
There are 23 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Faaby.

  • Hello All, i don't know what thread to post my ideas in so ill just create my own :)
    Here are some suggestions i would like to see be introduced into the game:

    1.Beam Weapons
    2.Photon torps(like those of star trek
    3.Visual of Torps and Missiles (like in starlancer you can actualy see the missile and give it a better feel of power)
    4.Multi rocket bararge (Rockets the fire almost simultaneously)
    5.Bloom affect for explosions
    6.destructable stations,jump gates ect.
    7.The ability to bord a ship(Soliders may be brought from the market alowing them to be placed on your ship ready for command. So you can dock at an enemy battleship and disable it, or mabye even remotely control it.
    8.The ability to enter first person mode during take over of a ship.
    9.The amility of a built in jump drive, allowing you to jump from one place in a system to the next.
    10.Cloaks/stealth ability.
    11.Selectable targets on battleships/crusers, allowing you to disable them( and mabye even bord them as mensioned in 7.
    12.multifire rate of weapons( allowing you to set the interval at which you weapons fire ie: Having 6 guns with the fire rate of 3.03 yet setting them to fire one after the other to give quicker shots and a better chance of hitting the target).

    Anyway those are my ideas i understand some of them mabye a little impossible to achive, but i would be greatly thankful if you used these ideas. :D:D

  • 1 dont know
    2 why ? we have loads diff torps already
    3 can already see missiles
    4 dont think they work in fl (cause loads lag)
    5 dont know
    6 already possible in 1.7 but has caused probs so not used
    7+8 def impossible
    9 No as would ruin gameplay
    10 Never ever :)
    11 You can do that already ,not sure against bs tho,but you can target lots diff systems on ships
    12 Gatling fire would be nice as an option but may be hard to code

  • 1. no
    2. no
    3. actually in game
    4. no -> lag
    5. no
    6. no
    7. no - impossible
    8. no - impossible
    9. a concept that can only become reality if hardcoded
    10. possible... but no
    11. not atm
    12. impossible



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Well im sorry but Freelancer is an old game ,you cant have everything...

  • this probably should not be here but going to ask does anybody know if there is going to be another freelancer its always been a favorate of mine. op nice dk fighters from wcp one of my favorates as well. to bad we cant do one of the BS from there the TIGERCLAW would be sweet cant hanndle any worse than the current BS which are cool l8tr m8s live long laugh loud only way to go..

  • yeah, but i think, maybe for 1.8 or w/e

    for number 11, make BS's ahve weak points, but amke em stronger with, like varied house weps that are equally strong, so that even if you were gunny on speed you couldnt kill a BS without a lot of effort, no matter who was flyin it.

    but make em more expensive, like a coupla hunderd mil, so like, a clan could afford one or two, not one or two per person. I mean, that'd be freakin tight.

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life

  • yes I agree, BS could be more powerefull, but they would have to cost a lot, like 2 bill, without weapons of course.
    what means a gunboat should cost 200 mill,
    I don't know what's the admin toughts about clan shared char's, but they would be usefull for these.


  • is it possible to create a second currency?

    then for example you need for a battleship 500 Million Credits and 100 Million Euro

    if not there could be another way with comodities which have a default sell value of 1 credit, only at a special station there is a price of 100 000 000, of cause there shouldnt be a way to get this in credits. we dont want a static supertraderoute again ;)

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • Ya that wuld be a grate in game consept. Lets be hunits we all get a hard on at the sund of big guns, No in regaurd to incame clan car sheard Battleships I think it could work on the gound that the server fieks and mod files are verry stabel. Iv noteist it in Tng and in some other servers Battle ships lag the hell out of a sever Me il like Battle ships aspecaley Libiarty and Briton ones But i would never fly one.

    Fight for power fight for victry firght for Rineland.

  • aint you irish? lol.

    i dont quite grasp the commodity thing, im just saying make em super expensive... and super hella good. and dont make em slower...

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life

  • Would it be possible to make a scout ship with inferior weapons (class 6 or 5), inferior shields (class 8 or 7) but with the ability of mounting a sensor which could scan one whole system (or at least 2/3 or half? Would it be possible to make a bigger cargo hold for it (for more cloaking fuel)? Again, this scout would be really weak and not able to hold its own in combat but will entice people to work together and bring a more pronounced tactical dimension to CF.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • Looks very interesting to me StephanoV :)

    Like a ship class similar to those radar airships

    Would be very usefull tactically in engagements indeed

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • hmmm i wonder if it would be possible to actually restrict which kind of scanner it has... Scanners are not "level-related" like shields or gun so any ship could mount any kind of scanner...

    A solution would be to make this scanner default on that scout ship but not buyable anywhere and also not unmountable so it cannot be transfered on a maxed VHF....

    But the idea is awesome and would indeed bring a tactical advantage to have these scout ships around... mostly in ASF/CSF battles when you want to locate and count enemy forces in a system....

    Perhaps Capital ships could have such scanners too ! That would make them highly important tactical assets !

    Here is the "RP" list of equipment mounted on the SA_Discovery (i wish it gets more real with 1.9) :
    - An astrometrics lab with enhanced scanning technology. (++ scanners)
    - A Dom'Kavash cloaking device. (+ cloaking device)
    - A second cargo bay (reducing bar and crew quarters space) to allow for more escort ships or scientific equipment to be taken in the field. (+ 300 cargo space / player dockable)
    - Tactical thrusters allow swifter control in battles and escape when cruise engine is disrupted. (+ thrusters)
    - Improved shield technology (++ shields)

  • simple answer -> no
    you are talking about "global values" so the answer is negative



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Information about players...supposing you can detect players from those extreme ranges. Stations and other stuff are irrelevant/not a priority...It would be cool though to be able to track players and scan them from extreme ranges.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • Yeah. Imagine smuggling, and the cop sees you from across the system. Yay. :D

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