь принимать решения, тогда уже начнем думать. Насколько я слышал, аренда здесь немаленькиая. Мы в галактике на дежурную систему + всякие финтифлюшки бюджета тратим и того меньше. Поэтмоу подумать пока еще есть над чем.
    текущие результаты пока -половина клана погрязла в сессиях и годовых отчетах. За сим, аренда системы пока что - лишь деньги на ветер.


    Ну и третье - тренируйтесь драться сами и учите своих рекрутов.

    А кошек вы как, завозить будете, или спецзаказом брать придется? (шутка)
    У нас треннировку проходят академики. Дальше мы треннируемся по ходу вальса. ("жрать будем там" (с) Суворов)
    наша задача не задрачиваться. Наша задача - отдыхать. А тем, кому нравиться быть круче всех, если таковые в клане есть, те треннируются сами и треннируют остальных перед основными боями и держат костяк клана во время войн. Эффективность, учитывая наш принцип развития, вполне адекватная, при должной самоотдаче мемберов. Во всех остальных случаях, я не вижу резона гонять людей до седьмого пота. только игра надоест (по себе сужу).


    . DC структурировались годами, и теперь у нас есть тренировочное крыло для новоприбывших (независимо, опытен он или нет)

    У всех с годами появляется академия или что-то похожее. А у кого-то и сразу. Эт отребование не только подготовки, но и безопасности.
    У нас академия появилась после 2003-го, когда произошел первый развал, имевший собственные причины. Имеет собственную уникальную структуру и подход. Вроде пока работает.

    Но если понадобится помощь с треннировками - я думаю мемберы сами обратятся. Опыт старожилов в этом отношении у нас ценится по-своему.

    P.S. переводить не то что бы лень - не в состоянии. Головой уже гвозди забивать можно...

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • On this topic you can speak in english or russian both.

    ... You REALLY want what I would have translated whole the text?... not today... sorry...

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!