Hi Martind Forlon
Hope your holidays are most excellent!
Posts by Portalearth
optimistic numbers you have there.
Dunno about RP... but I assume "meh".
That's a shame. The nostalgia hits hard on this site. Glad to see it's still around after all these years!
Hello. SWAT crossed my mind today for some reason. Maybe because i need a void filled since the last open world space game is $600 mill in development and 120 years from release. iykyk.
The RP game strong here still or meh?
Happy Holidays! -
So.....i can't pull you over for a "broken tail light" anymore?
just saw this in my email. Was gonna send it in.
Then i saw this thread
kcyabye -
Early Access as of this month. Incredibly fun space dogfighting. Not a terribly huge playerbase, but there is PvE within the servers. Lots of content planned, active devs that engage with players on discord. Looking at a year in EA.
Some gameplay from yours truly. at about the 30:00 minute marker, you can see the incredibly smooth atmosphere landing. 10/10 more satisfying than landing on a moon in ED
Some say it's not worth the price:content but i say buy it since there is active work on it. Patches are weekly or so
^Saw him in concert last month. Was Awesome
^13 years later and we have a new Tool Album
^ Been listening to a bit of Progressive Trance lately
^Because i have issues.... -
BMGs is what you may want learn about if you want make quick, but "illegal" money ... for legal trade the best are Alien Organisms. Smugglers generally know the most about trade. ... just be warned that encounter with police may be fatal in these cases . Then there are special days, and places where can be purchased something on one station and sell with good profit in nearby station. .. and special capitol is multiplayer cooperation with trade, there can be produced huge amount of money in relative short time.
However, before you think that using a train is a good idea to smuggle with, it's not. Some stations do not have a mooring point (such as Buffalo Base *hint hint*) and you will need a friend with an armored transport to transfer. Some people have written down the rotation for the BMG routes.
Some days you can make a big route loop and grind out for a day and bam...rolling in credits -
everyone is banned
because i said so -
^this guy
i wouldn't know, you haven't played since the days Ozy and Gunny....
it's like you're speaking from experience, Michael...
I ban Michael for revealing my secret evil Clone, PortalEarch.
Stay away from my evil clone....he's a dick -
i ban Wanderer for being a rain drop