1. Description
Essen Station is the headquarters and primary manufacturing facility for Kruger Minerals, a once proud company currently experiencing hard times. Wishing to exploit the vast gas resources of the Crow Nebula despite claims made to the territory by the Gas Miners Guild (GMG), Kruger was a primary supporter of the 80-Years War. After that conflict ended in disaster, Kruger's capital was exhausted and the company persecuted. Today Kruger is attempting to rebuild by allying itself with ALG Waste Disposal.
2. Stats
- CLASS: Abbey
- GRAVITY: Partial
- OWNER: Kruger Minerals
3. Ships
- no ships available
4. Equipment to buy
4.1. Guns & Missiles & Turrets
- Starkiller Torpedo Launcher
- Wasp Cruise Disruptor
- Heavy Starbeam
- Slingshot Missile
- Adv. Starbeam Turret
- Adv. Stunpulse
- Windstalker Missile
- Sweeper Missile
- Catapult Missile
- Moonstalker Missile
- Debilitator Turret
- Flashpoint