Your ship Infocards

There are 40 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.

  • Keeper Liberty VHF

    What appears to be a close variation from newer Liberty technology, the Keeper was a secret project by the Liberty Armed forces only announced very recently. The Keeper was generally constructed for only the best LSF and Liberty Navy Elite pilots. This ship is more of a status symbol more then a perfect work of art. Pilots attempting to defy this ship should expect a hellacious amount of resistance. The Keeper has the most powerful combination of offensive power then any other Liberty ship before it. The Keeper can also outmaneuver most other VHFs with it's superior engines that can also allow the pilot to target enemies more easily. Anyone flying this ship can expect the highest class of performance from Liberty.

    Plaguer Pirate VHF

    The Plaguer has more of a general, sturdy design that was constructed first by the Corsairs. This new vessel, like most corsair ships, has strong armor as well as potent offensive abilities. It can discharge a deadly hoard of firepower to crush many enemies quickly as has proficient defensive powers to retreat from overwhelming situations. With most pirates wanting to get their hands on this ship, Borderworld and Edge World explorers can most likely expect stronger resistance as they venture into pirate-controlled areas.

    Shearer HF

    This newer craft has a fairly odd design that makes it look more like a scout fighter rather then a dangerous ship. It appears that the shipbuilders made it look more of a non-threatening ship as that it can quickly "shear" away enemies. The Shearer is made for continuous fire against enemy ships and it has been provided with stronger armor to do so. Some information on this somewhat unique craft seem to be classified but what is known is that it might have come from Bretonia.

    Ballad LF

    The Ballad is another "average" Light fighter. It has moderately stronger defenses then other Light fighters but in most areas it is normally the same as other Light fighters of it's class. Incorporating quick maneuvering and moderate arms, the Ballad makes a all around average ship for support and multi-role duties.

    EDIT note: Keeper edited.
    note to all: be sure to not relate any of ur ships to other modded infocards u write in here. this is because OP may not choose the 2 or 3 ships that have relating infocards and therefore less work for him to change it himself.

    The following ships are based from Ancalagon's ideas:

    Falchion VHF
    In the early days of the conflict with the DK, Coalition fighters ambushed a wing of DK fighter towing a badly damaged fighter. The DK were destroyed and the craft recovered. This completely alien ship had most of its systems were damaged beyond repair and the technology beyond human comprehension.
    Engineers managed to adapt the design of the superstructure to produce the Falchion is a compact and robust fighter.

    Trailblazer LF
    In the year 814 AS, Universal Shipping brought a controlling interest in Maylor Couriers. This company ran a fleet of fast light freighters of its own design. Universal Shipping modified this design to produce the Trailblazer. Cargo capacity was sacrificed to add better offensive capabilities and increased armor while retaining the speed and handling. The Trailblazer is a very capable light fighter extensively used for scouting by several corporations operating in the Borderworlds such as BMM and Daumann.

    Carcharoth Rhineland VHF
    The Carcharoth was designed by the Rhineland Military to counter the frequent and increasingly daring attacks by Unioners and Red Hessians . The Unioners and Red Hessians had established well defended bases through Rhineland Military controlled territory. This heavy fighter was intended to have enough fire power to take down defensive platforms and station and enough armor to survive.
    The Unioners , as if to demonstrate just how daring they had become, attack the development facility, stole the prototype and destroyed all the research. They altered the design to improve the handling and cargo at the expense of some of the offensive and defensive capabilities. The Carcharoth is a very capable heavy fighter that serves the Unioners needs extremely well.

    more of my ships are next:

    Mediator Order VHF/Light gunboat

    Similar to other Order gunships already in service, the Mediator is a intelligent cross from Orillion Corps Engineers between a VHF and gunboat. The Mediator retains very strong armor that is similar to other heavy military ships but at the same time lacks tight maneuvering to evade several enemies at once. It compensates heavily in it's vicious amount of destructive power to take down other enemy cruisers and a pair of these could even take down a battleship with good pilots flying them. The Mediator also has sufficient speed to chase down enemy ships and can easily stay with faster friendly ships as a escort/support craft.

    Imperator HF

    This unique sort of ship is a joint project between Interspace Commerce and BMM. The exactly "legality" of this ship is not fully known due to it's somewhat devious purpose. The Imperator incorporates moderatly advanced weapons, as well as armor and shielding. Although it has these ample abilities, it's main attribute is that it has a large number of cruise disruptor mounts. It was rumored that the Imperator was built largely for stopping escaping pirate forces for stronger combat ships to knock down. With no end to the Pirate menace in sight, several corporations and factions such as the Bounty hunters and IMG want this ship to have an extra opponent to strike with. The only main disadvantage about this ship is that it has a slightly slower speed, making it a easier target for enemy ships.

    Redeemer Rhineland LF

    The Redeemer is a light support craft for Rhineland fleets. Built on the capital itself, it retains enough maneuvering and defensive ways to permit it to both do additional damage against enemies and at the same time evade enemy fire that can possibly distract attacking enemies, making them more viable targets for VHFs. All in all, this Light fighter will be in nearly every Rhineland landing bay by the next few years as a excellent ship to cintinue fighting Rhineland's enemies.

  • Maidstone Bretonia HF

    With piracy still running rampant all over Bretonia and it's Borderworlds, the demand for stronger ships does not stop. The Maidstone is one of the newest Bretonia HFs currently available. This fighter sacrifices some some armor to compensate in other areas. It contains above average firepower permitting it to be dangerous to several attackers as well as defend itself for most situations. The Maidstone was originally made to support front line ships on their attacks against pirates and other enemies but it can be used for other duties as well.

    Aspirant Order LF

    Another fine production from the Order, the Aspirant combines strong defensive abilities with some threatening firepower. This craft is made for recon missions into enemy territory. Although not having quite enough firepower to take on most enemies, it excels with advanced speed and tight turning with allows it to make close range runs to enemy bases even. The Aspirant is a rare sight from the Order, only deploying it for their more important missions. It is a beneficial ship to be used best for reconnaissance but also retains enough destructive attributes to help other ships during fights.

    Acheron VHF

    A few months ago a new ship design was uncovered on planet Pygar. Although suggesting it may be alien, it seems to contain technology from humans as well. After prototypes were made and tested, the Acheron was born. The Acheron seems to incoporate what all expect in a VHF - deadly offenses and strong defenses as well. It also includes high-powered engines so it can get slightly above average turning in combat. The Acheron project was initially set to be very expensive but due to some extra funding by the Order as a research project, it's full production went through. This vigilant craft should be first-rate for taking into any combat situations.

  • It would be great if atleast some of these ships existed...

    The shwashbuckler especially :D

    ''Space. It seems to go on and on forever. Then you get to the end, and a monkey starts throwing barrels at you.'' - Phillip Fry, Futurama

  • Thor - VHS (Very Heavy Scout)

    A design based on a Liberty heavy fighter, the Thor Scout was made generally for long-range recon missions to find and identify hostile bases and new trade routes. It is very fast stealthy, heavily armed and lightly armored. The tractor beam has the longest reach of all single pilot ships. The cargo hold is detachable with an encrypted beacon for post contact pickup. The Thor is ideal for exploring and hunting down hostiles.

    Odin - VHF (Very Heavy Fighter/Bomber)

    An Order-based Spook shop design ship was originally a prototype for a heavy bomber. It was modified to switch from attack to convoy defense missions. It has four missile/torpedo hard points, laminated armor to protect against most offensive weapons, four engines with two being used just for shield / weapons, and dual shields. The quad engines can be reconfigured at a base for ship speed when the Odin is in its attack mode configuration. As a defensive ship with heavy armor, the Odin is a slower but more powerful ship. As an offensive ship with speed and quad torpedoes, the Odin is almost unstoppable in the attack. Hostiles would do well to avoid any contact with an Odin in either mode.

    Finger of God - SHF (Super Heavy Fighter)

    The FOG contains both borderworld and ancient derelict designs. There is no information on the armor plating but one battleship captain was left scratching his head after they hit the FOG several times with their main gun and no ill effects were noted. The offensive weapons appear to be some type of plasma that envelopes the attacked ship. Fortunately, the cost of a FOGs will prevent all but the very rich from enjoying the safety this ship provides. With its long sleek design it looks more like a cargo ship than a super-sized fighter. At first glance its impressive size and no visible weapons will be enough to lure in the uneducated. This ship should be avoided if contacted. We can expect it to be used to transport the families of the rich and powerful.

  • Taifun - Heavy Fighter

    Armor - 8000
    shield - Elite class 9
    weaps - class 7-9 (6 slots)
    CD/Torp - 2
    nanobots & batteries - 75
    cargo - 75

    The Taifun was designed by the GMG for deep-space scouting and exploration of new resources in hostile and uncharted territory. A hybrid of Kusari & Order technological advances, the Taifun design is intended to provide maximum agility, by cutting mass from the structure and subsystems. While not as powerful as most VHF's, the Taifun is still a serious weapon in the hands of a skilled pilot.

    (there is currently no ship in the CF inventory with stats in this class)

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Alien ship concepts:

    Organic materials are interlaced with the metallic components of this craft. They work together seamlessly to achieve outstanding performance. Revolutionary engine design translates into the attaining of spectacular speeds for this fighter, while strafing jets and thrust vectoring allow for respectable maneuverability. Interception, reconnaissance, and escort roles are played to handily by the design. The -insert ship-name here- is a product of one of the -no spoiler- civilizations, and is only to be approached with the utmost in caution.

    This fighter presents a perfect balance of animate and inanimate matter. Together they work in harmony to achieve outstanding performance. Revolutionary engine technology allows for increased payload and the addition of armoring growths without sacrificing superior speed. Strafing jets and limited thrust vectoring make the ship able to turn surprisingly well considering its mass. Without a doubt, this design specializes in defeating fighter resistance and terrorizing commercial shipping. The -insert ship name here- is a product of one of the -no spoiler- civilizations, and is to be engaged only with extreme caution.

    At such a grand scale it is wondrous to behold such a living creature. Mechanical components are built in beneath an armored, external carapace to provide the ideal compromise between durability and function. Sophisticated, chemical reactions provide this vessel with the propulsion it needs. Technology so advanced also provides for energy to be rechanneled to other systems at will to boost shielding or charge its formidable suite of turrets. Versatility and endurance allow for the -insert ship name here- to patrol open gulfs of space for months on end. It flies under the command of one of the -no spoiler- civilizations. Do not provoke.

    Impressive adaptations to bio-material fabrication have yielded yet another stunning success in the -insert ship name here-. While underway, this vessel can stretch its cargo bay to envelop and secure objects several times larger than itself. During return trips this same property can be used to collapse overall size down considerably, thus reducing its signature on scanners. It also makes the vessel easier to pilot in vicinity of planetary surfaces, space stations, and gates. Encountering one in deep space is exceptionally rare. From the look of markings on the hull, this is a product of one of the -no spoiler- civilizations.

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Stats?? [687]

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • *bump*



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • *cough cough* I didn't see a ship in the CF 1.8 list matching the Taifun stats...^^

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • more ship infocards are needed

    Im also in need of Coalition planet and station infocards



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Shall I assume for now that these would be in the new quest systems of the Coalition space extension? I have already suggested some base/planet names in the quests, but it would be good to know the base & planet types/sizes (or will you just design these to match the infocards?).

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Hey guys, new here. Looks like a pretty neat mod so maybe I can contribute a bit. I am a computer engineer afterall...


    EL-27F "Yinzer" Liberty Heavy Fighter

    Gun/Turret Mounts: 3/5
    Armor: 3850
    Cargo Space: 55
    Max Batteries/NanoBots: 27/42
    Optimal Weapon Class: 4
    Max Weapon Class: 7
    Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD, T(x2)

    The Yinzer was based off the most plentiful ship on Planet Pittsburgh, the venerable Rhino freighter. Designed during the first conflict with the Nomads as an answer to increasing demands on patrol ships, decomissioned Rhinos had a portion of their cargo hold refitted with a heavy lifter reactor as well as a vastly upgraded engine. In addition, the frame was retooled and maneuvering wings were added to give the ship some agility. However, staying true to its freighter roots, the ship is better suited for assault missions and capital ship support rather than dogfighting. The Yinzer performs admirably at the former with the addition of its torpedo pods, while the latter is left a little wanting due to the limited weapon hardpoints and middling turret strength. Due to the increasing amount of Rhinos being retired from service, the availability of these fighters has advanced to the point where they have been made available to the public.

    I know this isn't the greatest fighter around but it seems like everyone is trying to make an uberfighter. So I came up with this idea as kind of a middle of the road as far as a fighter, but has the ability to put a hurting on cap ships when used in a group with other ships. I'm a big fan of utility ships that are not terribly useful to everyone, but can be a force when used in the right situation.

    I'll come up with more as I have time. Just taking a break right now from doing stuff for work l [7]

    My what a lovely shade of red you are, looks like someone got too close to that black hole...

  • Sorry if i missed it, but is there a place where we can see all the already existing infocards for 1.8?

  • Ummm...start @ the top of the thread & read down?

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Avian LF

    It is not known where Avian is made but whoever made him he somehow managed to combine the equipement of LF with equipement or HF making him the real nightmare for his opponents. The result is very fast, agile and deadly fighter.
    It is rumoured that he is advanced prototype of the A-100 Stormrider LF

    Guns/Turrets: 6/1 2 Guns class 10 and 4 guns class 9, turret class 9
    Armor: 7900
    Cargo Holds: 25
    Max Batteries/NanoBots: 111/111
    Additional Equipment: M, CM, 2CD/T
    All equipement as usually (Power G, Shield G, Adv. Hydroxin thruster, License, Trac beam and Scanner)

    1.7 PvP and stuff



  • Name: Khayal
    Guns/miss: 4 * X
    Turrets: ---
    CD Slots: 2
    Armor Capacity: 7400
    Cargo Load: 150
    Nan/Batt : 50
    Gun Power Capacity: 10.400
    Max. Angular Speed: 1.6847
    Impulse Speed: 150.00
    Strafe/Nudge Force: 20.000/30.000
    Size (L x H x W): 7x2x10
    Station for Purchase: Juneau Shipyard, Alaska
    Price: 250.000.000

    KHAYAL (Very heavy scout) â Not many people have seen a khayal in Sirius because it is one of the most elusive craft that populate this galaxy. In fact, one of twenty people with a medium lifespan of 110 years have reported seeing craft that would look like the khayal when entering or exiting asteroid or debris fields, although some of these sightings occured when people were going around in circles lost in vast gas clouds. Rumour has it that the design and production of this medium scout is the result of combined economic espionage and very careful planning in the assasination of key scientists and key figures involved in the projects that were linked together to spawn this technology. The very knoledge of this shipsâ existance is considered to be a twist of fate as a single one was discovered on planet New Berlin after the riots and civil disorder following the news of Chancelor Schultzkyâs assassination by The Order. Immediately after civil order was re-established a full scan of the planet confirmed the existance of an anomaly inside a natural rock formation. After the first scans of the area were completed immediately after the arrival of the recon team it was establlished that the vessel entered the rock formation through an opening that was just 10,8 mm bigger than the shipsâ hull, as its sharp lines and small size made it possible for it to land at its current position. As recon teams got closer a self-destruction mechanism was trigered leveled half of the mountain and an area of aproximately 3.2 square kms. Rheinland scientists searched with state of the art recovery and simulation technology and managed to sum up some of this shipsâcharacteristics. Nothing was ever found out about the shipsâoccupant. After data has been analysed by experts from the Cambrige University of History and Anthropology they reached the conclusion that some of the data resembled symbols used by an arabic assassin cult that dated from the IXth Century back on Earth called the Hashashin. As a result, they named this craft âKhayalâ, which means âghostâ in the dialect presumably spoken in that time. Any attempt by Rhineland and Liberty authorities to try and trace back the provenience of these technologies back to the people lying in cryostasis in the five original sleeper ships either ended in a dead end or the refusal of authorities to fund such "trivial" endeavours after some unfortunate deaths in the families of key Government officials. The Rhineland Government sanctioned plans for incorporating what little data was salvaged into developement of current Rhineland technology, but it is believed that under 10% of the actual data about this ship is known. There are however rumours that sightings of the Khayal have been reported in Liberty space but have never been acknoledged by Liberty authorities.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • Quote

    Im also in need of Coalition planet and station infocards

    Working on it...I'll send you the whole group via e-mail. Any date yet when you need the completed quests & associated rumors?

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • no - not yet... but since i start working on the cf systems next month ...



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • oh, so you start next month on more systems... well with more systems, and a core as the one to Hyperspace, but another one harder added, would be cool :) one nearly imposible for one fighter, but easyer for a big fleet of players... with a special weaponry, or prize at the end of it, something like the Ancient weps or so :) And well, things that would make people try and try for months until makeing it would be fun, when no PvPs, then PvNPCs lol (Player vs NPCs).

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Name: Vitez (Medium Fighter)
    Guns/miss: 2 * VII, 2 * IX
    Turrets: 1 * IX
    CD Slots: 1
    Torpedo Slots: -
    Armor Capacity: 6800
    Cargo Load: 40
    Nanos/Batteries : 60
    Max. Angular Speed: 1.528

    With the discovery of the new systems, the Deep Space Engineering / Ageira Technologies businesses expanded, but the pirates' attacks on construction sites were ever more frequent. The DSE/Ageira combined their engineering teams and came up with the Vitez, a slick and deadly protector/fleet backup vessel, designed to repel attacks and protect the jumpgate/tradelane construction sites. Built in the finest Kusari and Liberty shipyards, the Vitez features an advanced gravitic vector control, making it more maneuverable in combat situations.


    Name: Vicont (Very Heavy Fighter)
    Guns/miss: 2*IX, 4 * X
    Turrets: -
    CD Slots: 2
    Torpedo Slots: 1
    Armor Capacity: 11400
    Cargo Load: 30
    Nanos/Batteries : 100
    Max. Angular Speed: 1.457

    Made by the same DSE/Ageira team as the Vitez, the Vicont is a heavy assault vessel which packs a mean punch. Designed to be a backbone of the companies' transport fleets in pirate-infested systems, this mighty fighter strikes fear deep into potential hostiles' hearts. Fleets of Vicont/Vitez are often sent to dispose of outlying pirate bases, patrol material transport routes and intercept incoming attack fleets.


    Name: Viceroy (Destroyer)
    Turret/Flak: 12/2
    Armor Capacity: 42500
    Cargo Load: 250
    Max. Angular Speed: 0.527

    The increased Nomad and Dom'Kavash threat resulted in the first corporate designed destroyer in Sirius - the Viceroy. DSE/Ageira team constructed a deadly vessel, capable of single-handed destruction of entire enemy flotillas and stations. However, the true intention of this vessel is the protection of miners, bases and construction sites in very dangerous areas, such as the resource rich and tacticaly important Nomad and Dom'Kavash systems. Featuring an ablative armor, a large cargo hold and an advanced gravitic vector control, this is truly a formidable ship.

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