In Bretonia there is the Dublin System known for being the best source of gold in the Sector, and is mined in the local asteroid fields. However, inside this System, there rages fierce competition between the two big mining companies (the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing and the Independent Miners Guild), and local outlaws (mainly Mollys and less frequently Corsairs). Independent pilots should be prepared for trouble, despite a strong presence of Bretonia Armed Forces which use the Battleship Essex as base for patrol operations.
Rumours also circulate that within the System there is another battleship, the Battleship Hood, which is controlled by an independent owner who has a great liking for spacecraft racing. In a nearby asteroid field there is a spacecraft racing track for use in organised, unofficial races which are highly hazardous. There is no guarantee regarding racers health and their ships do not have to comply with any certified safety rules. Be warned that insurance companies may refuse insurance payouts if they find that the insurance claim occurred in such races.
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Mining near Graves Station | Minefield in Molly Asteroid Field | Battleship Hood and Racing Ring in nearby Asteroid Field | Racing in Dublin |
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