Here in the UK we have not passed the new year hour so saying it now before me and my misses go out on the piss and celebrate another year gone so happy new year to everyone hope everyone has a great one i know i will

Happy New Year
- (IOC)Scarface135
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
There are 19 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Santiago Llorens.
(Though I'm sure at least Balefire got there first)
Happy New Year to everyone, guys!
P.S. Should I merge this thread with OP's one?
(Though I'm sure at least Balefire got there first)
Happy New Year to everyone, guys!
P.S. Should I merge this thread with OP's one?
happy new year to you ajay mate hope you had a good one or having a good one
(50 minutes past that special hour here in Bali.)
*shrug* nothing special, but I'm not a party man so it's a-OK.
*shrug* nothing special, but I'm not a party man so it's a-OK.
Nor am I normally. But this year, I did finish up on the beach in Kuta with 1000's of Muslims and of course no alcohol and had a great time. Mind you, I was home by 12.30am.
P.S. Should I merge this thread with OP's one?
(50 minutes past that special hour here in Bali.)
I wrote it just in time but then forgot to click on submit because I had to carry a fridge down the stairs and got stuck for awhile... ahh dammit... the dog ate my homework.
„Möge das neue Jahr ruhig starten, langsam beschleunigen, tief in die Kurve gehen, ein rasantes Überholmanöver vollbringen und gemächlich in die Box fahren!“
one and all??????
Happy New Year to everyone!
Akemshite omedeto gozaimasu!
May the Year of the Rat be a great one for all of us, a better year than any that have gone before.
The new year comes early for me, and it's a busy day for me: it's my wife's birthday and--because of the date/time difference--also the birthday of my sister, who lives on the US West Coast. So there's lots to celebrate.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Akemshite omedeto gozaimasu!
May the Year of the Rat be a great one for all of us, a better year than any that have gone before.
The new year comes early for me, and it's a busy day for me: it's my wife's birthday and--because of the date/time difference--also the birthday of my sister, who lives on the US West Coast. So there's lots to celebrate.
Happy Birthday to your wife and sister.
Akemshite omedeto gozaimasu! Japanese?
Sing ken ken. No problem in Balinese.
Happy new year all. Hope you all had a good one.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone has a great year!
Happy Birthday to your wife and sister.
Akemshite omedeto gozaimasu! Japanese?
Sing ken ken. No problem in Balinese.
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
Yes, that's the pretty standard Japanese New Year greeting. It's a little abbreviated in common use. What you see literally means "congratulations on the opening"; more formally it would have "Shin nen" (meaning "new year") at the beginning of the phrase, so "Congratulations on the opening of the new year".
Thanks for the Balinese lesson; I'm always pleased to learn something new.
Happy New 2020 Year folks!
Happy New Year from me too
A little bit late, but i was busy and haven't visited the site last month