Crossfire 1.9 troubles reports

There are 371 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • because there is a lack of shipyards in the mod atm and i was not willing to add new ones

    btw. the server is running stable for meanwhile 24 hours without and disconnects... ill keep it running this way for some more time to be 100% sure but i think ive found the problem



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • because there is a lack of shipyards in the mod atm and i was not willing to add new ones

    because there is a lack of shipyards in the mod atm and i was not willing to add new ones

    :( yes really there is a lack of SY

    btw. the server is running stable for meanwhile 24 hours without and disconnects... ill keep it running this way for some more time to be 100% sure but i think ive found the problem


  • hello,
    I'd like to signal some possible bugs in MP and ask a couple of questions that could be related to them:

    -as I mentioned in a previous post, the comunications seem to be deactivated. I don't get any response from npcs when trying to open channels, don't get any "battle comments" nor the famous "freelancer alfa 1 dash 1 (or whatever) you are clear to depart"..only get the voice message "dock granted" or "dock denied, destination is too far". No big deal as I already said, absolutely not gamebreaking, but just asking

    - I am able to dock with hostile stations (and I meand red hostile-trying-to-kill-you factions), is it a feature?

    -relevant with the relations issue, I recently bribed the liberty rogues, so now my relations are like +8 with them, but my affiliation is with Synthfoods (slightly more than +7). I also have better relations than Synthfoods with at least other 2 factions, like Ageira tech and Bounty Hunters. Is it a feature? Am I missing something on how relations/affiliations work?

    - how do licences work now? I read there was a lot of talk on in the past on modifying the licence system. I play a smuggler kind of Han Solo freelancer, always mounted my licence since 1.9, but I don't understand what it actually does. My mistake, or there were no changes?

    - the weapons merchants distribution has changed, I don't seem to find stuff where it was previously available (not spoiling anything but I'm sure you know what I'm saying..),although the description of the planet remained the same. So you can read things in planet description like "this is one of the most advanced armories in the entire galaxy (or something like that)", but, well, it's not anymore :). Just a detail..

    - was the dynamic economy deactivated? I seem to find the same prices and goods, and they don't change during time. Am I missing something?

    - I am not able to be precise on this, but I'm sure I read strange things when selecting targets like: "veteran mike reynolds (making this up)-FIRE WEAPON GROUP 6", as if parts of text that don't belong there end up in the target description. I'm pretty sure it happened with the xenos, and I'm positive it does not happen in kusari space with Golden Crisantemus and Dragons. Just a detail, but yeah I wanted to tell you

    Finally, I wanted to say I never had any sort of crash nor lag running the game with all the bells and whistles and max possible resolution (except for server related issues), no problems whatsoever installing and activating the mod-you just have to be precise and careful, CF is a complex mod and thus requires dedication and attention when installing it, and that you understand a minimum on how pc's work :), and that your work is unbelievable and amazing, thank you OP for your truly unique mod.


    p.s. sorry for the weird english, it's not my first language

  • Hi

    The License thingy is so far only affecting ASF/CSF
    Means, once you mount a CSF license on your ship, your reputation toward ASF turns hostile immediately. It also works the other way around.

    The regular license (pirate, police, smuggler and mercenary) do NOT affect the reputation of your character (yet).

    As far as I figured, the "npc-not-speaking"-thingy affects also the station.
    Once the NPC's will speak again (including scanning your cargo for contrabant (law enforcement) or any other goods (when scanned by criminals)) then the hostile station will also denie docking to your vessel, if you are hostile to the station/base/planet.

    The dynamic economy is not active yet. So you are right with your recognition about the not changing prices and offers on the stations/bases/planets. But I assume as soon all major problems have been solved and everything is running like it's supposed to, the dynamic economy will most likely be activated, as well (hopefully) the dynamic universe.

    The relations and affilations dont work different than they did work in 1.82.
    You have factions you are friendly with, other factions are allied to your friendly factions. Acting for or against any faction will have impact (more or less) on other factions as well, IF those factions are allied or hostile with the ones you are acting against/for.
    Doing missions for Rheinland Police which requires killing Red Hessians will also have a negative impact on the LWB-Faction (since those are the allied ones of the Red Hessians)
    But on the other hand, doing such mission will also have a positiv impact on your reputation toward the Rheinland Military.

    For the Bribes.
    The Bribes do now affect your reputation board by 85-90%
    Means, when you get a bribe for eg. coalition, you buy it 1x and you are immediately fully green with coalition.
    The negative effect is the same as it was in 1.82
    Means the coalition rogues are NOT turning hostile to 90%, they will remain almost hostile, as they did in 1.82 once you bought a coalition bribe back then.

    I hope it clears something up and helps you a bit.

  • hi,

    thank you Abras for your quick response,

    ok I understood the licence thing, the npcs not speaking, the docking to hostile stations and the dynamic economy issue.

    Concerning relations/affiliations: I already knew about the relations between allied/enemy factions, what I'm saying is: shouldn't I be affiliated with the faction I have the highest relations with? So if I'm +8 with rogues, and +7 with Synthfoods, why am I affiliated to Synthfoods? or the affiliation calculation is determined by a sum of all the relations you have with allies/enemies of a certain faction?


  • No, its not that you should be affiliated with the faction you are on best reputation with.
    It depends what you have done for this faction before or during that time you got that high reputation.

    I have chars, who are just +70% with the faction I have affiliation with. And other factions are by +80% till +90% (fully green)
    But, as soon I kill a few more of those faction, I am affilated with, I will lose this affilation and get the next highest factions affiliation.

    Try to kill some synthfood (eg, 1 train/large transport should be enough) and you will lose this affiliation when you dock next time. Then you will get the nex highest factions affiliation.
    Just be careful that you dont mess up too much, while trying to "fix" this ;)

  • The main crossfire game

    Windows 7
    Intel HD3000/Geforce GT540M
    Running the latest beta geforce drivers

    Crossfire mod works with the HD3000, but when I want to have it starting with GT540m it does actually start, When the first intro has finished the game simply stays stuck at a dark purple screen.

    And I was not able to connect to multiplayer just now.

  • Have you tried to clean out your registry after installing the display drivers?
    I run Win7 as well with a GeForce GTS450 and the latest available drivers. No Problem recognized here.
    You might also try to run the last non-beta drivers for your Graphics instead. The difference should not be that much (if even recognizable at all)
    What optionally settings did you use during the activation for 1.9 ?
    Reffering to this link of activation instructions especially the points 10 - 12 and 14 - 16.

  • Hi all,

    first of all, i would thank all who worked at this great mod. :D

    second (the Problems):

    - Sol Problem: I also got the cutscene Problem with walker in the Alaska System an did a clean reinstall. The Alaska Walker suicide scene worked fine and I did my way thru the missions till the End of the "official" Story. Instead of flying straight to New-erlin to meet with Orillion i bought the VHF Sai at Eton an heading back to the New York System following the Mission Targets to New-Berlin and far beyond.
    Now I'm in Sol and get the order to dock with the osiris within the 30sec limit. Everytime i dock in time the game crashes, no matter if i start from the autosave entering sol or the last mission savegame (New-London I think). All this occours before doing anything with the nomad-carrier (only destroyed some interceptors).

    Trying to dock with the osiris i make the point that someone should have a look at the shipsize (measures or scale) of the VHF Sai. I had a problem getting the docking process accepted, cause of a too big Sai, which gets stuck in the body of the osiris. 2 times i got an timeout for docking message and mission failed. I remembered some Problems docking with an Prison-Cube getting serious headache, cause the sai seems to be a bit to tall to get throu the doors. By trying to get a non autosave savegame near the entering of the Sol System i tried to dock with the bretonian battleship in the Dublin system. The Sai is ATM not able to dock with an bretonian battleship, cause it gets stuck in the docking tunnel. Only Chance is to disrupt the docking cutscene hitting 'ESC'. I also tried to dock with the osiris in SOL hitting the 'ESC'-button during the docking-scene but the game crashes anyway.

    X-3043 System -> backroundcolour is white not black (was there already in 1.82) but don't found any solution to correct it in this forum
    Sol System -> backroundcolour is gray-brown so you can clearly see the System-horizon-band around and the System "bottom" and "top", i got this problem also already in version 1.82.

    THX for any solution's or hints

    EDIT: WinXP, Athlon2 X64 2-Core, Radeon X850 (256MB), 2GB RAM

  • i can not reproduce any of the reported singleplayer problems
    while creating the missions i had to play them +20 times and never had any problems nor do any problems occour right now when i play them

    the sai was scaled based on the vanilla ship size of VHFs just like every other new VHF
    a resize will not happen to prevent that ships gain an advantage in pvp

    the problem with the background texture is related to your graphic card
    Its video memory does not support high res textures
    solution would be to enable the mod in flmm with compatiblity mode (the textures wont look that nice anymore but are visible)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • THX

    for the fast answer.

    The graphical problems are not worth loosing your great textures, in fact of occuring only in the called sytems.

    In case of the sai ship size i'll try another one, cause this one is agile but only deadly for the one inside it: A agile whale ;)

    Rob ;-)

  • the compatibility mode has only influence on the white textures



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Have you tried to clean out your registry after installing the display drivers?
    I run Win7 as well with a GeForce GTS450 and the latest available drivers. No Problem recognized here.
    You might also try to run the last non-beta drivers for your Graphics instead. The difference should not be that much (if even recognizable at all)
    What optionally settings did you use during the activation for 1.9 ?
    Reffering to this link of activation instructions especially the points 10 - 12 and 14 - 16.

    I first tried with the official 275 driver version of geforce. That didn't work. Then I skipped the official 280 and went directly to the beta version. Also the game got stuck. And with 10-12 and 14-16. I have them exactly installed like on the page.

    I could try the newest non-beta ones but i doubt it will work properly. Tha game runs fine on HD3000 but I havent gone to really 'busy' systems yet.

  • MP or SP - SP
    your operating system - Windows 7
    graphics related setting from mod activation - advanced shaders disabled, high quality effects disabled, dynamic lights disabled, compatibility mode for old graphics cards - enabled.
    problem description (detailed) - Game crashes after destruction of nomad carrier in the sol system with c++ runtime error.
    is problem repeatable? - Yes

    Edited once, last by Buka ().

  • fix: load an mission savegame instead of the autosave



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • First of all congratulations for the beautifull mod. i am really enjoy it.

    i have a few question althougth:

    1- It was introduced a new mining ship. it has 700 cargo and a mining laser. I enter in an asteroid field but the laser only fired a forward bean and it is almost impossible to hit a rock to mine. So after this what is the benefits of using a ship with 700 cargo for mining instead a train with 2500 cargo?

    I ve seen in other freelancer mods that each asteroid has a huge rock and only the mining laser can destroy it and then we can colect.

    2- there is a repair ship in vespus that can hold 3500 nanobots/batteries... Problem is that we can only buy 200 nanobots/batteries each time we dock.

    This ship also has a repair laser and it can only be fired forward. i still didnt test it, but can the laser really repair a ship? at least a huge ship like a BS since is more easy to aim.