
There are 230 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by |DSC|-The_Cro_Legend.

  • This thread is purely for upcoming changes of the crossfire mod in version 1.9
    It is not meant to be a showcase but an updating overview of what you can expect.

    Graphical changes:
    All stations and planets get a detail update in CF1.9
    All NPC characters are going to be retextured
    A complete new interface will be introduced (the first of its kind)

    The Capital ships are going to be rebalanced completely.... the cargo space of most ships is getting reduced (trains included)
    max cargo space will be either 1500 or 2000
    at the same time the trade value on stations will be raised to the max cargo space of the biggest train (this will eliminate the cargo exploit and raise the importance of the Trains again while we upkeep the trading balance)
    Battleships and smaller capical ships will get adjust based on the trains which means that they will have less cargo space but will get better weapons and better hull
    ship prices will get adjusted (mostly raised)
    The container market will get more important
    Cargo will have influence on the ship handling.
    Introduction of mining ships (to go for high value mining areas)

    Singleplayer mode:
    kept secret

    CF1.9 Change log (19th march 2011)
    - planet in helios renamed
    - Coalition scans for illegal cargo now
    - Chapter 9 quest done
    - Canis sector added
    - Assris system added
    - Kinak system added
    - Keltur system added
    - Belay system added
    - Banysia system added
    - Coalition Hypergate added
    - Dom'Kavash Arc added
    - version changes done
    - Lines in Chat history doubled
    - char curruption at max cash fixed
    - spin issue with planets fixed
    - new interface introduced (one problem remains -> automatically hiding the maneuver bar in space remains bugged on the new interface (dunno why))
    - new font introduced
    - lvl requirement to by equipment and ships removed
    - Ragnarok Gunship size reduced by 20% and mount moved (fixed the docking problems)
    - commodity volumes changed
    - material reflections improved
    - mission payout doubled
    - clan billboards moved up to prevent docking probs with battleships
    - additional light effects added to sol and styx
    - various retexturing on vanilla models
    - fixed problem with black triangles at dock/launch sequences in asteroid fields when adv. shader is active
    - fixed problem with graphical problem with jumpholes when adv. shader is active
    - Jump effects redesigned
    - large asteroids retextured
    - effect improvements finished
    - texturing work on cityscapes, planetscapes, bases and other cinematic scenes finished (overall 170 scenes with several thousand of improvements)
    - texturing on artificial solar objects finshed
    - 340 lines of flmm code added for new interface option
    - new visual effect for the dark reign ion cannons created
    - new sound effect for the dark reign ion cannons created
    - projectile speed of the dark reign reduced by 50% to improve the visibility (it is still deadly enough)
    - several other visual effects got a fine tuning
    - minor correction done to the sound layout
    - work on the natural solar retexturing finished
    - additional light effects placed on several systems to create a special atmosphere
    - asteroid billboards updated (2 highres versions)
    - color correction on dyson sphere
    - deimos + phobos added to sol
    - Black Eagle - retextured (black plates with red glow)
    - the new interface got reworked in order to work with low performance settings (eventhough it looks ugly but it cant be made better)
    - font recolored based on the new interface (only for that interface)
    - all atmospheres of the custom planets got recreated to fit better
    - saturn ring improved
    - uranus ring improved
    - rings added to jupiter and neptune as all gas planets have rings (neptune ring is barely visible - but thats normal)
    - hit detection of custom planets improved
    - sol sun rebuild
    - additional light effects added to various zones in all systems
    - Mars moons added (phobos, deimos)
    - Jupiter moons recreated and ganymede added
    - Pluto and Charon recreated
    - 2 Uranus moons added (Proteus and Nereid)
    - Neptune moon Miranda added
    - Saturn moons (Titan, Rhea and Thethys) recreated
    - Saturn moons (Iapetus, Dione, Enceladus and Mimas) added
    - Reputation fxed to the MP done
    - the final remaining crash issue got fixed (at least it should be fixed now)
    - Planetary spin values improved
    - Support for nomad missions enabled
    - asteroid billboards recreated (high-res) -> 2 versions (plain rock, rock with dust)
    - 14 new asteroid models included (mega roids for the new mining concept)
    - Planet Lost Paradise retextured
    - Capital ships rebalanced
    - Battleship Turret mounts removed from cruisers, destroyers and gunboats (these ships have preset turrets now)
    - Shipdealer added to Baltimore Shipyards
    - Liner and Prison ship now available to be bought
    - liberty cruiser maingun improved
    - 3 new cruiser/destroyer mainguns added
    - 4 new gunboat mainguns added
    - liberty gunboat added (so far liberty didnt have a ship of that class)
    - battleship torpedoes added
    - stock values for equipment corrected
    - Coalition Torpedo Launchers removed from stations (they will be mounted by default on bombers)
    - Hades Bomber edited
    - Battleship Deliverance added
    - Chimera recreated (hopefully works now -> i had no probs in SP so far)
    - NPC/Mission balancing done (difficulty of the NPCs in NY and in the first missions reduced by up to 40%; difficulty of later missions slightly increased)
    - AI Improved (better gunners)
    - kasperski warnings fixed
    - new laser effects and sounds created
    - repair laser added (only usable with repair ship) -> short range laser with directional beam
    - new mining ship added
    - mining laser added (only usable with mining ship) -> short range laser with directional beam
    - overall max dynamic asteroid loot tripled
    - dynamic asteroid loot drop chance decreased by one level each (100% chance -> 50% chance; 50% -> 33%; 33% -> 25%)
    - 14 different kinds of dynamic megaroids added (holding a max of 500 units loot; random and spare appearance of those roids; can only be cracked with mining lasers)
    - 194 asteroid fields edited with above settings
    - most of the reworked character models included
    - Ragnarok railgun can not be sold any longer (players which carry such turrets will damage their chars)
    - Order HQ is no longer dockable in direction to mars
    - Additional random mission loot added for specific factions
    - comets added to the systems
    - all explosions improved
    - improved effects for nomads
    - armor upgrades have influence on top speed now
    - several improvements to battleship ai
    - Ragnarok Gunship Railgun adjusted to reduce the chance of random client crashes (when used en masse)
    - Battleship AI of ASF/CSF adjusted (Ships will keep fighting instead of fleeing when heavily damaged)
    - ASF/CSF Capital ships spawn damaged by default (as theoretical result of previous battles in x-3043)
    - Problem with ships launching from docking rings fixed (they no longer wait for some time before activating the engines)
    - Dynamic Asteroid billboards improved
    - trading value of cargo pods increased to a base value 500000 (will make trading them valueable again)
    - mass added to cargo pods, commodities and armors (reduces the acceleration of heavy loaded ships slightly)
    - weight reducers optimized
    - intro scripts randomized
    - planet pygar is not dockable
    - rotation of all planets reduced
    - alternative shader script intoduced (color correction by huor)
    - additional ship balances done
    - UAC logo removed
    - Escape Pod prices adjusted
    - trade limit lifted
    - debris bug in neophobos fixed
    - some fixes to some vanilla weapons
    - the dual mine launcher got replaced with the new Revelation Mine Launcher (The Revelation Mine Dropper is the succeeding model of the Dual Mine Dropper. The previously seperated explosive charges of the original mines are now put into two chambers of a single capsule, which will crack when the target is hit. The resulting explosion is due to the higher compression rate and the close distances between the two chambers more powerful than with previous versions of this mine type. Dual Mine types are getting completly replaced by this new technology.) - you dont need to do anything or worry about your chars... the dual mines will automatically turn into revelation ones
    furthermore the impulse settings were removed from that mine type and the explosion damage increased by 2.5; the mine model got replaced with a simplier one that will cause less lag; the refire rate has been adjusted to the same lvl that other mine droppers have.
    - the number of mines has been limited for all mine droppers
    - bullpup textures changed
    - minor error on one of the sol intro scripts fixed
    - ASF/CSF Battleship rank design changed to display battleship names
    - countless infocard changes done
    - all intro scripts got reworked (more details, less bugs)
    - inner core energetic space reworked (less graphic lag)
    - all nebulas reworked (higher details)
    - "the race" intro script edited and included in the new ASF/CSF intro option
    - 2 additional ASF/CSF intro scripts created
    - 3 inner core intro scripts added and included in a new option
    - 2 new DK solars added (semi station type)
    - requested battleship class info added (but not in the requested way - other class names and no new descriptions as the ships have good ones already)
    - low res nebula clouds added to the flmm options
    - werewolf texture fixed
    - singleplayer rewards are now 10 times higher
    - Nomad Strike Carrier rebuild
    - Nomad Lich, Haunt and Bomber improved
    - music in sol replaced
    - Mission 14: Crossfire Chapter 1 - Orillion (done)
    - Mission 15: Crossfire Chapter 1 - New threat (done)
    - Mission 16: Crossfire Chapter 1 - Battle of X-3043 (done)
    - Mission 17: Crossfire Chapter 2 - Kusari Fleet (done)
    - Mission 18: Crossfire Chapter 2 - Origins (done)
    - Mission 19: Crossfire Chapter 2 - Liberation (done)
    - Mission 20: Crossfire Chapter 3 - Nephele (done)
    - Mission 21: Crossfire Chapter 3 - Smugglers Journey (done)
    - Mission 22: Crossfire Chapter 4 - Paradise Lost (done)
    - Mission 23: Crossfire Chapter 4 - The Order (done)
    - Mission 24: Crossfire Chapter 5 -Coalition (done)
    - Mission 25: Crossfire Chapter 5 -Cease fire (done)
    - Mission 26: Crossfire Chapter 6 -Brennigan's Coordinates (done)
    - standard cursor improved
    - vanilla cursor bug in activation script fixed
    - 2 new cursor sets added
    - Badlands exclusion retextured
    - jumphole effect improved
    - new launcher design created
    - SA logo changed
    - system tickers improved
    - bribe value raised
    - reputation system included for equipment and ships (you need to have a relative good reputation to buy them)
    - multiplayer content got removed from the singleplayer campaign (clan billboards, rules infront of manhattan, etc)
    - access to the CF systems got removed during the first 13 missions (as these systems are just being exploring bit by bit during the following missions)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

    Edited 4 times, last by SWAT_OP-R8R ().

  • i mean it the way i said it... new interface (not just something recolored)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • you mean make the ships and that look more real and better and OP you and the Dev team Keep up the good work :) we want one of the best mods :)

    Lost But Never Forgotten The Angels have got you in a better Place now Dad !
    - R.I.P. Angmar Witch-king 1955-2012 -

  • What Op forgot to mention is that a brand new ship will be included

    it will be called the Robot Unicorn Ship and will create rainbows flying around.

    it will roughly ressemble this:

    as you can see, it shoots rainbows out of its ass

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

    Edited once, last by Spiky- ().

  • Op, is it possible to make bulk commodities ( food, metal... ) in huge quantities and a little more pricier and precious commodities ( diamants, gold... ) in small quantities ?

    2000 tons of food is realistic but 2000 tons of diamants is strange and 2000 tons of military secrets is uncommon. :patsch:

    So big cargo's ( trains ) can remplish the cargoload with 1 kind of cheap ( ? ) commodities or several different precious commodities, letting ships with small cargoloads going for high precious or illegal commodities.

    it's a very old idea but maybe it's doable with all the technical developments you make these last years! 8).

  • Will have to check it. The 2 suggestions itself dont make a big difference to the problem but conbining them might be working... but arrow is right, not the correct thread for suggestions



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Lines in Chat history doubled
    char curruption at max cash fixed
    spin issue with planets fixed
    new interface introduced
    new font introduced
    lvl requirement to by equipment and ships removed
    Ragnarok Gunship size reduced by 20% and mount moved (fixed the docking problems)
    commodity volumes changed
    material reflections improved
    mission payout doubled
    clan billboards moved up to prevent docking probs with battleships
    additional light effects added to sol and styx
    various retexturing on vanilla models



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • No one will trade --> no one will do RP. I don't really agree withe the mission reward increase, instead you should buff trading somehow.

  • based on the time you have to invest for missions trading is still the better method



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Besides, by increasing rewards for missions, it allows for even more RP in the long run. Pirates/Police can easily interfere with a mission, making it harder or near impossible to finish and if someone cant finish a mission, they dont get rewarded therefor making missions even more of a risk.

  • And people with a cargo hold full of escape pods are still a good target for pirates. People tend to pay when they have worked for 30 min to gather all those pods. And consequently cops will have things to do because of the pirate activity.

    Trader/smuggler are not the only target for pirates. Miners, escape pods hunter, long range travellers that don't dock on the way and others I'm sure I'm forgetting are all valid targets for an enterprising pirate. Don't limit your thinking to the way things are now, use your imagination.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • haha I can testify this Myric! ^^

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY