List of wishes in 1.9

There are 228 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Griffin.

  • as I am not building systems in altair for CF1.9...



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Excellent :thumbsup:


  • 2 rep related things -
    Could GMG2 rep be made removable ?
    Could Order rep come in a 3 mill package rather than current 1.5 mill which needs to be bought twice to get affiliation ?


  • Ohhh just had a wish about cargo holds:

    When a ship carries things in cargo and has it full, that the ship becomes "heavier" (a bit slower and less agile).

    It is probably not doable to "code" such things, but was a good wish I thought ^^
    (hehe don't pay attention to my ramblings OP!)

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • ah sorry, I must have missed this.


    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • 2 rep related things -
    Could GMG2 rep be made removable ?
    Could Order rep come in a 3 mill package rather than current 1.5 mill which needs to be bought twice to get affiliation ?


    Kill Coalition Rogues to get the affiliation with The Order :P
    In that way you sharpen your skills and also get better (till affiliated) with The Order ;)


    Ohhh just had a wish about cargo holds:

    When a ship carries things in cargo and has it full, that the ship becomes "heavier" (a bit slower and less agile).

    It is probably not doable to "code" such things, but was a good wish I thought ^^
    (hehe don't pay attention to my ramblings OP!)

    Dear Lady,
    No matter what you will have in cargo (according to weight) you will always be floating through the space like a feather, tenderly touched by the wind. ;) :love:

  • awww.... :)

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • bribe yes
    mass... was announced a few weeks ago as "done"



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I know it's probably to late for that stuff, and I don't want to push the date of the release of CF 1.9.

    Here's my idea. It would be nice If GR had access to specials guns that they could give out has rewards for winning a special event they organized. I'm thinking of special items like a gun with a different bullet colour. Nothing that would give the winner an unfair advantage. It would be more like a status symbol, sort of equivalent to a medal on the forum.

    I think it would be a good tool for the GR to initiate a RP event. People love to collect rare stuff. And sometimes, using a carrot is more useful then using a stick.

    Just a thought.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • why this theme, the ideas, still no one hears. Collect heads will not help in promoting the idea, while confusing something to discuss?
    There are many ideas and adjustments to the game. But apparently, all the same, everything will be buried.
    Some like this:
    For capital ships: ^^
    1.Give to capital ships rocket(universal like flak) turels. First target for cruiser - kill heavy fighters,but how he can kill they if has 2.00 recharge speed of turels. Look like in reality ships...they have heavy and light weapons,rockets,torpedo. Now 1 heavy fighter in game can kill cruiser...thats crazy. Give for capital ships some this
    (1) - very heavy(for cruisers and BS only) - range 3 000 m, powerful some above 3000 damage, speed - 1022, 2.0 recharge.( or 1.0 but more powerful) this guns must be use from other BS and cruisers(for cruisers only 1 or 2 this turels)
    (2) - heavy (for cruisers and BS) - range - 2444, power 2000, speed 1100, 2.00 or 4.00 recharge. Substantive weapon for cruiser.
    (3) - medium (for gunboat(can used on a bigger military ships) - range - 1500,power 1300, speed 1200, 4.00 recharge (or 5.88 but low powerful)
    (4) - light guns (anti-aircraft guns(can be mounted on bigger military ships) - range - 900, power - 500, speed 1500, 8.33 recharge ( or 10.00 if this possible but lower powerful) - wiill be good weapon for killing enemy fighters.
    (5) - heavy cruise missiles (for Bs and cruiser only) - range - from 3500 - to 3000, power some above - 15 000, medium speed, low recharge. (on this platform can be create "heavy rocket cruisers" for long range battle and protection from fighters,will be have light and medium guns - this ship will be deathly for fighters, but he need cover from BS to protect him from other enemy capital ships)
    (6) - other missiles (for cruisers and gunboats) - range form 1500 to 2500, power from 2000 to 8 000, good speed, standard recharge.
    (7) - heavy radar (only for BS and cruisers) - if possible do range some above 15 000 - 17 500 m
    ( 8 ) - can mount
    on cap ships but only ( for BS - 8
    ,for cruiser - 4, GB - 2) - and give for them some acceleration - max - 150
    (9) - give for player choice what he can mount armor (+ 10 - 100%) or anti-radar cover (armor) (he will be have only his home armor, but all radars will be see he only from 70 - 30% of their range(if man has scanner 10000m - he will see him only in 3000m) this is will be like the stealth technology for ships. (on this platform can be create fleets of clan for big fights for control the system =)
    +bonus (10) if provide the the stealth cover for ships - can be create space submarines(!) - their target will be BS and cruisers,they will be have already (unmounted stealth cover and "phantom engine"(when he is included submarine will be invisible for other players but will use all energy and then player cannot shooting,and can only turn on cruise engines and run away from fight.Their mission will be only kill Bs and cruisers...with this high technology function they can go in the rear in enemy fleet and from big range kill some big ships in one or two torpedo shot. They must have some above 8 torpedo room and 3 - 6 light guns with recharge 8.33 or 10.00, because first who will shot to submarine - will be heavy fighters. Submarine will be have low armor from 20000 - submarine will be easy target for 2 or bigger fighters.

    P.S. will be good idea(if it real to do) to mount on BS,crusers and supspace ship(submarine) - jump engine.It to hard travel on capital ships in trade lines...give them some above 20 sec to charge them and set in map(border systems) where they must placed.

    this is only part idea for capital ships...if some one interest it - write about this.

    sorry for my poor English =)

  • If that provide - this is will be an a good idea for many players who do not know what to do with large sums of money...They have good ship or many good weapon,and many money. And this is will be good stimulate for do him more strong and powerful....not only flight on little ships.

  • I wish I could trade with a beer in 1.9

    Power of the people

  • I am wondering who will be responsible for the heavy lag that such battleships will cause to the server



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • if try to added it to game - more people want to do their fleet with clan,so this is will be go the stimulate to pay REAL money for system clan with fleet. More stimulate - more money,and if will be some money - will be choice for "upgrade' server. For more powerful game. How about Discovery_mod? there play above 150 players...always.
    in a 1 week i create clan,but then i look for what need pay clan in game? hmm...if nothing change in game. For system? for a tick? if in single game player - have missions,he has interest,and in multiplayer there is no idea to do. only PvP or trade...after some fights in PvP is bored for him and he leaves the server,and when he get 1 billiol k and he dont know what do with this money...
    or he will be have some interest to play in multiplayer(or not wait another part of story singleplayer :S) and the mod will be give some money for creators of mod. And all will be happy ^^
    Player - have sense to play in multiplayer,creators of mod have some money for their work. =)

  • if the server gets laggy due to the use of cap ships and all those guns and missiles then no money will help me or this community



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • heh...o` BS and cruiser like the metal one takes them for fight.Because BS is worse than fighter.And if only takes them - that only for visualization to others.Not for real fight. The game becomes the fighter fights =\
    there is not what it was incorporated as a basis for be a pirate, or to be a police man or mercenary or be the captain of fleet some house....only fighters...fighters..fighters...if it continues in this style mod will be die...because the cruiser cant kill the fighter - there is nonsense. and have only 1 (best type of weapon). look to the 1.0 FL - all ships have many weapons with the some fraction we have only 4 weapon on cruiser or BS.
    to note...all whom i know - wait upgrade for capitals ships. Not all wants use the very heavy fighters....some one want use bigger ships...think about that. monopoly of very heavy fighters...

  • Quote from Reptile_ua

    heh...o` BS and cruiser like the metal one takes them for fight.Because BS is worse than fighter.And if only takes them - that only for visualization to others.Not for real fight. The game becomes the fighter fights =\

    I can assure you that for IC expeditions, capital ships are of great value against Dom's fleets.
    Unless you want to spend 30 minutes to kill a mothership? ;)

    It all depends on what you call a "real fight"? You mean PvP? then yes... Although BS duels are pretty exciting as well, but require much different skills.

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • lol, Try duel me in my Kusary DS if you find me... you'll discover that big ships ain't bad, but the pilots aren't worthy ! I blocked SoS (Sea of Shadows system) biggest BMG run with that Kusary BS, and with the fines I got I arrived to lvl 78, but it was quite long ago :( but there are just few players(and most inactive) who can really handle big ships with style, especially in LP clan.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • And what about the type of weapons? What type of weapon is coalition gatiling? photon,plazma or neutron weapon? and what shield need from this weapon?...and other weapons...there is no information about other type of weapons.