
There are 116 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by (IOC)Rex Nebular.

  • @(IOC)Horus Hotepsekhemui: thx for your words and will to do something to help crossfire. You asked for donations -

    ... in posts before was mentioned that only vets can save crossfire ... I think little differently and imo ppl like you and others who play for relative short time and love this mod are those ones who can/are able help. PPl who not only talk about helping, but rly do something.

  • Oh, good gracious...


    "Singleplayers" simply do not give the necessary support as they either dont care enough or dont feel part of something that can cause improvements

    Well.. may be I understood something wrong, bu I think you want to create something not alone. Yes, singleplayer can't give enoufgh of feedback, but it depends of goals - you want for feedback or to create it to someone played it, you want to create the community, or want to let people play with only organizing them.
    These goals accompany each other. But the whole approach depends from a focus on something of them.


    lets face it
    such mods were created for a community
    people which want to do something together.... singleplayer is generally the exact opposite of that
    the only reason to create a SP campaign in my eyes is to get singleplayers interested in the game and probably curious about the mp features and also to satisfy the mp people which are interested in the reason why their game universe exists in exactly this way

    Okay. God knows I did not want to say it...

    Just let me remind something to you:
    Some years ago (2006-2007) I founded CF 1.6 uploaded on my local server. That was the first time when I played it. I was looking for a local server. And the first reason was - thr local community of a small town. The second - a community of a clan. And the final - most of both of the communitoes had a very bad Internet aswel as a whole town. You can be shure, FL consuming much of the traffic, if ypu paying for every byte you sent. Dial-up Modem or satellite connection just could provide it.
    So, I found CF as very very intersting game - many systems, weapons abilities what I never seen before. That was the first and unconditional expectant to be a local server. But has no server. That was the reason to start my "unofficial" presence and my clan next, but I still wanted to make it available for LAN. Despite the complete own grammatical illiteracy, I came in touch with you in order to determine the cause of the lack of a server in the game client.
    What is the answer I got then?..

    So, the years after, I've finaly arrived. But the rest of my community was forced to play the mods like "Evolved" and "Discovery", just becouse there was provided server. You can hate the "disco" at will, but just face it: 100, and later 400 players of the local network. 6-30 players playing every hour. That was a status of my LAN server from 2005 till 2007. And they did not learned anything about Crossfire, but could. The previous clan community helped the one of the servers to develope and subsequently made the future "AoUCN Discovery".
    Now, that network is finally connected to the global, finally, with good connection. But all of the people now playing Discovery just because they don't know anything exept it. And now it is impossible to lure them here.
    Becouse there was no local server. Becouse your feared of "nobody cares about".

    There is no need to focus too much attention on the feedback, activity and such as this. At least, if creativity is the primary goal. And there will always, who appreciate the true result and play it at least as I do.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • that is right !!!!
    All PPL in DISCO will use this MOD if they know This MOD !!!!

    And .......
    this is only my OPINION .... -------------> Almost all PPL in all MOD [especially in DISCO] will use CF mod after CF2.0 release
    As you can see ....... Which mod that have AWESOME design like CF 2.0 ???
    And .. As you can see SOME Pictures that OP sent to this forum ....
    I'm very proud to you who have do a GREAT JOB .... [Especially in GRHAPHICAL design]

    Thank you OP !!!
    Thank you Vishnu !!!
    Thanks you Huor !!!
    Thank you Marauder !!!

    i hope i can help you all to IMPROVE CF .....
    So far i only can INTRODUCE this mod to all of my FRINED
    and they will play it :D


    I want to know how it feels when becoming SOLO player

    He inspired me :ninja:

  • Of course the end of CF would be a big mistake. It would harm FL as a whole since no other mod catches that much attention at sites such as moddb.
    But the server situation is not the best.
    What CF needs are players online and most important active clans which initiate action on the server.
    The problem is we dont have that many active clans anymore.
    A few are still there but they are low on numbers and the other clans currently dont seem to care.

    Events might help to get a few players busy... but that does only last 1-2 hours.
    It wouldnt be able to pull CF out of this deep hole.
    The only way to get CF back on track in the next few weeks would be by having some clans which initiate massive action, do recruitment and keep players online.
    Clans are in my eyes also the only way to finance such a server over a long term.
    10 active clans which are motivated to play and keep their members active aswell could easily pay for the server.
    What does a person have to pay for a MMO... 10€ a month?
    Well that would be what the entire clan has to pay to keep the server online (if we had 10 active clans -> which is not much in my eyes).

    Clans can start action against each other or they can do massive RP... or initiate any other kind of action on the server that keeps people interested in playing the game.
    Not the mod is responsible for what people do or not do on the server...

    ... and if people are active on the server then new players will join... thats like a natural law.

    Yes, CF2.0 is still in development for the fact that the situation can change.
    IF the CF server goes offline and we kept working on the mod then we would have wasted 1 month of work.
    IF the CF server stays online and we stopped working on the mod then we also would have wasted 1 month.
    I can not do a forecast... but I dislike giving up.

    I clearly dont care about what features other mods have since we clearly have better stuff.
    well yeah... building bases... BS bonus... we also started to work on such features for CF2.0 some time ago.
    Our stuff will work different, yes... more complex... combined with our conquest system, modular designs and modular bonus aswell.
    With CF2.0 we DO NOT aim to introduce 20 new systems and 50 new ships... still the workload we have to do is as big as for CF1.8 and CF1.9 together since we are doing thousands of detail changes which improve the entire game environment.
    And we have some new key features that are supposed to get rid of the question "and what to do now?".
    Keywords: station constructions, conquest system, automatic MP event missions, very rare items

    The problem is that we will never find out how these new features will work if we dont get the support that we need now.
    And right now we need the most support on the server and the support of active server clans.
    We can not wait for CF2.0 and hope for the best till then... I am not even sure if I can release the mod this year due to all the additional work.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • You post make me so HAPPY m8 !!!
    You know what word in my mind !!!

    i will do my BEST OP !!!
    i will help you to improve PPl
    And HORSEMAN will make a clan in CF2.0
    ..... we are four RedHorse,BlackHorse,WhiteHorse,PinkHorse
    maybe after we have the clan we will get new member
    maybe BlueHorse,SilverHorse,GreenHorse,BrownHorse,YellowHorse,PurpleHorse,OrangeHorse, etc,etc :D

    I'm a person that dont like GIVE UP too
    Give up only can make situation become BAD :D

    THANKS OP !!!!

    I want to know how it feels when becoming SOLO player

    He inspired me :ninja:

  • Quote

    The problem is that we will never find out how these new features will work if we dont get the support that we need now.

    Then just say, what exactrly do you need. You need players, developers? Ok, I know, that I'm not developer, but. As admin in some web-resourses, I can start advertising compaign ("we search for developers"), as many of here present also can. And there is another way - some of the players are present not only here, but also in other FL mods. They can start searching there (or even start re-centralize community of freelancer - why not?).
    So, the first thing is - people need to know what they need to do. I mean, people, who want to see the server grow. Becouse saying the problem does not always give instructions to the actions, and some times only makes everyone sad. Experienced on my clan.

    So. What the current active people can do? Anyone have any ideas? Suggestions?

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • short version: play the game, help ppl learn possibilities CF mod. For rp boost will be nice to have again organised active police clan (or group).

    ... advertisiment is always good :)

  • needed are active players and clans
    thats it... because the rest comes automatically



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok. The way to attract other players I have already expressed, as Forlon too. Others can also use it as the course of actions.
    If someone have any other idea about how we can do it - you're welcome.

    We'll see, what we can do from our side.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Hi
    I think we need to drop the rule about joining a clan as it puts people off.
    The rule says if you join a clan then you have to delete all your other charectors and then create a new one with the clan TAG.
    I like many others have 10+ charectors / ships and I refuse to delete them just to join a CLAN.
    I've been in clans on other servers and loved being in a clan. You can't beat going on raids with your clan mates to another clan's system for a big battle all in RP :)
    On other servers they let you have clan charectors and private charectors.
    On Disco you could be in up to 2 clans at the same time and still have private charectors, so when you login you can see where the action is and login to the clan / character where the RP is happening.
    This gives more opportunity for RP and FUN.
    Example. you log on and there's pirates hanging around in X attacking traders,
    IF you have a police character you could change to it, and you could RP police v pirates.
    IF there's no pirates but lots of police on the server you could log on in your pirate character an RP pirates v police.
    You could still have your official clan charectors as well.
    On Disco a good few years back, I was in a Navy clan (and an Outcast clan). Sometimes there was 30 + Police and Navy hanging around New York. If it was quite and not much was happening, A few of us would switch to our Pirates charectors in Gunboats and raid New York.
    The amount of RP it generated was huge. The police / Navy would call for reinforcements. Traders and independent police (none clan members) would join in and there was massive RP battles. It got everybody interested and it was a good way of recruiting clan members. That's how I was recruited.
    But if they said you have to delete all your charectors you have already before you can join I would have said no and stayed as independent police.
    We need to remove any obstacles that makes it harder for clans to recruit new members and retain their interest.
    I agree completely with OP it's clans that keep servers going in the long run.

    In game Characters Molasar,Rasalom, Lestat, Sal_Roma & Crookey 8)

  • Disco is another things, there are many many factions and is logically to be able to join more of them. Crossfire is 4 kind of RPs, so 1 clan is more than enough.

    Yes I agree 1 clan is enough here on CF.

    But you should also be able to keep some none clan / private charectors that you can play when there's no clan action on the server.

    In game Characters Molasar,Rasalom, Lestat, Sal_Roma & Crookey 8)

  • Quote

    I think we need to drop the rule about joining a clan as it puts people off.

    reasonable enough.

    In previous server, where i've been, there was a simple rule:
    In free flight, you can use any character (exept noy your clan tags). But in any public events clan tags should be mandatory. Otherwise, the definition of "friend or foe" is violating.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • How can someone be in 2 clans at the same time? Are people that schizophrenic? I mean a clan is not just only a group of players.
    Just imaging you are in a pirate and in a police clan, then those two clans fight each other? On which side to you side with? What about quarrels, disputes? In one clan you say it was ok and in the other you say that was crap just to support the clan you are in. That even will not work if your clans have the same RP.

    I cant imagine how this shall work - in respect to our clan system. It might work on Disco or other servers - but not here on Crossfire. There are good reasons why we forbid such things.
    I admit its kinds complicated to start from scratch when joining a clan - but firstly we have a solution for this (for CF 2.0) and secondly the transfer is doing good enough ;)

    Hence i would all times vote for being in one clan only is permitted. Everything else regarding clans not!


  • I disagree on this one.
    Either you are member of a clan or you are not.
    There should be no "today I am in a clan and tomorrow ill dont care about the consequences of what I did yesterday".
    The rules are there for a reason. Especially the ones for the clans.

    And I agree with Huor.
    Being in 2 clans is just wrong.
    Imagine a clan war or just alone the ASF/CSF event.... which side would you choose then?
    Such stuff would break every trust on the server and in this community.

    Additionally to this I would like to mention that during the past 10 years clans never had big problems recruiting, even without shiny features



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Apparently, you never has spies...

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • I disagree on this one.
    ...... during the past 10 years clans never had big problems recruiting, even without shiny features

    ....and the last months ???


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Hi
    I'm not suggesting being in 2 clans here on CF as there's not enough clan RP or players.
    Also most of the players all seem to be in the same few systems.

    This is the only thing I'm suggesting!

    One clan here is enough as long as you can have a few none clan charectors on your account to Freelance / Trade and explore and generally have fun.

    For info only.
    This it what it was like about 3 years ago when I was in a Navy and Outcast clan.

    On Disco they have lots of populated systems and those systems where far away from New York and those clans stayed in there own systems unless they where going to war IE Outcasts V Corsairs.

    You had Police & Navy v Pirates & smuggler in Liberty systems. You had the French clans in Galia.
    Being in 2 or even 3 of the clans worked because they where separate and never really met.
    They had pre arranged battles on different nights. These battles where balanced up before they started, IE if there was more Outcasts the Corsairs some people would switch to one of their Corsairs charectors and balance the numbers up. Some nights it was 30+ players v 30+ players.

    The next night it might be Police & Navy v Pirates & smuggler in Liberty systems. It was mainly the same players from the night before just in another one of their clans. It kept it interesting and fresh and new players would see the big battles and beg to join the clans.
    Before they let you join you had to write a short role-play story about yourself and also pass a test about the server and clan rules. The clans ruled the server and the admin mainly only deal with cheaters / hackers. (This is what we need on CF)

    There was very little of the shit we have here with arguments and flaming on the forums. The clan leaders kept that from happening. If you had a problem with another clan member that you couldn't sort out yourself, (which was rare) you reported it to your clan leader via a PM. The clan leader would take it up with the other clan leader and sort it out. If it wasn't a clan member they could issue a Kill On Sight for the offender. A powerful clan can make life hard for the offender and this normally made them behave better in the future .

    This worked very well and explains why they still get nearly 200 people on their server at peek times.

    In game Characters Molasar,Rasalom, Lestat, Sal_Roma & Crookey 8)