Crossfire 1.8 -- Coming Soon.

There are 72 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • Dr.Straw can we receive this Blue pills without recipe?^^

    While i agree that 1.8 will change almost nothing, when it comes about ppl behavior or so on, however i must disagree that 1.7 can fulfill ppl appetites atm.

    For me 1.7 is quite ok.But i am here only 10 months and i know and saw and feel and i will agree, that old players are bored.

    1.8 should be used like turning point in both, game fun and better control in game by the SP.


    wise we must be...not cunning ;)

  • And that "X" saying would be me :D :P .

    I like your post, Straw. If I would have said something like that, I'd probably get my ass banned or something.

    I installed Discovery 4.85 yesterday. I have no fear in telling its name, since I bet everyone knows it. If they don't, please edit my post :) . So... as I said, I installed it. It's better than CF, and this is because it's more exciting. CF is nice, more advanced than Discovery, but it's not exciting enough!

    First of all, we don't need all those announcements such as "Please be patient, you'll get CF 1.8 in a couple of weeks or so". That's what Discovery team said, and they actually did release their mod in a couple of weeks, as announced. CF team did not. In fact, those couple of weeks turnt into a couple of years.

    I suggest you team tell us the real truth. A date (year)! I just turnt 17. Am I going to play CF 1.8 until I go to college, or not? lol


    Bond, you edited your post just after I posted mine (before the ----- :P ).

    I play CF 1.7 since august 2008. It was awesome, at the beginning. Now, I went to Discovery, which I want to say that is awesome! Discovery experience is nothing like the CF. Can't explain it (or maybe I can, but not here :P ), but you got the point...

  • discovery is a pretty small mod adding here a system there a ship
    you really want to compare it with a 3gb mod that easily contains more than 130.000 changes to its previous version (which is meanwhile much older than discovery and all other mods out there but still belongs to the best)

    well stay at discovery if that is your oppinion

    if i wouldnt have had to answer stupid questions such as "when will cf1.8 get released" and if i wouldnt have to deal with the shit that probably the same ppl have caused then CF1.8 would have been finished already 1 year ago

    not to mention that it also would already have been finished if the team working on it would have got some support from the players (which was not really the case)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok im not interested in kissing ops back so ill just say straight out what i think. Thoughts on op first

    Lets sum some things up here:
    People are leaving the foum / game because this game has not changed for at least 2 years now. There was not one major game that could draw new interest on Freelancer so it is going down.
    The attempts to make this a portal for the genre failed for that reason. That, and - no offence - the forum just looks ugly grey in grey ;)
    Every other mod has been releasing in way smaller intervalls. Adding new material keeps players interested.

    CF 1.8 has really been announced at least 5 times for the next few months now, wonder why people are leaving the server then eh? There was not even a small update, not even my favouite weapon, the Debilitator was updated, even after i wrote you 4 pms with how to solve this bug, i even sent you the updated file per mail.

    About roleplay: Since you have not played with us for lets say 3 years, Ill remind you on something. It is no fun to tax or fine someone. the fighting that follows is. Fights are fun without roleplay. so why do we have rules that lower the chances of a clean fight (the suicide thing that everyone disrepects for a reason). Freelancer could be much about exploring too, but after 5 years im sure many have seen enough.
    Deactivating the Chat system would be the first visible change on the server. I like the idea to be honest, but almost everybody else does not. Remember that people pay for the server, they are donating to be precize. It is nothing compared to your workload and it might still leave you standing with a minus, but it means that they want to support you. If you want them to cooperate, maybe you could start with offering some cooperation yourself.

    The serverpolice at least wanted to be a help and i am sure that most of them were. Personally i had great trust in them and i never heard anyone complain.

    surely i dont know the things you do, but you have not been playing to catch up the athmosphere. Whatever you heard about it, i found it ok. More peaceful than in most other online games.
    If hard words lead to a clanwar then that is the clans fault. Let them fight instead of bitching around. Who cares, theyll stop eventually and a little tension is fine too.
    Its not like your BG clanwars, aiming to drive clans out completely.

    As i said i think the atmosphere was ok and i dont know what it is you call "all the shit going on". Yesterday we agreed that we dont even know what the problem is really. We tried to find something that would make everything better, but guess what, we failed. There were some ideas of cause, i guess someone told you already, but appart from a better communication via TS (replacing system channel...hmmmmm) and Serverpolice 2.0 named council we did not find many ideas.
    I would not be surprised if it turns out that you really ment that there are no active moderators (example, no idea how active what moderator is).
    Nor would i be surprised if this was about players insulting each other.
    I just dont know it and many others feel the same.

    Of cause there should be a huge list of the communities faults here but we already discussed that yesterday and you know the results.

    edit: kinda posted in the wrong thread but it originally was a response about discovery fl

  • you want to say OP ass, this English guys know specific term for such behavior we in Serbia say: "DUPEUVLAKAC" which literally mean" SMB who trying to draw in the ass"

    Nice post Black, mostly, but idk why i am so sure that u just jump in this topic without reading all and up to

    edit: yes half of ur post is in wrong topic but who care^^

    and BLack ahhhh u was that open.

    and again this can't be translate "Ala mu je rekao, svaka mu cast"



  • 1. you have no idea about modding and what I tried to achieve with my mod (or at least with the latest version)
    you complain that it has not been released yet... well its not finished yet and the structure does not allow parts of it being released
    futhermore you are wrong because CF1.7 got updated (the last one was an update with dynamic lights)
    before that the new cloak function got introduced for testing purpose as the final version of that CAN only work with the final version of CF1.8 as it requires stuff that only does exist in the finished CF1.8 systems
    To make it even more clear... i will not release something earlier that is essential for the development of the final product... i will not release features that get copied into other mods before my own mod is even finished and I decide how my final work looks like
    2. yes the release has been announced several times before and the mod did not get released
    main reason for that is the community and the shit that I had to solve for them
    I couldnt make the release dates because I had to solve YOUR PPL problems
    YOUR problems or at least the problems and the attitudes of some of you killed my entire motivation to work on the mod so i stop modding for some time either to solve your problems or to find the slightest motivation to start modding again. And there the community was not really helpful.
    3. like you said... smaller mods are... smaller
    none of them was in the need to develop new concepts or to do months of research in order to find new methods of working so NEW stuff can get created instead of the recycled shit that others use.
    4. when you think that i dont know whats going on on my own server then you are wrong. I would be stupid if i wouldnt switch to the server just to observer whats going on. Afterall I had much time when I stopped modding. I did not even violate the server rules because since I left BG I am free to choose different names.
    5. the serverpolice did their job yes... and at the same time they caused more work to me than they were able take from my shoulders
    6. I know about the atmosphere... you ppl forgot how to play but you learned to type very fast
    7. BG did many clan wars... just one of them was declared by BG... the others we were forced to do and we did not ran into them with the aim to throw clans from the server... we did defend our territory which was our right, we did defend allies which was our right and what is even more important... we did our best to allow our opponents to return and play peacefully with the rest of the server (a chance which the majority of them did use).
    8. i am not surprised that you ppl dont know whats going on
    if ppl do the wrong just long enough they get familar with it and think its right this way
    there is no list of faults
    there are just dozents of threads showing whats going wrong and in probably half of them i did say whats going wrong



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I don't understand why all of ya are complaining about not releasing 1.8 as nobody is responsible to give free products to entertain the rest. In my point of view it is very silly to write against OP not keeping the release date. It is that simple either you are bored then leave CF or just play the game and w8 for the big update without opening your big mouth...


  • OK, People need to stop throwing blame every way they choose. I get it you're not agreeing with Ops latest decision, but there is no point in complaining about not getting something u haven't payed for.

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • Exactly ...


  • Alright, alright, OP. I know Discovery is a small mod (less than 100 MB for their MASTERPIECE - aka 4.85? rofl), but anyway... since Cf 1.7 is almost empty...

    As soon as CF1.8 is out, the hell with Discovery!

    3 GB mod?! Then you really got some work to do... Discovery team (which, as they say, is very competent and has many people involved - yea, right) worked for half a year or so to come up with a 100 MB mod...

    But anyway, OP, please stop telling us to be patient. We have been!!!

    I know the current progress of CF since... uhm... 1-2 months ago :P . How about you update us? :D

  • I did
    you should start reading



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • yes, OP usually update the info about the mod. But radu meant when OP update the server and "us" heh.

    Also, when Radu said he installed Discovery, just meant he has it, not that he really play itas I saw him today :D lol

    Some people are supporting you( OP ), some people like you but they are neutral in the problems, and other few also like you, more or less but they don't like others and between them.

    About the fun thing, I've made trips to Hyperspace, for old and new, now I made a Starflier TDM special event, with beta tests and it's a thing that is attractive for everybody, as it can be noticed on that thread, and I noticed ingame as how many people contacted me. PX is also makeing some random events like last man standing TDM in other systems... Event Managers got active to make the events, like the oens this week... even it's not something really different or new... theese are the only things we can do to improove as community members.

    And I still like to say about a possible add to the CF 1.8, of a route really really hard, that there would be a route to a place/system with many NPCs, with low/normal attacks in the way, so one player can't survive that trip alone, except in group. And the prize of reaching the destination, and killing some bosses or docking with an organic base(as I saw you made some) and buy/get those Ancient (that new nomad race you made) race's weapons (like DKA from DKs), maybe something like "Ancient Antimatter pulse" as Anciont Energy Cannons are already destinated to droids. And if it's to buy, and also to sell, the price of those antimatter pulse (or any cool name) wepswould be of houndreds of millions...(like 500 M ? :D) That would be a load ! of fun heh and noone would have loads of those things, as they would cost so much.

    PS: And about reading updates... sadly the last update I see is *canceled* a thing that really don't motivate players be more active <.< *delayed* would sound as a thing linked with the problems arround the server.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • AH FOEYE!!! just close or delete this thread. I am sick and tired of this shit.

    You know there is probably 2 threads like this every 4rth month or so and its always the same thing. OP feels bad about something that's gone wrong and cf gets delayed yet longer and we cheer you up etc. Also sometimes blaming the community that they could've helped, some offered yet never got a response (like me).

    The problem with CF is you wanted to give it a massive goal and achievement. But you let the community know about every little change you do (ok not all but almost everything). By the time I play cf 1.8 I will prolly get bored in 1 day because I know what to expect. But then again I know I will never see cf 1.8 because the damn games release date is (when its done). There is one game out there (ONLY ONE OTHER GAME) with the same words underneath its name for release. Is it out yet? OF course not, they are STILL developing it.

    With all that said I am TRULY sick of all the shit from this community mostly coming from threads like this. I hope you improve your quality standard soon OP because you just dropped to the last notch in my book.

    Oh and one more thing, it would be a damn shame to see cf 1.8 never release as well as the swat community to fall. I can say this though, cf might never release, but the swat community is just to big to simply die. expand more in other games than freelancer and I'm sure it will last longer. Swat community just cant die, I don't think that will ever happen unless OP pulls the plug which he wont. Theres just no logic to the reason to do that.

  • the mod wont get released.
    and what you consider too much info is actually not much from what has been created.

    to include other games btw. failed in my eyes because of most of the ppl here that didnt understand what SWAT is



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Exiler, the most stupid post i've read for this month
