thank you i appreciate the help
Posts by BG_Rhonetaz
??? i am not sure if theres a link or anything but is there one for building weps i have been looking and so far seem to not know where to look
ok it is back now but I'm missing my weps dealer and all my stock I can see eels dealer with some ships but as soon as I undock I lose eels dealer plus was also close to next 2 stages up from that only needed 3 or 4 more items filled for them but definitely lost all my store stuff that in had put in
so you see the base on your end ???
oh I know just trying give a nudge here and there
well not sure what is going on but base is not there at all
Gunny is who I talk to but Gal would be good to lol
lol then my base is playing hide and seek
wb bud and I'm still trying talk G back lol at least once a week when we talk yes thinking about it lol but you need get your bum back in space again lol and hope its soon
hey hate to add to things but I've lost pretty much all I've done to my base can that be fixed or do I have to start over
yes same issue for me
wait was that me I'm sorry did not know there was a BG guardian base
dam maybe ill have to call off lol
you know id be very disapointed but not mad at Op for it he has a fine setup a lil big maybe but very good and it has been a long ride for the most part i know i will be upset to see it go but rem it is coming into summer months and we do lose some from time to time but we seem to get them back we have many new ones in a new recruit for BG as well as many new ones that are from different server i truly hope it doesnt go away as i play most everyday in here now and enjoy it when im not playing politics lol
rp is starting to come back im doing events all most every nigt which im starting to get a crowd im sorrry to those that are on later because of the time differences but where i live i get on when i can but i will keep on trying see if we can build some i think sometimes we forget to include the newer people so am going to be trying to work toward events with new people in mind would take any suggetions in that cattagory as well
please dont close it trying get it strong again really i am
seems like maybe deliberatly done but no proof of course
yes seemed sorta forced down to me could be wrong but there were some heavy known modders on with new chars so wondering myself
im in a persefone i know it is one that has a slight purple engine trail got it in new hong kong
phersepheny something like that -
ok i was in GR char wanted see what ship looked like when i flew it so i went to the first Sov station at jump gate and bought the top fighter in the list as i went to go into space i think it crashed serever and now i cant log in at all with ether my GR accoutn or my BG account and wasnt even on that account
this is driving me crazy lol
was just trying get BS outfitted lol