Reputation system and BMG market

There are 44 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Just a thought.

    Planets with mooring fixtures (which will still have to be there in order for trains to moore) are all police owned (most of the stations who have a mooring fixture are too)
    Factions (clans) have to wear their licenses on every ship they fly.
    If you make police factions being hostile to pirates from the beginning. Pirates will not be able to dock on those planet, unless you give the option pirates can change their status to neutral to police.
    If pirates can not dock on planets, what sense does it make for pirates to own a train?
    There would not be a single trade run be available for pirates. (pretty much screwed)

  • I pretty much said that we have the option of bribes.
    But at this point I pretty much have to ask why pirates need trains? They are pirates and no traders or smugglers.



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  • Not all pirates are just lurking around and going for transports to rob :)
    Some of them are mainly trading themself in order to support their mates with credits.
    But in that case, nor pirates or cops would need trains, since both are nor smuggler or traders.
    Mercs wont be able to make some profit besides the hiring part or the
    bounties as well (since they are no smugglers or traders too)
    I think not all pirates always acting unlawul, same as not allcops always acting lawful. No one is perfect in their business.

    In case no trains for cops or pirates, both parties will have a hard way to make money (larger ammount than the fine/tax summary)
    In case trains for both parties, pirates will have a harder start to get a train, since the place where its sold, will be hostile from the start (in case the selling place remains the same and the reputation is going to be adapted)
    First making the money for the ship, then making the money for the bribe and then making the money for the train.
    Pirates will have to buy bribes in order to access the places where either stuff is sold or bought, in order to make some additional profit
    Cops get layed their profit possibilities right on the start, without having to bother with it (exept to get the money for the transport/train)
    At the end. Be a cop and you dont have to worry about getting money. Be a pirate and you have to work up your way with handicaps no one else has to deal with, in order to get more money (besides the regular options of fine/taxes)
    Just a thought which should be considered.

  • its not really logical that pirates have shipyards
    however i already mentioned the option
    and this is not the topic



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The reputation idea without bribing sounds much better to be honest. There's no point in creating it if you can just buy your reputation ( just like now ) in the end of the day.

  • but like already mentioned you can not really balance it



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Pirates will have on the other hand the option to dock at stations where more valueable goods are sold which the police won´t Abras. Also every Pirate factions out of Sirius is much more tough than the Police Forces in Sirius. Raiding Pirates will become much more hard than raiding the Police or going for loot and and and. For every disadvantage can be named an advantage.

    The Rep System will be good for CF imO (more realistic) - OP is asking for it to get informations on how to bring it in, he is not asking if the System will become active anymore. There is still the possibility to bribe your Chars for the Jobs they will have to do like he said it - it´s not fixed. Comparing CF with another Mod, RP sided or in any other way is not possible, as it isn´t for Disco, NSU and others.

    Ok, this will now be another RP but maybe you could think about it OP - I always liked the Interclans Military Rep of BG - what about introducing a Military Rep also? This way all the Reps from Freelancer would be covered for the Clans by having the 6 RPs aswell (just thinking loud).

    We will need a few more Stations to buy the Licences OP - for example additional to the exsiting ones Buffalo Base, Crete and Malta, so Pirates can buy the Licences and are able to launch their ships without being killed at once. Pirates would also apprichiate the Order Rep or another for Earth for example - or everyone the Zoners Rep dunno but we should not make it to hard to reach Altair or even IC. Otherwise they would have to change their Rep twice or make something (becoming first lawfull to lift off, becoming lawless again to dock at a pirate station) they have to redo later.

    The Rep of the Stations where the special items are sold should stay as they are, since this becomes the challenge too - like bribing a human pirate to get the best shield or a human policeman to get the Mosquito or whatelse. As long as the players don´t do so, well their is pretty much other equipment.

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  • ive meanwhile rebalanced the reputations of the bases based on the infocard descriptions to eliminate logical errors
    special places like earth or arena have the zoner reputation which is mostly neutral (guess i had the same idea)

    the licences of course would need to be places to bases that players of that faction can access... except... well on the other side everyone who has no license yet can still simply fly to the house systems and buy one
    their reputation changes AFTER they have docked there

    I am not sure if centralized places for licenses are better than spreading them all over sirius .



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quick side-question: Will the lovely dual zoner bribe still be available on Earth? Pretty please yes? :D

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • 1st. idea of reputation is very good. OP do it!

    as a bonus to the pirates may enter in large numbers of bribes by which
    to compensate them for a small number of station where they dock, but
    even this will need they can change their reputation the licenses, the
    idea is great and is quite normal pirates are isolated with little
    numbers of stations. can create a new type of license - TRADER LICENSE -license to provide a neutral reputation,
    with which to compensate for the small number of stations,he can buy
    to neutral stations,Another advantage is that it can benefit from
    traders and they will be customized with officially licensed which is
    necessary in my mind.

    Finally: the basic idea is your OP.Do it ! with smal minor adjustments, like my suggestions.

    Second: BMG

    and here is a good idea, BMG must be buy only on pirate stations,and are sell at many other places >>>pirates stations, other planets and neutral stations (people all over Sirius deal in black market), access to stations and planets will be done by bribery.
    another solution is: introduction of fees for landing base that is hostile,player must be able to choose whether to pay the fee and to land or not ,but do not know if this application is possible to realize.

    Finally: Do it OP! I think the idea is pretty good and make the game more interesting.

    However players are not just people from clans,Life is dynamic and changes day by day,today can pirate, trader tomorrow,the next day cop ,people choose. so that problems which at first glance appear are actually easier to solve.

    My name is John Crichton, an astronaut. A radiation wave hit and I got
    shot through a wormhole. Now I'm lost in some distant part of the
    universe on a ship, a living ship, full of strange alien life forms.
    Help me. Listen, please. Is there anybody out there who can hear me? I'm
    being hunted by an insane military commander. Doing everything I can.
    I'm just looking for a way home.

    Edited once, last by [ SLAVIMIRS ] ().

  • buying the license in the corresponding affiliation base is the most logical thing... You need to have a crappy-enough rep to be able to dock at pirates station to get a license (be trusted enough to enter the gang). Then it will set your rep even "worse" once you install it and later you can work your contacts to regain lost rep (bribes).

    Suggestion by factions :
    Corsairs, Outcast, Red Hessians, Rogues, Lane Hackers, Xenos, Bundschuhs : Pirate License (Trafalgar, Cadiz, Cortez, Mactan, Buffalo, Cali, Malta, Bruchsal, etc...)
    LPI, LN, BP, BM, KN, KP, RM, RP, Coalition bases : Police License (Capital planets, Navy Battleships, Prisons, etc...)
    Junkers, Gaians : Smuggler (Yanagi, Islay, Rochester, etc...)
    Bounty Hunters, Order, Zoners, Corporations (cause a corp always need more hands) : Mercenary (all FP, Mars, Dortmund, Trenton, Sheffield, all BH bases (i dont even know where they are :patsch: ))

    And make every license available in NY :
    Manhattan : Police
    Pittsburg : Mercenary
    Rochester : Smuggler
    Buffalo : Pirate

    it's also good to balance :
    Police and pirate need to be available in MANY places because they are the most common (logically)
    Smugglers, imo, need to have very good contacts to even get a chance of starting a business, meaning you cannot find contacts everywhere easily. that's the thing in smuggling, they gotta be even more underground than the pirates.
    Mercs : moderately spread all over the place...

  • Well after 4 days of work the new BMG market is done.
    So far I have just created a semi dynamic market. That means that the locations of the commodities will not change but the prices change.
    If I would want to build a fully dynamic BMG market I would need about 2 months just to balance it by hand (more than 7300 values which have to be compared with each other). You probably will understand that this is atm not possible. Maybe in future we will change the BMG market to be 100% dynamic.

    Ok, the current market is ... perfect.
    There are 69 different BMGs offered at unlawful stations (there are more BMGs offered due to 2x/3x/4x use). More than 110 company controlled stations accept BMGs for trade and pay high amounts for these commodities.
    The traderoutes are calculated to go over long distances (depending on profits).
    e.g. when you buy a BMG in Bretonia you will either have to go to Rheinland, Kusari, Liberty or the CF worlds in order to sell it.
    -> High profits on risky runs. It is just natural that smugglers have to fly through police or pirate controlled space.

    ALL lawful stations refuse paying normal amounts for these goods now. To be more precise... if you want to sell your BMGs at such stations you get just 10% of the price that you originally paid.

    Note: I will never do something like that again... 4 days and half a billion brain cells gone.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Sounds great OP!
    (and looks more interesting than BMG routes such as Planet Hostein/Bruchsal Base in Frankfurt for example)

    P-S: I offer my deepest condolecences for the loss of your neurons OP...

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • Dont forget about Coalition licence ^^... because coalition is not full and independent system and that is bad. only do missions,buy fighter and back to sirus. No moors (if Coalition has army - they must have big transport for support big house in tactical efficiency, not only little Goliath =\) and Coalition is not police - they military. I thinks the best idea to do licenses pirate(1st) + faction of this pirate(2nd) (Corsairs or hessians),smuggler(1st) + fraction of smugglers(2nd), military(1st) + faction of military(liberty or bretonia). 1st license will chose his direction to other bases, second - his reputation in game. And about trains and pirate...where can dock the pirate on train at pirate base?...and how pirate can run on train in asteroid field? Block for pirate buying the train...but give for them and one of the best freighter in system to sell. With 350 - 450 cargohold...and maybe 2 thrusters. In this game was disappeared distinct boundary with pirates and police...pirate can travel on trade lines,use jump gate and dock with civilian planets(thats not interesting)...if he have pirate license - he must use JH and run in dark places (because hi is an pirate). and civilian JG and trade lines must be closed for him. Give to pirate and smugglers base smuggled goods...if they will be use ships with 400-500 cargohold - they will be have good money.And for traders,police,military and other civilian - give clear goods. like the diamonds and food rations - they will be have less profit but they have choice to use big transport and tradelines.and they will be need cover from police and mercenary - that will be good stimulate to do deal. if some body go on train with 5000 diamonds from rheinland to kusary - he will be ask, for money, give him some cover in this way.Thats will be do the karavan trading.
    about economics...maybe do dynamic economics but only left freelancer story. If in dublin we can buy gold today, we can buy gold tomorrow...but! today gold cost 100 k and tomorrow will be cost 400...and in kusary(planets and stations) will be be buy gold today above 2000k,tomorrow they will be buy only for 1000 k. thats is the good dynamics economics.
    today Dublin buy 5000 units for 100 k ------ sell in New Tokio for 2000 k....+ 1900k for 1 unit of cargo
    tomorrow Dublin buy 5000 units for 400 k ------ sell in New Tokio for 1000 k....+ 600 k for 1 unit of cargo. (tomorrow will be bad way for trading gold and player will be look to other ways to sell maybe on this idea H-fuel...from Kusary to Bretonia =)
    set the framework for goods whats sells. That player can move in system to trade...not only wait for good cost to any goods today from one system to another...This and the lack of this dynamics econom. like was in dublin month ago.
    From BS of bretonia we buy the BP - sell near on base in gold asteroid field. way - 2 min. + 7000 for 1 unit of BluePrints. No one do the big way...and thats because there is no real roleplay...In this game there is peace ^^

  • hmpf half a billion... I don't have enough brain cells to count mines xD (how many I got lol )

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Reptile
    Your trading system sounds pretty similar to the used trading system on the Hamburg City Server. Where people can accept "public" trades to bring good from one space to another, getting payed for delivering the goods and also getting payed at the same time for each unit of the delivered commodity.
    Your "pirates no trains" should also apply for police in that case, since police are also no traders nor smugglers. same for mercenaries in that case.
    But it all has nothing to do with the topic :)