
There are 116 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by (IOC)Rex Nebular.

  • Consequence is by definition "something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions".
    The conditions on the server and this community went terrible over the past months... not by what we offer to the players and community members but by reflective activity and support we can observe.

    The server is nearly dead and just a blink of the eye away from being closed.
    The SWAT Portal would follow in this case since the members of this community are not yet able to feel responsible for anything they do or dont do.
    We are talking about lack of support and lack of activity in every area that would need it.

    I do not see that the situation is getting any better nor that more than 2-3 people try to improve something. Therefore I am consequent now.

    Three months ago I tried to find a solution to the problems and invited all Event managers, Staff members, Clan leaders and GRs into a "work group" with the objective to discuss and initiated necessary changes. That were the longest 3 months of inactivity that I have seen on one of our forum boards.
    I have to assume that the majority of the invited people simply give a fuck about all this here and will free them from their obligation.

    I dont need people which dont do their jobs. It is counter productive to support them any longer.
    EM managers which dont run EMs will be removed.
    GRs which are not online regulary will be removed.
    Staff members which dont take care of of the Portal will be removed.
    Inactive Dev team members will be removed.
    Clans leaders which are not willing or able to lead their clans should better think about which damage they did to previously successful clans.
    Most of the server clans can be considered DEAD meanwhile and exactly these clans can make themselves familiar with the idea of loosing all server clan privileges in September when I do the next update.

    The past 5 months of inactivity has brought this community close to a collapse.
    I was going to cancel the contracts with our host and close the CF server twice during that time. The server clans are either not able or not interested anymore to keep CF running.
    Only 3 generous donations were able to buy CF some time.
    I can promise you that I will not pay for your fun on the server while doing all the work (or at least most of it) and being threaten like an idiot by the community members.

    CF 2.0?... Well I doubt that anyone will see the mod release if the current situation does not change fast.
    The people working on the mod (Huor, Vishnu, Gearhead, Marauder) have my deepest respect due to their impressive ability of self motivation. Its practically the only motivation can rely on since from the rest of the community not that much can be expected. Sorry if my words hurt someone but its the truth.
    We are still far away from a CF2.0 release... and like i said... I doubt that this community will ever see it if nothing changes.

    At the beginning of this year we had a full server and were even thinking about getting new hardware. And suddenly everything collapsed.
    I am currently paying for an old server while a new, more powerful one would cost even less.... but the ability to change the server vanished together with the ability to rely on this community.
    It would be stupid to sign a contract for a new server that I have to pay the next 12 months while the server and this community is breaking together already.

    Tzzz, 8pm (main server time) and we have 10 players online.
    That actually is reason to close the server right away. And the worst thing is that during the past 5 months this community is not willing to do something against it. You guys seem to be happy with the current situation... otherwise you would do something against it. I dont know whats wrong with this community.
    Clan leaders which suddenly lost their will and ability do lead their clans.... players which dont even find the motivation to come online for a fight. Everything that worked during the past 10 years suddenly failed to work. Not even the leading personalities from the different areas of this community (EM, GR, Clan leaders, Staff members) find the motivation to initiated changes.
    I have once more been talking against a wall.

    I dont want to wait another 3 months for a not existing reaction.
    30th September is the deadline for CF. Either this community finds back to its previous strength till then or I will end this chapter.
    I can clearly say that I am not willing to work for you... at best I am willing to work with you (thats a major difference).
    You can decide for your own what you want to do.

    Oh and one more thing.
    IF CF2.0 gets the chance that it deserves then you should get familiar with a selective char whipe.
    Dont get me wrong.
    A Char whipe is technically absolutely not necessary but in times where the players have the luxury not to play the game because they already have everything in their cargo hold such a harsh decision appears to be necessary.
    Players which dont make use of their chars today for sure will not miss them tomorrow.
    I used the expression "selective char whipe" and I guess I will have to explain that a bit.
    From today on the server will log the player activity.
    The most active players during that time will gain the right to get their chars back.

    I am more than sure that some people dont like such decisions but guess what... I dont like the situation here aswell.
    Cause and reaction -> consequence



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Double posts as I have a few questions that you should answer to yourself.

    1. Would you work 8 months or more on a project while the only feedback you get is "ignorance"?
    2. What do you think was the reason why I let the bot post news instead of asking the community for that once more?
    3. When was the last time you that you did some constructive discussion on the forum?
    4. When was the last time you actually used the features we offer to you here at the portal?
    5. Do you actually care about whats going on here or the people which belong to this community?
    6. When was the last time you actively started a normal "social" action here? -> e.g. opening a birthday thread for another member?
    7. When was the last time you tried to introduce a new idea to the community or a game that you play that might be interesting for others?
    8. When was the last time that you did say something good about another player?
    9. When was the last time that you did active RP and use the Forum as medium to inspire other players to join such RP?
    10. When was the last time that you offered help to others (on the server or on the forum.... maybe even helping other clans)?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • My Answers.
    1.Yes I would as it would be my work so I would feel obliged to complete it.
    2.Lack of active interested members.
    3.Some time back but I have since moved and only just got back online.
    4.Last time I was on.:)
    5.Yes I do as you guys hold a big part in my Freelancer life whether in single player or multiplayer on the server.
    6.Where I have never opened a birthday thread, I have participated and replied in other threads in the past.
    7/8/9/10.Last time I was online.

    Current System
    Tagan BZ Series 800 Watt Power Supply Unit,
    AsRock P55 Pro/USB3 Motherboard,
    Antec full ATX tower case,
    Tranquillo CPU Cooler,
    Intel Core i3 530@4.00Ghz.:D
    8GB of DDR3,
    SATA Samsung HD753LJ 750GB Hard drive,
    SATA Samsung HD501LJ 500GB Hard drive,
    XFX ATI Radeon 5870 with Arctic Cooler GPU cooler.

  • I once said that if the players aren't occupied with something that creates fun for them , the activity will get lower and lower during the time when measures are not taken.

    There are already too many features that are awesome in this mod and the server as all , but I guess the majority prefers something else to be occupied with. I already witnessed lots of my closest friends in CF moving to different servers , such as Discovery. Their response was " I got bored of CF ". Well , ask yourself , how could that happen?
    - Low activity
    - Lost interest in some features that the mod provides
    - Got tired of the people that stopped doing RP ( Laziness with other words. ) Well, to be honest, I am no different , but it's pointless for me to do RP when the rest of the people are newbies which are still in the process of exploring CF
    - Lack of organization

    These are the questions you need to ask yourself and see how they can be fixed. I can't do anything if the rest aren't interest in working together.

    By the way I was planning of creating PvP Lessons for everyone in the server who needs them for several days now and tomorrow is the start. I don't care if the activity is still the same or not , I will do them anyway.

    But I can't help with the activity if the rest of the people aren't interested in working together.

  • The number one reason I'm not in the server as much as before:

    1. Real Life

    Currently, I'm enjoying the wonderful Canadian summer we are having. I cannot justify spending several hours every day inside sitting at this machine while my RL friends and relatives are out at BBQ's, at the beach, or some other outdoor activity. And very shortly, I will be going back to work full time and will have even less time to play.

    If I am to be "punished" for having a real be it. If I log in one day to find the server closed, I will be saddened but will move on somewhere else. If I log in to find my characters gone, I will be saddened but will move on somewhere else.

  • apparently all the CF players have RL issues atm.... only the CF players

    no seriously... everybody is telling me such a stuff...
    "today is nice weather".... "the week before there were the olympic games" .... before that there was the EM2012... and before that there was something completely different which was more important

    that individuals have RL isssues and need a break or cant play that much any can happen
    but ive heard exactly this reason from almost everyone that ive asked during the past weeks
    "RL issue" obviously has become a pandemic illness that effects CF players while other servers even manage to gain new players

    no offence rex - i believe you
    its just my observation over the past weeks and excuses will not save this community

    I also do not believe that people leave because of CF features or the features of other mods. I am actually not even willing to discuss about features that CF would need and such a crap.
    Last some the CF players told me that people are leaving because of the trading... so did change the trading with noticable profit increase.
    Result: NONE
    The situation today is even worse.

    The one and only reason that I see is the inconsequence of the players to create a good game environment.
    Lack of RP, lack of action.
    That is why people are getting bored and leave the server. They wouldnt have reason to leave if there is enough to do for them.
    But thats nothing that I can ever fix.
    Its not in my powers to fix how you players think and act on the server.
    If I would be an active clan leader i would start a server war... but I am not even online to do that and the GRs which are supposed to take care of such stuff in my name are not even active.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • This is a realy sad news:((( , me personal i was very active on server playing the game online with goods and bads things happnes ..., what can i say, i hope this wont happend never,i was witness once when tekagis server was close and was very sad day for me , i hope this will not happend with my favorite sever again .

    Best Regards
    Pui de Zmeu

  • Hi Op
    Could there be more quests in the game ?,when I first found Crossfire it was the quests that drew me in.I found solving them mysterious,rewarding and very engrossing well actually addictive,
    maybe more great quests will bring people back to the server.


  • I have a very plausible reason for being absence so long.
    Since I'm currently settling in the USA (after moving from Germany to the USA about 3 month ago) I still try to get online when I can.
    But such a move is not made within 2 days and the enviroment, life and circumstances are completely new, which also needs a bit time to adjust to it.

    Most of you guys know my activity on the server and I'm going back to it as well I will get more active on the forum, maybe not that fast as I thought it would be but I've been online the last days occasionally, as far as my time does allow it.
    Hopefully I wont be taken into that bulk of people being removed from their "positions" due to inactivity.
    But the decission is not up to me.

    Timezone I've been in until May 31st. GMT +1
    Timezone I'm in since May 31st GMT -5

  • TU OP for a mention and just my 2 cents
    As far as TZ....well I'm GMT -8......tbh...I think that means nothing. I really think there should be plenty of peoples on the server 24/7. I have seen many lately that say they are checking from the Disco server and others what CF is....I'm not sure I believe that as they also tell me that they are used to RP....but then never engage in RP, I'm not sure what to think of that. I absolutely believe that activity on server is lacking atm, in my has almost always been the case but I still don't get the reason.

    I know that I have not been best leader around CF..............I try to do what I can to be productive part of the whole.
    I recognize the others that have done much for the community in the past and present.

    I hate to say and don't want to argue.......the whole PX thing probably still has repercussions and there was many players that had feelings hurt. I have no sides in that matter. I think G-man said recently that maybe it's a good time to let people have a second chance ( I'm not saying that you haven't done that) and I think that is option. I know from jobs I had in past....1 good vote only goes to a couple people.............1 bad vote goes to several times more people

    @AD......definitely no one wishes you to feel that you haven't done your part. Personally I hope to have time to again enjoy your company in the game.....a true CF player and friend/foe you are!!

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
    "marauder": Syn: bandit, buccaneer, desperado, forager, looter, pillager, pirate, plunderer, predator, raider

    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • I have an announcement to make, too:
    this time I'll leave CF for good, due that I start to study in octobre and have preparations to do.
    Also, i lost my fl-id due my last pc-wipe and cant find my printed-out copy and i doubt that OP or whoever will restore my chars, mainly because of the statement above.
    Nevertheless, this is only an announcement and not my final decision, because i really do enjoy the mod and its features and i would be saddened if i have to leave.

    { Lonewolf(reborn)MkII / (KoH / Dr.AS. / Mr.) Ridley / Volition (godlike) / Lt.Col.John_Sheppard / BS-Project_L20εα }

  • I feel this September 30th deadline isnt going to stir up any drastic changes that will save the server short OP winning the lottery. Even if he did, he wouldn't put money into something that's not going to be utilized.

    I would love to spend my unfathomable amounts of free time on the server kicking rat butt and fun RP stuff. However due to the lack of a rig let alone a stable inet connection, I'm being forced into another hiatus (even on Facebook) I really wish people could realize there's more to this game than PvP and taxing.

    I hope the forums don't shut down. I enjoy conversing here. But I definitely will be a very unhappy player if CF ends up closing down.

    OP has every right on this decision. "Its not fair" is an invalid excuse to whoever might think it. You didn't play the game, OP won't support inactivity. Sounds fair to me...

  • I don't really know what to say...

    Yes, RL always the first, that is not question.

    That's true that half of the online players are newcomers...this would be really good if the exact number wouldn't be this: 50%=5 players.

    I'm online almost every day. However there is not much RP around I try to create some situations...

    However I don't really meet any GRs or EMs.

    If server will be shut down so be it. That day won't be a red letter day. BUT as I mentioned before somewhere here: only the veteran players can save CF for the future and this will succeed only in-game.

  • Marauder
    everyone who wanted got the 2nd chance
    more i cant do about this issue



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I hate to say and don't want to argue.......the whole PX thing probably still has repercussions and there was many players that had feelings hurt. I have no sides in that matter. I think G-man said recently that maybe it's a good time to let people have a second chance ( I'm not saying that you haven't done that) and I think that is option. I know from jobs I had in past....1 good vote only goes to a couple people.............1 bad vote goes to several times more people

    Imo what makes CF my favourite mod was the friends i made here.... and i made a lot of them while in PX and some other "rivals" ... They shared and teach me how to fight, our teamwork was awsome, and there was plenty of action everyday and a lotta things to do.
    Even having 2 jobs... i manage to come online in the few free hours i had.

    all my clan was banned a few months ago... PX had at the time 25 active members.

    So My friends were not here anymore. some other guys "that produce RP" were also banned. If people dont notice, like MArauder said


    "there was many players that had feelings hurt"

    . many others left too free will
    So CF become a Police server clan for some weeks.
    the few of us that remain in CF were everyday accussed of every kind of cheats and "coup d etat" and conspiricy theorys.... resuming... we were all the problems this server had.

    then there was a meeting full of promises and hopes.
    iniciate asf/csf - where 90% of CSF left the server
    help other clans to recruit - did we had recruited players from other factions in the last months?
    lowering containners value - how many people over lvl 60 is playing nowadys? 500 k tax is a lottery these days
    Swat forum/ site / server improvments- yes this one was made... unfortually like Op said... People dont give a Sh**

    So after this, the big boys got bored.... after all they won, they dont have any real threat to deal with, and "most" left the server with the "RL excuse", when in the past, the summer vecations was the time more people play CF .

    People dont iniciate RP becouse they are afraid. People dont join clans becouse there is no actual benefict in joining clans nowadays. there isnt enemys to fight or friends to defend.

    i sound like a politics. I only speak facts but i dont have any ideia to propose to make things better. But what can i say... some actions have consequences.
    we had also a rought time in the end of 1,7. Op made a great move releasing CF 1,8 and brought many vets back. But if Cf 2,0 is still far from release you cant use the same card twice.

    everyone who wanted got the 2nd chance
    more i cant do about this issue

    indeed. but damage was already done wasnt it?
    Many PX were banned becouse of the tag instead of their actions. and you didnt do nothing to protect the dignity and pride of them as players while they were insulted everyday hust becouse they were PX

    and for the good old times you guys can flame me at all becouse is deja vu. This is only my opinion about the consequences of a ban.

  • You are right the PX members got banned because of their tag.
    As individuals which truthfully wanted to play the game they were allowed to come back and since that day... (from my point of view) they had the freedom to play the way that did fit to them. I hardly can imagine that somebody wanted to see you guys go.

    If PX as clan would have followed the server rules the situation would not have come to the point that I had to make this unpleasant decision.
    I personally would even have allowed PX back to the server as server clan if the leaders would have said "hey... we did a mistake and wont do it again".
    I registered on the PX site for a reason. I have asked to remove something which violated the CF rules and got a "no" as answer. Allowing PX to stay on the server under such conditions would have meant to allow anarchy on the server. It would have meant to allow that everyone breaks the server rules.
    Every server admin would have done the same decision.

    And please dont think that this was an overreaction that I just did all of a sudden. PX was matter of topic since january 2012 and has cost me many weeks where I tried to find a different solution.
    Today I do not regret my decision as it was necessary... but I regret that such a decision has become necessary. I would have loved to prevent that.

    I personally I would prefer not to discuss the cheating matter in detail.... some people made claims... other people responded with contrary claims and in the end both sides did not have the right to make such public claims. It violated the server rules and practically every agreement between the clans.
    My decision on this matter was clear and the clan leaders knew that. I treat everyone equal.
    The anticheat prevents cheats. It made no sense to punish someone for something that the anticheat already prevented.
    If I would have taken the anticheat logs to ban the people which appeared in them both sided would have lost some feathers.
    You for sure have your point of view but I remember very well that next to PX others were accused aswell.

    My personal opinion on this matter is that all the troubles could have been avoided if people would have let me do my job instead of trying to handle this stuff behind my back.
    I hold no grudges and if there is a chance to repair the done damage I would be willing to work for it.
    Right now I can only thank the PX members which came back and officially asked to stay part of the community.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • double post to seperate these good points from the PX discussion:


    iniciate asf/csf - where 90% of CSF left the server

    If you ask me ASF vs CSF never really worked.
    First we did it once a week... then we tried it 24/7... then we did it one week a month.
    And everytime it ended in a dissaster.
    It is hard to organize different clans in just 2 factions.
    We had leaders which tried to organize stuff and I can not recall a single time that they were really sucessful.
    ASF vs. CSF worked just one time on a regular basis. When ASF was lead by me and CSF by jib.
    Unneccesary to say that these ASF vs. CSF fights have lead to a serverwide war which almost destroyed CF.
    The idea behind this event is not bad... but i doubt that it will ever run.
    Lack of organization... balance problems... internal problems of the factions and so on.
    Too many factors which conflict with this event.

    However... the biggest problem that I see with this event is when clans loose their identity.
    Different RP factions have to work together... nobody wants to hurt another clan... everybody wants to be friends with the other one.
    That does not work.

    Doing some clanwars/friendly wars is much more effective when you want to create action on the server.
    It only takes 2 clan leaders to do a decision.


    lowering containners value - how many people over lvl 60 is playing nowadys? 500 k tax is a lottery these days

    People love to avoid RP... they do not think a single moment about the consequences.
    It kills the RP and in the end the server.
    The banking system does the rest -> but the CF players wanted it despite my warnings.


    So after this, the big boys got bored.... after all they won, they dont have any real threat to deal with, and "most" left the server with the "RL excuse", when in the past, the summer vecations was the time more people play CF .

    Yes, I guess this is true.
    I think above are at least a few reasons why they got bored.


    People dont iniciate RP becouse they are afraid. People dont join clans becouse there is no actual benefict in joining clans nowadays. there isnt enemys to fight or friends to defend.

    Also correct. RP is being avoided and clans in my eyes lost their identity.
    I would even claim that they are not even protecting their system... their territory.
    -> i remember that for a long time protecting territory was a duty for every clan member and reason for alot of action on the server.
    Clan members once we proud to be part of a clan.


    But if Cf 2,0 is still far from release you cant use the same card twice.

    CF2.0 is not even close to be released as the amount of changes exceeds what we have done with CF1.8 or CF1.9
    We have lost much time while taking care of unnecesary conflicts and due to the lack of support.
    While CF2.0 probably could pull CF out of this deep hole I fear that this would not last for that long if the mentality of the players does not change.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Why don't you let the past be past and concentrate on the future. The mod has everything that we need , but only the lack of organization brought us to this level we are currently in right now.

    You want more activity?

    - Start publicing the mod
    - Start giving some money for the newcomers in order to get them up to speed
    - Start training the newcomers in PvP ( for those who'd like to learn ofc )
    - Start explaining them the basics of this mod
    - Start explaining them the basic rules in order to avoid conflicts

    If everything works like a chain-reaction ( if I can put it like that ) , the situation will change.

    If you come up with a better solution , feel free to share.

  • Hi,

    I've only been on here a few weeks, very sorry I never came across it before/years ago... I hope you won't have to end up closing CF, I absolutely love it...

    I hope I can help somehow, only play a couple of hours a day though...


  • I think main problems are the rules itself. I mean every little freaking exception needs to be covered by the rules. Thats what most feel like is necessary. It like the following that we had to read here several weeks.
    "Hey there was a pirate - he shot without warning or even asked for tax. Pirates are supposed to ask for the fees before they are entitled to shoot"

    Nearly the same applies to coppers, mercenaries or even smugglers. Sure there are violations of current rules, but actually its not hard to break them. I mean hey pirates are evil. Do you expect a pirate to be friendly and ask every time politely about some freaking coins? Actually when pirates are around and i have a valuable cargo then i would try to fly outside the normal routes, would try to search other systems. Same applies for the copper role. They are supposed to stop people and have a look and scan cargo. Ah no he shot me this evil copper. Wh00t? You can find similar scenarios for mercs and smugglers too. Actually its a multi player game. If you dont want to be freaking shot, then play single player or search a mod that no one plays (and i dont mean CF currently).
    Interclan relations are another problem which was already addressed. Everyone wants to be everyone else's friend. That will not work to produce RP. Clan rules and no attack or RP in clan's systems is also part of this problem. Honestly its ruining the RP and is counter productive.

    Exact the same reasons apply to the ASF/CSF fights. I remember times where we had a lot of fun playing this event. Those were the times where it did run 24/7/365. I had to take care if I enter an ASF territory as CSF tagged player. I had to plan trip, organize support for convoys. That all felt apart with doing it once a month. That just lead to more organization and well rules adjustments - that were used to talk the game to death. He attacked me there and there and is not supposed to do. He did not retreat from system, its ours... Tons of claims. If we want to have it running somehow then my opinion is to do it again a 24/7/365 event. Everyone gets that damn license - why do we have two license slots and why did i made the effort to handle them in the flhook server side (?) if we do not use it.

    Imo another problem we have is that too less players need to take care of too much. Everyone has RL and its always matter to stop playin. I dont see RL as excuse. It comes first - no matter how bad the situation at CF is. I say it because with a wealthy community people can be replaced - in short term or we can reorganize stuff so even long term replacements can be arranged. I mean if leaders need to take care of GR, EM or even Staff work then thats for sure too much to handle it for one person. I know what i am talking about - here on CF!
    We need that events are running and there everyone is asked to contribute. Everyone can run an event. The rules for the events are plotted and can be found on the cf homepage. If you want to get a refund i am sure that is solvable too. You just run an event, contact OP and i sure OP would be the last to deny to refund your char if you did contribute to keep the fun on CF. Or if you know you want to run an event. Ask him in advance. Or simply ask people around in game to fund an event. Its not that it would be impossible to run events. Its just someone has to have the guts to do it. And you need to dare to contace people in charge, like OP, us Moderators, an active EM, the GRs there are so much possibilities.

    I would love to have more spare time to play CF. Knowing what CF 2.0 is looking like seeing all the screenshots and artwork that is done i would be very sad to not have it released some when.
    Saying that i will also thank everyone who spends his free time on CF and tries to engage in RP or try to start RP or dunno is there to help others. Not everything is bad - it needs just more tweaking and generally a little big more of it :) I hope you dont loose the nerves about it - everyone included Staff and players!
