1. Description
This is the HQ of Gold Squadron. Here all ships are inspected, repaired & upgraded specific to every pilots needs. The planets terrain is a cliff-side community with old cardamine fields. Its leadership is set under the Alliance military heriarchy, however the leader of the Gold Squadron is presented with an earlship of the land.
2. Stats
- Diameter: 10,611.5 km
- Mass: 4.976 x10e24 kg
- Terrain: terrestrial
- Temperature: -65°C/28°C
- Escape Velocity: 9.38 km/sec
- OWNER: Deep Space Engineering
- SYSTEM: Custodian
3. Ships
4. Equipment to buy
4.1. Guns & Missiles & Turrets
- Starkiller Torpedo Launcher
- Neutralizer Missile
- Sunstalker Missile
- Cannonball Missile
- Kraken Turret
- Dragoon Turret Type
- Pyros Type
- Wyrm Type
- Firestalker Missile
- Wyrm Turret
- Kraken Type 1
- Wyrm Type 2
- Dragoon Type 1
- Wasp Cruise Disruptor
- Windstalker Missile
- Catapult Missile
- Pyros Turret Type 1
- Pyros Type 1
- Dragoon Type 2
- Hornet Cruise Disruptor
- Sweeper Missile
- Moonstalker Missile
- Lancer Missile
- Pyros Turret Type 2
- Dragoon Turret Type 1
- Pyros Type 2
- Dragoon Type 3