The Far Point System was at first used by police forces from Tarsus as a safe and hidden place ( a dead-end system) for weapons testing. Then with the revealing of two new jump holes, police interest in the System changed. Additionally, it began being used by prison ship captains as a safe and shorter route to the Vega System with its big prison station. With a rising need for material resources, scanning of numerous local asteroid fields began and commencement on building a new station. This was to serve as a restocking point for local mining operations. However, the finding of a Nomad Depot put station construction on hold, with it eventually being discontinued and sealed. Further, a decision was made to undertake a thorough and deep scan of the System and only then resume construction providing it was found to be safe to do so.
1. Unsettled Planets & Moons
- Planet Sopron
- Thyper (moon)
- Planet Teltow
- Heryn (moon)
- Rynit (moon)
- Planet Teplice
2. Jump Holes
3. Wrecks & Special
4. Images
Planets | Abdandoned Mining Base | Asteroid Field | Reliant Wreck |
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