Install help?

There are 15 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Sensenmann01.

  • Hey guys/girls.

    I’ve scanned the FAQ but no luck there.

    I uninstalled my old FL and did a fresh install, I run the Crossfire application but 2/3 through I get an unending run of ‘this existing file is marked as read only. I hit retry and it seems to fix it but then I get the next one. I’ve been rapid mouse clicking for 5 minutes now trying to get through it.

    I must have done something silly here somewhere. Anyone know what it was?

  • And ... are you using freshly downloaded mod version?, latest version should have no such issues under normal circumstances.

    .. latest mod installer from 05/2021 (ignore shown old date, it is related to time when was entry in portal database created, content is new). Plus look our FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions - SWAT Portal

  • wen die PerfOptions schreibgeschützet ist macht das auch der aktuelle instaler, das weis weis ich weil ich vor einigen monaten wegen ein kleines problem win 10 neu aufsetzten musste. musste ich ja auch freelancer cd version und dan crossfireinsterlieren habe aber vergessen das PerfOptions schreibgeschützet ist, promt kamm die meldung wegen einschreibgeschützten datei, habe dan die PerfOptions einfach kurz verschoben, und dan ging die insterlation weiter

  • Yup, I uninstalled the old version in case there were going to be any conflicts with an old rebalance mod I was playing. Then downloaded from abandonware games and reinstalled.

    In the end I just had a cup of coffee and kept hitting retry over and over again. Seems to have worked so far.

    Damn hard game though, I traded around until I had 1.5mil credits while still in early stages of the SP campaign in Liberty, purchased the best ship and gear available this early and still get killed in 10 seconds :(. Hopefully things improve soon, otherwise this may not be the mod for me, which is a shame since I have read so many good things about it.

  • Generally before the storyline kicks off, it’s wise to sell pods to prisons and then head to Custodian, which is linked to a jump hole somewhere in the North west part of New York.

    If you have the credits, a black Eagle and kraken guns are the go to. Makes the entire vanilla storyline so easy but enjoyable. As long as your ship gets a full load of pods, it should be pretty easy to deck yourself out

    L+ Ratio

  • Thanks for all the help everyone. One last question, is there a specific tutorial for this mod.

    I can’t find access to custodian anywhere. I’ve seen maps with it labeled but I’ve now purchased a deep scanner and criss crossed the entire are without it appearing. I’ve now also restarted 6 times are being jumped by pirates along a tunnel and dying in 10 seconds.
    there seems to be an unusually high barrier to entry for this mod, maybe it’s not one just to play and enjoy?

  • Wiki and Lexicon entries hold all info:

    Crossfire - SWAT Portal

    SWAT Portal



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Everything except where custodian is :(. I can see it’s meant to be near Rochester base, but it’s not there when I search the area.

    If going to this one area is necessary to have any chance of surviving, maybe this is not the mod for me. I’m just here to have fun, I’m not interested in becoming the best dog fighting champion in the state.

  • Ok, so I finally sorted it. I uninstalled and reinstalled everything. Last time I had to ‘retry’ a heap of files. This time I made the entire freelancer folder able to be overwritten.

    Viola! The custodian jump gate appeared and, oh my, the visuals are amazing in this mod. Here I was thinking there were a few touch ups but that’s it. Everything from space to the lasers to the stores on planets has been done up. Wow, just wow. Thanks everyone for your advice, I get to put it into action now :)

  • ... either playing SP campaign mode (where some gates are purposely removed during active campaign phases), or something on user PC is messing with game files. SP campaign have its story line where most of newly added systems (including Custodian) are revealed later after is vanilla part finished. Trying to visit these systems earlier while playing SP campaign may have for player undesired outcomes.

    off to find another mod

    good luck with that, have fun!

  • bei mir sind alle jump gate auch wärende der SP-Kampange da, aber einige werden erst wärend der kampange freigeschaltet, das custodian jump gate kann man von anfang an durch fliegen, und es solte auf der map immer angezeigt werden, mann muss nicht zwingend durchs custodian jump gate fliegen man kann auch über sea of shadow jump hole den weg nehmen

  • I've added advice into Starter guide in CF mod wiki: Starter Guide - SWAT Portal


    Access to newly added systems in Crossfire mod have RESTRICTIONS in the SP Campaign. Main reason for put those restricitions in place is in big expansion to the storyline which reveals newly added areas in appropriate time. And numerous those areas have also very different look depending about storyline phase. This above in practice means that access points (gates, jump holes) to most of newly added systems were INTETIONALLY removed during ACTIVE early campaing phases. Player still can visit these areas earlier, during campaing inactive states (due hard coded Freelancer engine part which cannot be changed by the mod), but once is campaign automatically reactivated (it's usually tied with increase of level), then player can easily get stuck and will be unable to return to the campaign area. Is good to keep in mind, that making an expansion for SP campaign have hard technical limitations and there is no way how mod creator can avoid all player efforts to trick applied restrictions. Therefore here is just a suggestion, or call it an advice from experienced Crossfire mod player: follow the story path and wait for access to new systems as to when story evolves enough. You will be gradually introduced to the new areas which have its own history and evolves consistently with principal narrative of the Freelancer game and the Crossfire mod. You will have many hours of fun ahead while play expanded Freelancer story, enjoy!

  • habe jetzt eben noch mal mission 01 gespielt, bin dan von pittsburg nach fot busch und von da aus richtung jersey debris field und siehe da das custodian jump gate ist da und man kann es auch benutzen. bei einer sache stimme ich zu man solte so bevor man das custodian jump gate benutz besseres schiff und ausrüstung haben, man kommt schon früh an 10er waffen ran