Your ship Infocards

There are 40 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.

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    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Edited cause i found it out in another topic, for you all info this topic is about:


    the infocard thread is for your infocard suggestions as it would take ages for me to write new infocards for ships what is needed? 1. a name for the ship 2. a short description i wont show you pics of the new ships... you write a few infocards and ill choose which ships fit to them that will save me ALOT of time

  • Which kind of Ships OP?

    VHFs, Frighters, Frigattes, Battleships, Trains - so all or just VHFs?

    It would be an other Inforcard for a Frigatte than for a fighter, light, medium, heavy our scout.


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    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • ok now here the most stupid question possible: what's an infocard?

  • the ship descriptions
    and i need mainly fighters (all classes)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • ok ill start - show u ppl whats needs to be done^^

    Shade VHF

    This ship seems to be among the first to be successfully melded with Nomad technology. It contain various new technologies as well as what appears to be modifed weapons systems to allow it to unload a deadly amount of firepower. The Shade is said to have first been conceived in the Edge worlds but this cannot be confirmed. While it does not have the best armor, it's maneuvering allows it to hold it's own in most battles.

    Trailblazer LF

    Another fighter built for recon, the Trailblazer is another superior exploration vessel built by Bretonia. It has optimal speed as well as unhindered maneuverability to allow to it to escape most hostile situations quickly. It also contains sufficient defensive abilities that allow it to take on light threats.

    Backstabber HF

    The Backstabber incorporates some of the higher class of technology used mainly for quick offensives. This ship being slightly faster then most fighters, can deal out heavy firepower enough to cripple or kill most ships and can then leave the situation before it can get into trouble. It is mainly used for support and base defenses. It can also be used for some recon duties.

    (sry next 1 i had to post :D )

    Werewolf VHF

    A true predator, the Werewolf is a deadly opponent on nearly any type of battlefield. It was first constructed as a joint project between Liberty and Bretonia. The Werewolf is considered a potent fighter that has the ability to both outmaneuver it's enemies while giving a punishing blow at the same time. The ship's new design can often intimidate newer pilots to not even engage this ship - which can often ensure a easier victory in some battles. The Werewolf in short, can effectively "maul" any enemy it comes across.

    Vorpal VHF

    The name "Vorpal" coming from a old but deadly sword on planet Earth - and this ship can be just as dangerous in the right hands. This ship contains some both new and older technologies to allow it to engage different threats easily. The Vorpal was built by some Borderworld engineers in a effort to slow down the growing pirate menace. Although this ship may not be the most superior fighter in a battle, it can still be a force to be reckoned with and should not be taken lightly.

    Exodia LF

    The Exodia is a new Light fighter project that was recently completed by a private corporation operating in the Omega sector. The design of this ship is new and so the ship builders weren't sure if it would become of popular use. It employs the strengths seen in other Light fighters but also holds some new technology such as slightly stronger armor with it's Carbon-matrix armor plating. This allows it to take more hits then the average light fighter making it perfect to help out fleets in battle as well as make hunting missions and reconnaissance.

    NOTE: this post has been edited several times.

  • yeah - thats what im looking for



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Berkut VHF
    This Coalition beast of a ship has enough firepower to take on an entire fleet of Sirius built fighters singlehanded. The controls are slick, and it survives the cold conditions with bear rug carpets, and bear skin joystick control surfaces. It is rumoured that the Interior was designed by a leading carpenter on Battleship Essex back in the 60's.

    Swashbuckler (BS or freighter)
    This Pirate built ship is fitted with twin Rum dispensers at both the bow and stern cocktail bar area. When purchased a crew of dancing girls, or male strippers (whatever takes your fancy) will make their way to the bar to work for you. Although this ship handles quite sluggish, the weapons capability, sheilding, and speed of this ship makes it good to fill the hold with plenty of doubloons and stolen goods, and have a chance of sailing away drunk as a parrot.

  • My english isn´t that good, maybe a native english speaker could correct my faults if necessary?


    After some impressing attempts to strike back the Dom 'Kavash Fleets, attacking the Home Systems of every known House, new Classes of Ships was needed against this superior Firepower.


    Liberty was building the Peacekeeper a Very Heavy Fighter for long Range attacks in the Heart of the Dom'Kavash Home Systems. Due to it´s greater Hull, a massive step forward in Defence Technology, it was build more as a one man fortress than as a quick attack runner. This Ship allowes the Pilot long and lonely journeys to the End of known Space and behind. Facing this ship in a Battle, could be the last you ever saw.

    Yohkoh (Sunlight)

    Kusari Technologies delivered hundrets of these long Range Fighters to their Military Defence Squadrons. The Yohkoh is a real Task in piloting, while it´s Defence Abilities can be compared with a normal civilian VHF it´s offence Structure is leaned on Bombers. Operating in packs the Yohkohs can spark the blast energy of little suns on the Hull bristing Dom´Kavash Motherships.


    In an attempt to secure New London, the Bretonia Goverment formed a new Group of engniering Task Forces in their Home Territory. The result is a military long Range Very Heavy Fighter called Atlas. Greek Mythology is telling us that Atlas is humping the world. This applies to it´s namesake. The Atlas is fitting all the maneuvering Abilities of a Military VHF while it´s energy Level is much higher. A never seen Power Management helps it´s pilots in their Missions against the Dom'Kavash.


    The Rheinland Tornado is in fact a further stage of the Valkyrie - designed for long Range attacks and System Defence against the Dom´Kavash. Not to be seen from outside, the technology of the Rheinland Tornado comes with heavy increased Power Supllies and repair possibilities. The double agglutinated Hull Units alows to fit double as many conventional Equipment to the closures as before. If you face a Tornado get ready Pilot, unfortunal the maneuvering speed suffered due to the massive Hull upgrades.

    Buran (Snowstorm)

    Pilots of the Coalition, near to the Main Territories of the Dom'Kavash, are facing Death on every Mission deep into hostile Systems. Coalition Scientists was redesigning some conquered Dom'Kavash Fighters to fit Human Beings into the organic Structure of those Materials. The Results of this ugly but effective attempt is the Buran. Easier to track than other Ships but due to the direct connection between Pilot and Ship a real Task of staying alive while fighting it.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Shuriken
    Kusari Light Fighter

    The brainchild of Admiral Kondo Mifune, this top secret design was developed outside the influence of the kiretsu, away from spying eyes and traitorous separatists. Based on the unmatched agility of the Drake, this design employs groundbreaking new technology to increase power output and shield capability, enabling the Shuriken to carry firepower nearly equal to the heaviest of fighters.

    Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter

    Designed by an uncharacteristically flamboyant lead engineer, this sleek design goes directly against the usually reserved and mechanistic Rheinland esthetic, thus earning its name, Heretic. Regardless of its design, it remains a mechanical wonder, carrying the highest level of offensive and defensive capabilities to the enemies of the Father Land.

    Baba Yaga
    Coalition Very Heavy Fighter

    Named after the legendary witch, the stealer of children in the night, this ship is soon to be a legendary monster itself. With unparalleled firepower, armor sufficient to withstand any foe, and a revolutionary power plant design to breath life into the beast, the Baba Yaga will bring woe to all who cross her.

    Hmmm...more zombies than usual...

  • Are the ships gonna be built after the description , u pick according to your ships or are the descriptions jsut random ?? Most ships described above are quite distinctive in their feature list.
    For example when i was looking for a ship i checked for the words agile and slim.
    If i had known descriptions are done without even knowing the ships they belong to , i could've saved lots of time ^^.

    In case its not random
    "This Pirate built ship is fitted with twin Rum dispensers at both the bow and stern cocktail bar area. When purchased a crew of dancing girls, or male strippers (whatever takes your fancy) will make their way to the bar to work for you..."
    cockpit view ftw^^

    Plastic surgery since 1500 AD

    This is Schäuble. Copy Schäuble into your signature to help him on his way to Überwachungsstaat.

  • are u putting in some new Nomad fighters? if so here are some possible infocards

    Lich Nomad VHF

    This ship only started to be encountered only a few months ago from a few deep space explorers - many of which did not live to tell about it. The Lich appears to be similar to the original Nomad Interceptor. Although this ship is more deadly including harder armor as well as even more dangerous weapons as well as equal maneuvering to the Interceptor to allow it to hold it's own in nearly every fight. Avoid contact with this ship!

    Haunt Nomad LF

    The Haunt is another newer Nomad ship that was recently seen ahead of large Nomad fleets in order to scout ahead to relay possible heavy threats. It does not have strong armor like other Nomad ships but has very powerful engines that allow it to shoot through enemy lines and out again quickly. It has been highly recommended by the House and Order Militaries to destroy these ships as quickly as possible to prevent heavy Nomad attacks.

    NOTE: more infocards comming soon...

  • here are some more now

    Hathor Order VHF

    A VHF consisting of some new designs, the Hathor is a Order ship that was built as a prototype shortly after the Nomad War as a secret project to surprise any future Nomad attacks. The Hathor although containing some older tech from the original Order fighter the Anubis, can like it's predecessor, hold it's own in most fights. It retains strong enough armor to take many direct hits even from capital ships as well as enough weaponry to be a deadly craft. Orillion Corps Engineers decided to add also a different engine arrangement to experiment if that may improve the maneuvering of the ship further. The Hathor has started to prove it's worth in test fights and is now being given out to public use as another excellent fighter to stand against the Alien threats around the galaxy.

    Sentinel Order HF

    The Sentinel is a lighter class Order ship that was constructed mainly for defending key installations. The Sentinel has a slightly higher speed to allow it to intercept various threats as well as eke out a heavy amount of firepower to ward off most light and medium armed enemies. It is also able to make escort missions with it's advanced scanners to allow it to detect several enemies at once allowing it to also engage as many enemies as needed. In groups of 3 or 4, this ship can be a voracious enemy that shouldn't be taken lightly.

    Torrent LF

    This may be a light fighter but there is not many things that are "light" about it. Although the Torrent cannot do as many multi-role jobs like other Light fighters, it is made mainly for dealing out a true "Torrent" of firepower to allow it to make partial or heavy damage against enemy fighters or gunboats to allow the VHFs to come in and finnish them off. Compensating for it's advanced abilities is it's maneuvering. The Torrent loses partial maneuvering due to it's newer armor as well as larger power generator and therefore the pilot must use additional caution to avoid being shot down before the VHFs may get into the fight.

    Vanguard Liberty VHF

    Another top line ship from Liberty, the Vanguard was constructed for defending Liberty space mainly from the Independent worlds as well as using it in Deep space for engaging Alien threats. This ship has sufficient offensive and defensive abilities making sure it is a strong enemy to withstand. The Vanguard has some newer stabilizers as well as higher powered engines which allow it to make quick turns in tougher fights. This new ship is among Liberty's best and it is hoped by Liberty that it will be in the hands of most of their Elite pilots and public Freelancers in the years to come.

    Allecto VHF

    The Allecto is what seems to be a VHF/Bomber cross. It may not have the quickest turning of most VHFs but can defiantly deliver a deafening amount of firepower to slaughter any heavy threat. The ship is modified to have two specialized torpedo mounts which can ensure a quick victory against capital ships and space stations. The Allecto is another ship built in the Borderworlds - which can safely assume how it's new design came to be. In the hands of a experienced pilots, this ship as perfect for almost any army looking for heavy firepower.

  • Quote

    Torrent LF


    I have some too :)

    • Leech LF
    • Seed LF
    • Peer LF
    • Bandwith VHF
    • Throttle LF (hmm I could actually go for this one. and if you don't get it, it's like "traffic throttling")
    • Stream HF
    • Tracker LF
    • S.P.A.M. Transporter
    • RickRoll Freighter
    • Lolcat LF
    • Roflcopter ... erm... roflcopter
    • Lollerskate LF


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  • came up with this one, i'm yet to name it.

    A bunch of pirates came together to make this wreck like ship. Collected from junkyard scrap it doesnt have smart looking paint job or powerful weapon mounts, but its massive engines gives it ability to perform hit-and-run strikes as well as fly-by recon. Although a laughing-stock it really is a pain in the ass for corporations.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Lost_Heaven
    A bunch of pirates came together to make this wreck like ship. Collected from junkyard scrap it doesnt have smart looking paint job or powerful weapon mounts, but its massive engines gives it ability to perform hit-and-run strikes as well as fly-by recon. Although a laughing-stock it really is a pain in the ass for corporations.

    "Throttle" 100%! :)

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    <td valign="top" align="center" width="100%" background=""><font face="serif" color="white" size="5">&#191;&#647;&#592;&#653;&#387;&#592;&#623; - magwat?</font></td>
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  • good idea lost, although infocards should not have swears in them ^^

    more infocards:

    Crucible VHF

    A design that is mainly from Rhineland, the Crucible fighter was made generally for short-range offensives to strike at pirate ships and bases. It is particularly deadly in groups of 2 or 3 that allow it to unleash a rapid amount of firepower against it's targets. There isn't alot of information on this fighter other then Rhineland is possibly stocking these new ships up for several offensives in the near future.

    Venture Kusari HF

    This ship was originally a prototype for defensive missions but it has been modified so that it can also do exploration work. After a few years of going over ship designs, the Venture was named to be a virtually flawless exploration vessel - one that can even match Bretonian scout ships. With it's strong defensive and even dangerous offensive attributes, the Venture makes a great ship for a smaller package including more advanced weaponry and better shields then before. It can in short, outmatch most other Heavy fighters of it's class.

    Thunderflare VHF

    The Thunderflare contains designs found in other new ships that have recently been released to the public. It is rumored about this ship that it's design was originally conceived aboard a capital ship that was temparily engulfed in a solar flare. Although no official shipbuilder has come forward claiming responsibility, it did come from the Edge worlds somewhere, assuming it may be corporation or pirate built. It's somewhat sleek design makes it look partly more fearsome then what is outwardly displayed. This ship has many different offensive and defensive systems including top of the line weapons, strong armor as well as enough munitions to pummel any sort of enemy. As it's birthplace, the Thunderflare is a excellent ship to take into the Edge worlds.


    The small size of this fighter leads the enemy in to a false sense of security.
    It hides Devasting fire power and excellent agilty aswell as boasting an excellent shielding system. This allows the fighter to take on the biggest of boys and the best of pilots. Don't underestimate this one, because you'll be sorry you did!

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.
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