This large System in the Inner-Core sector of the Milky Way, and originally inhabited by the Dom'Kavash, served in the past as a gigantic industrial and materials extraction hub. Here was started the initial phase of building the three galactic gates which were built in the adjacent Inner Core System containing a black hole, where its energy was used to power each gate.
Dom'Kavash, in searching for new challenges, did not expected the presence of other large empires in other galaxies; but this is exactly what they found. Initial contacts were peaceful, but sometime later the situation started to become complicated and resulted in an enormous intergalactic war. The Dom'Kavash lost control over all the galactic gates and through them started three external empires an invasion.
In Venn during these times, numerous minefields were laid intended to slow down any attackers. These passive defensive systems, together with the use of numerous Dom'Kavash active fleets however weren't enough to stop invasion of the three huge galactic empires. Nowadays the Venn System is occupied by races known to us as Dom'Nepesh (Boötes Dwarf galaxy), Dom'Setek (Camelopardalis B galaxy) and Dom'Razak who originated in the distant Tadpole galaxy.
1. Bases
- Dom'Nepesh Stations (docking N/A)
- Dom'Setek Stations (docking N/A)
- Dom'Razak Stations (docking N/A)
2. Unsettled Planets & Moons
- Planet Brurr
- Raner (moon)
- Planet Lerth
- Planet Ryl
- Nyskel (moon)
- Rhuaugh (moon)
3. Jump Gates
4. Wrecks & Specials
- 3x GMG Expedition Wreck
- Repair Buoy (x7)
5. Lore
- Crossfire short stories XV: Journey with no return feature - Mod DB
- Crossfire short stories XVI: Inner Core Logs feature - Mod DB
6. Images
human's military operations in system | human's military operations in system | human's military operations in system | human's military operations in system |