1. Description
The Shikoku system was originally a gateway for almost all of thetrafflc originating from Liberty and the Independent Worlds. Entry requirements for the New Tokyo system were initially very strict, and as a result, Shikoku became home to a large band of itinerant foreigners. Deshima Station was constructed in 350 AS to house this population, and despite the significant relaxation of New Tokyo system entry requirements, it still serves as a way station. Over the years Deshima has beers substantially improved through the addition of a Synth Foods biodome, the construction of additional living space, and a partnership with Kishiro to manufacture Consumer Goods. The Bounty Hunters Guild also recently opened an office here as the large numbers of foreigners in the system includes a significant criminal element.
2. Stats
- CLASS: Akebono
- GRAVITY: Complete
- OWNER: Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
- SYSTEM: Shikoku
3. Ships
- no ships available
4. Equipment to buy
4.1. Guns & Missiles & Turrets
- Starkiller Torpedo Launcher
- Stalker Missile
- Gunslinger Turret MK I
- Gunslinger MK I
- Wasp Cruise Disruptor
- Brave MK I
- Slingshot Missile
- Windstalker Missile
- Brave Turret
- Brave MK II
- Gunslinger Turret MK II
- Gunslinger MK II
- Sweeper Missile
- Catapult Missile
- Warrior MK I
- Winchester Turret
- Winchester MK I
- Winchester MK II
- Warrior Turret
- Warrior MK II
- Reaver MK I
- Reaver Turret
- Buckshot Turret
- Reaver MK II
- Buckshot