it ended (or not?) with deinstalling the mod

There are 13 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Martind Forlon.

  • HI, I am playing Freelancer for the first time ever, after all the star fighter games coming out right now I was interested in trying it

    I stumbled across this mod and used it because of better shaders, more otptions and so on

    I played till Level 5 then unistalled the mod and started over with the vanilla game

    the AI changes totally unbalancing the game ... Missiles, slow firing weapons = useless / waste of time and Money

    the fights just take longer, plus you have no Option as to use fast ships fast weapons

    in the vailla Version even normal Missiles seem to lock on to the target and get more reliable the further the enemy is away

    in this mod it seems to should work the opposite way but it just makes Missiles obsolete

    and in General it just takes to Long to finish enemys, and its not more complex just feels dragged

    the modern UI is great, the enhabced shaders are okay, all the new Cursors are complicated to make use of

    you just cramped to much into this mod or should provide it in different Version where you can only Change what you really want

    Overall the AI changes sucks so much fun and diversity out of the game that I have to discard everything I do find awesome

    from this mod and switvh to the vanilla game completly, I am sorry

    just wanted to give you some Feedback ^^


  • thanks, but cant you consider making a Version without the AI changes so People like me can experience all the other great stuff you have in this modification?

    or are those AI changes the heart and Soul of this mod?

  • yes probably the heart and soul. Look without wanting to being offensive towards you or anyone. We improved the AI and with that the difficulty because the players dont have a challenge on this server with the normal AI. I know its hard and although i am a long term member i do not have much knowledge in space anymore and also would kinda be annoyed and sometimes when i try i am. But the mod is also mainly made for the MP players where its intended that people group together to fight vs the NPCs or against each other. And there are a lot of events where this works pretty well and if you ask all these people, the most enjoy it this way.

    We decreased the AI for the beginning period already, but we have to take care also of the more advanced players. They still need a challenge. At the beginning you probably should try to make money, get better ships and better equipment. Once you have - you will see relative fast that you make faster progress in killing them.

    Anyway - i respect your feeling and its your good choice to play what you like. And i appreciate that you did critic without being offensive too.


  • this makes sense and ofc you get the Feeling that the mod is aimed at People who know the inside out

    maybe I will get more experience with the and then come back and enjoy this mod ;)


  • based on the 7 mod award nominations and the fact that nearly no other mods are played anymore online I would say that we created exactly what the players want
    i see no reason to feel bad about features which make the game more interesting and less boring



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • thanks for the link

    I played the mod again cause of the widescreen, better graphics and Ui it offers

    mybe you should place an hint somewhere at the beginning of the game that Players can sell prisoners in Texas, to keep Mission runners going

    but seriously, I would consier CM usage by the AI bugged atm

    they dropping the CM the millisecond you hit the button to Launch the Missile, its redicoules ... only if you lucky and the rocket, the Cm and the enemy

    are Close together a Missile will do any damage in combat, while a CM that Close to shipengine would totally have no effect at all

    I also tryed to target the CM device of th enemy ship and damage it but that does not work at all

    I would Balance this by greatly reducing Missile damage and removing CMs from the AI

    all in all your mod is more fun then playing but the Missile Thing is a bit frustrating


    I use seeker mines as Missile Substitute at the moment

  • Then it ended with reinstalling the mod ^^

    The AIs are basically harder when your ship is at begginer level, not only counting your skills, but at higher ship levels, players can kill NPCs in few shows, you have to fire longer on a NPC to destroy it with Justice guns, or such. (Make sure you have the best guns you can get).
    NPCs being the Non Player Characters, what use the AI you mention.

    Have fun,

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Yes, when you get your hands on Coalition Gatlings and high-end equipment...
    Phoenix Project Cannons are fine too and can be found earlier, but Gatlings have such a satisfying firing sound and effects... Dom'Kavash Annihilators are basically PPC with cranked stats.
    Even more early, Nomad weaponry that doesn't uses energy, but their projectile speed are not that good. Ancient Energy Cannons are nice too, never tried them out though.
    And then you have

    EDIT: Ah, the missiles. Missiles are only for PvP and against aliens. Cruise Disruptors are for PvP too, to blow your opponent's missiles up (Right out of the launcher if you're lucky).

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited 3 times, last by Ajay: - ().

  • I finally fully agree, this mod is great

    unbelievable I wasnt aware of this game the last 10 years, but at least the mod comes into full effect now

    only thing thats lacking is a video on the net, that makes people realize they have to play this

    I hope you enjoy this a little bit, its a Tribute



  • Thx hitm :thumbup:

    For more CF videos on net -> look here (and check also sequels). You can find also some videos on moddb and on CrossfireFilmUnion's']YouTube channel.

    And for missiles usage (as I saw you had problem using them against NPCs) few tips:

    • best moment for fire missile on NPC is when they come and fire on you. They do not use CDs (like players do in PvP) and practically not evade so your chance for hit is very high.
    • if you will use weapon groups and link your missile(s) with some of CDs, your chance to lock this package on NPC is bigger
    • once you fire missiles, try still keep your target (NPC) in aim cross
    • experiment with distance when you fire missiles, you may learn soon that on some range you can hit them much more
    • if you link CD, missile and torp into one package and fire it on incoming NPC, you can be sure, that this NPC will be deep in troubles :)
    • check CF-Wiki for available missiles/torpedoes ... some of them are very strong and can deal huge damage also to some really tough NPCs you can meet in CF.
    • if for some reasons missiles suddenly refuse to lock, try target on something else (planet, base, something) and then back on your target.
    • Look for more tips on combat video guide (critical strikes): here

    Missiles are very deadly tool in CF space if you know how to use them ...