1. Description
Bowex obtained the franchise from the Bretonian government to operate Rodgau Dock. Apart from its Chapel-class docking module, several Zoners-designed greenhouse module were added to provide organic processing of atmospheric gases for the Wheel. These bio-domes are also a favorite recreational spot for the Wheels citizens.
2. Stats
- Class: Nibelungen (Ch-D)
- Gravity: complete
- Docking: yes
- Amenities: yes
- Population: 1k
- OWNER: Borderworld Exports (Bowex)
- SYSTEM: Wheel of Sirius
3. Ships
4. Equipment to buy
4.1. Guns & Missiles & Turrets
- Starkiller Torpedo Launcher
- Wasp Cruise Disruptor
- Slingshot Missile
- Catapult Missile
- Stalker Missile
- Windstalker Missile
- Sweeper Missile
- Eraser Missile
- Stunpulse
- Adv. Stunpulse
- Heavy Starbeam
- Skyrail Turret
- Skyrail
- Ripper
- Adv. Skyrail Turret
- Adv. Ripper Turret
- Adv. Skyrail
- Adv. Ripper