
There are 116 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by (IOC)Rex Nebular.

  • screenshots are a one sided picture of something that one person wants to show
    they do not necessarily reflect what really happened



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • *sigh*
    did you actually read my comments?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • And another pair of rules that just would prevent. We need soon lawers to check everything. Why cant just people play with each other for a change? Just imagine how ego shooters would work if everyone plays them and just sits there and chats with everyone else? Actually where is the problem. You shoot me, i die, i loose money. I shoot you, you die i get my money back. If i am a bad fighter i go out and trade for a change or hunt pods, which in the end i am target of everyone else. And the cycle starts from new.


  • TBH... I think Server has plenty of rules as it is. Some things maybe don't get reported for reasons that may not make sense. For example, I have taken screenies while (xyz) was happening....then after I finish playing and think of the issue, I decide it's not in best interest to involve people that should hopefully have better things to spend their time doing===== meaning GR/Admin etc. and that anything looked at from only 1 view probably doesn't tell the whole story.

    I think OP maybe said it better than I did....

    I like Huor's view. Only problem for me is that I live way to far from server to have a fair fight against certain (skilled) pilots....but that's another story

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
    "marauder": Syn: bandit, buccaneer, desperado, forager, looter, pillager, pirate, plunderer, predator, raider

    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • Some statements from the above are wrong, to my view.


    Last some the CF players told me that people are leaving because of the trading... so did change the trading with noticable profit increase.
    Result: NONE
    The situation today is even worse.

    Containers' price reduction finally stopped those "trains of trains" running between NB and NT. Together with some goods being made to take less than 1 cargo unit, that turned players' attention to commodities. Now not only newcomers raise their funds by trading.

    One-day smuggling routes with profit rising up to 36 million per run on a train were not left without attention as well - more and more people are getting interested in smuggling. As a result, IOC grows very fast, even without much recruiting activity (advertisement, propaganda, etc - I never was good in such things), players just address in-game and ask if they can join.

    One thing has influenced too - pirates are sitting in X all the time (when the container routes were alive, they at least were also sitting in NB/NT), and policemen are close to extinction for some reason.

    This way, trading is one of the most prosperous aspects of CF today.
    Result: NONE Result: SUCCESS


    RP is being avoided and clans in my eyes lost their identity.
    I would even claim that they are not even protecting their system... their territory.
    -> i remember that for a long time protecting territory was a duty for every clan member and reason for alot of action on the server.
    Clan members once we proud to be part of a clan.

    "Good evening! Please state your business in Casius system." - I say nearly every day, often adding an explanation about the need of asking permissions for visiting clan systems. We do protect our home, but no one actually invades (though I clearly remember at least 3 invasions I fought against, and one more I was told about that happened without me).

    SA black/white list for Omega-3 is being updated regularly, so their system isn't unguarded either.

    I would even claim that they are not even protecting their system... Both currently active clans do their job well, the others can't be accused of anything unless they show up on the server...


    Tzzz, 8pm (main server time) and we have 10 players online.
    That actually is reason to close the server right away. And the worst thing is that during the past 5 months this community is not willing to do something against it. You guys seem to be happy with the current situation... otherwise you would do something against it. I dont know whats wrong with this community.

    The only way for us mere mortals (non-GRs or EMs) to raise attendance of the server is to simply play more - and this is where many players succeed noticeably. To date, I have a total of approximately 420 hours on all chars, which means that I play 3 hours/day since April when I joined IOC and these chars were created. Of course this average number doesn't quite correspond with reality, I missed a lot of days during these months, it just helps to imagine how much I play - and still, some players online are the same nearly every time I join the server, which means they play even more! And newcomers make a major part of those maniacs. :verrueckt:

    Some more thoughts:

    Lack of players: I think this low population is temporary. Most veterans have suddenly stopped coming online (not satisfied with changes in 1.9, or I don't know...), which is proven by clan extinction, but there is a stable inflow of new players, some of which leave, but some start regularly playing long hours (guess they like CF 1.9 :) ). Due to those who stay, the average number of players should increase in time.

    Lack of forum activity: same reason - veterans were active on the forum most of all, and now when they left it's empty. New players don't usually register on SWAT right away (I ask some in-game if they are registered and often get negative answer), but when they shake down a bit they should start coming here (at least those of them who speak/understand English).

    Lack of role play: not enough police on the server. RP system can't function properly when one of four sides is missing, it dramatically decreases the amount of possible interaction types. Also, I wish there were a way to do something with pirates sitting in X and Arena... And nevertheless, I still meet RP enthusiasts who do their best to keep it going, so it's not dead completely. Moreover, newcomers are still offered a lot of help with putting up their chars, and when it's done, role play will follow.


    Re-reading my post I see I've offered no actual solutions to the problems discussed, only patience and waiting... I don't like things as they are, but what can an ordinary player do? "Everyone can run an event" - Huor says :( Well, I can't, for example... If I try I will ruin everything as usually.

    P.S. I wanted to start a birthday thread recently, but it would be for a new player unknown to most forum dwellers, and the whole number of the latter is also small. That congratulation would look pathetic if it got only 3-4 replies... So I decided to use the guestbook instead.

    Edited once, last by Cresthen: postscriptum ().

  • Well this is depressing, as usual i come in just as things are falling apart.

    With that said, I have been reading and debugging for days now, I happen to have a bare bones LAN CF server running which means if i can do that someone can do it better, so the mod won't die unless the OP really wants it to, like all things on the net. Don't worry I don't have the bandwidth to make anything outside a lan anyways, and i have no interest in cheating or exploits or sharing therein. (i did it so i could play a lan party with a friend of mine that has no internet access and won't for quite some time)

    Maybe the OP should take a break from it, or give temporary/probational/control over to someone else capable and willing (not suggesting me I haven't proven anything to the community yet), I mean if its all a burden now with nothing productive to gain maybe its time for a change of some sort. Albiet i don't know what would work best. The worst thing would be the loss of the forums and files, that could make it significantly difficult to keep the community going at all, and would effect more then just swat.

    I still think that discovery mod is doing quite well, there approach of non-closed server software allows people more freedom to rp in the way they want to and keeps a community going for freelancer in general. If you were willing to go that route (GPL server software of course i don't expect you to hand out everything to the public i know you'll probably use so pay software too), you fear the community here will get smaller. Just make your server more fun and people will continue to play in it, and heck it might even thrive more then before, as who could top being called the official server anyways.

    Just an idea, I know you've heard it before, if you are going to terminate the whole thing anyways why not give it a go, unless you are really too bitter about things, if that is the case it is truely a sad situation.

    Either way i thank you for your time and effort in making thing enjoyable for others and continuing the spirit of the game for as long as it has. Wish you well on your current and future endeavors.



  • Allowing more CF server would finally devide the community and bring CF to its death. There is absolutely no reason for me to develop something for other people while my community is suffering. Your lan server is not going to work. It is instable and would not be able synchronize with the client versions.
    The mod never was designed to work on other servers than this one.

    Cresten is right with one major thing. CF bring new people to the server and therefore to Freelancer. No other Mod does catch that much attention by new players or people which returned to FL after years. Discovery does not even get 25% of that attention from sites such as moddb and freeworlds is on hold. So if CF fails it will be hard for the FL community to attract new players and if discovery is the only mod left those people which get bored of discovery will have no alternative any longer -> result: they leave FL.
    It might take a few months longer... but discovery would be the next mod running into these problems.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Maybe or maybe not, ever thought about joint op with Discovery OP? I tell ya CF combined with Discovery that'd be badass! :D Well the Server is dieing that's true... What we can do is just simply "steal" people from Discovery :DDD But that'd be unfair of course. Discovery has just this one thing that keeps player come in! It has many things under control like OORP and stuff that doesn't make people angry or give a reason to leave, cause simple rule "If the player doesn't act RP, he'll get punished", and I think that went well. I mean I'm still seeing over 200 player on the server... or maybe the problem is that some people can't even install Crossfire right! Cause I met many people who said "Crossfire wont work on my PC" or "It wont activate it", so they starting to give up on the mod.. I dunno, I like ur work! I hope we'll find a good solution. Snake out-

  • The mods are too different... it would be easier to build something new from the scratch. And even then you would eliminate the diversity in FL this way.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Impossible to report anything if someone doesn't play the game. Solution: play.

    Reporting an individual accusition is nonsense. Solution: take revenge in-game. Again: let the guns talk!!!!

    Reporting bugs is a good mirror for the dev team. Solution: go ahead.

    The server needs only 1 element first: more players. So please double click to the CF.exe and choose multiplayer, select the server then the char and start playing.

    All else is a higher step.

  • Allowing more CF server would finally devide the community and bring CF to its death. There is absolutely no reason for me to develop something for other people while my community is suffering. Your lan server is not going to work. It is instable and would not be able synchronize with the client versions.
    The mod never was designed to work on other servers than this one.

    Seems to me the community is divided as it is. Is the intent for this mod to be only for this community, rather then the entire freelancer community? --that might be the problem. There is no question that you made a great product, it seems to be suffering due to continual disagreement causing people to flee or lose interest. Its not your fault about low players in general its kinda of an obscure game at this point, since i'm currently somewhat of an outsider I'll give you my viewpoint of what you say and i think other people hear.

    You say you want more players but then you say you want to only help swat community of freelancer. While its pretty normal to want to help people you know, friends and such, to new people it doesn't come off sounding well. Sounds like some sort of elitism, or selfishness at best, just saying. I think I have an idea, you need a public relations person, granted with that said i have the diplomacy level of 1800s gunboat levels, so sorry if i come off harsh. lol, I'm sure someone here would oblidge, if req.

    The question is do you really want it too fail, are you sick of it and venting out of frustration, or do you want it to get better, and if getting better means only in your terms, thats were the disagreement i think lies with plenty of people. I mean absolutely no offense/disrespect by this these are just my observations. I think in all this sometimes it helps to get some viewpoints from outsiders that are reasonable but not heavily invested yet.

    As far as my lan server goes, its not for public its for me and 1 other friend who has a computer and router but no net access for probably another few years do to circumstance, I don't need it to update or download things, or even need an economy really, and again i don't plan on making it public. I only mentioned it because it is possible to do that, and even make a more advanced hybrid with crossfire and discovery features, so working together with discovery would be possible on a technical level, dunno how well you get along with them on personal one.

    I really hope i haven't stepped on anyones toes, I am absolutely blown away with this mod, and don't want to see things fail either. Trying to be helpful.



    BTW, i started playing, is there an easy way to talk to people in game, at least the couple of hours i was on last night there were people on but they were quite silent. I think you can only talk in system right or pm, if thats a case if there ever is a crossfire 2.0 another idea for it, global chat. :)

  • and here is my point of view:

    Crossfire was from the first moment the mod of the SWAT community... for the purpose that this community needed a mod.
    I personally have invested several thousand working hours to get to the point that I release CF1.9.
    Since December 2011 I am working at least 5-6 hours a day on the mod ... which are if i am not totally wrong again more than 1000 working hours. I can only assume how much other team members invest to develop this mod for this community.
    So to say that we want something to fail hardly can be true.

    What we dont want is to see how our mod is being used by others while our main community where the mod is being developed starts to suffer.
    We have developed it for the SWAT Portal... not for somebody which has done absolutely nothing for all this here.
    It will not happen that Crossfire gets mixed with other mods... the mods have different gameplay, different story, different style. Merging stuff means to loose stuff. It means to loose what the project stands for.

    And right at the moment i am unfortunately forced to deal with a discovery server which has taken countless of 3d models, audio files, textures and other stuff from Crossfire without having permission.

    If you want you can call it selfish that I protect my work and that I want that the community where it is developed takes the benefit of it instead of others.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok, well at least we are clear on that.

    I'm just not used to restrictive community mods. I work on all sorts of games other then this, so sorry if i didn't understand.

    Usually a community will sponser a mod but not restrict it provided you dont claim you did work you didn't, use work without permission, or make money off of either, but thats still your right. I just hope things get better too.

    My apologies if I offended upset you.

    Edited once, last by Drathian: clarify ().

  • dont worry, no offence taken

    most freelancer mods work this way



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • [Quote]And right at the moment i am unfortunately forced to deal with a discovery server which has taken countless of 3d models, audio files, textures and other stuff from Crossfire without having permission.[/quote ]

    *sniff sniff* I smell a lawsuit

    This just proves CF>Disco. Part of me wants CF to get back on it's feet and the other part says "its not gonna happen"

    Like I said, if I had a computer, I'd put my unfathomable amounts of time into making CF better in some way.

  • Its not about disco... there is no problem with that mod.
    Its just a server which took stuff from CF to include it into their version of disco.

    The discovery community and even TSP already removed links to that server. (at least in such matters the FL communities agree with each other)

    Dealing with this issue unfortunately costs much time... the community admins of that server are willing to comply... the creator of that mod refuses and it is hard to tell a russian kid something about permissions and copyrights.
    Ok that was not fair... I am not sure if he is a kid and I personally have no problem with russians since all others Ive met before were nice people actually.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ Focks.......and no offence meant

    I maybe didn't follow post close enough or is several quotes into one? Please make it easier for old guy like me to follow :) And, I hope you can get computer to have time and use unfathomable time for help as well.

    Have great voyages all

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
    "marauder": Syn: bandit, buccaneer, desperado, forager, looter, pillager, pirate, plunderer, predator, raider

    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • @ Marauder no, I derped on the HTMLing. It's a quote from OP saying something about a Discovery dev using some stuff from CF without permission

    @OP if its a kid,, wouldn't it be way easier to say "well, don't do it again or else" then let it go? I agree, what kid would know about copyright infringement? I mean, as long as he credited you for xyz files, then no harm done...right?

    @CF stop staring at my nonsense! Get on the server and blow shit up!

  • I was not asked, no credits were given and for sure I have not invested thousands of hours so that somebody simply can take my work.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!