new hongkong does not even have an active connection to IC

Clan systems
- Crossfire 2.0
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
There are 57 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.
Hmmm... in that case... i have to think first on the clan name, the clan logo etc... since i'm very poor in all of these things, so, atm, i just donate just for the sake donation.. not renting... in 2.0 i meant...
Just 1 question, will there be any new extra systems in 2.0? if yes, perhaps after complete exploration i will decide then...
As for Denne.. "undercover" ???? hehehehe... seems like i just cant escape your eyes... LOL...
there are extra systems in CF2.0 (5)
but none of them have new stations to dock -
Well, just saying: with clan base available, must in system exist "normal" station?
oh no worries. u surely have many chars i still don't know. still
Well, just saying: with clan base available, must in system exist "normal" station?
no but it would help once your clan station gets destoyed -
Does New Hong Kong count as a "bottleneck" system, due to the Coalition Hypergate? It would be much the same condition as Omega 3 ^^. IOC will continue to use the same clan logo; if we have to choose another system, let us know ASAP!
The whole history and story of SA is rolled into Omega 3. I am sure a new home can be found if really needed, but I also vote for Omega 3 for SA.
SA has never stopped anyone - even those on the "banned list" from using the IC jumpgate. In fact, in some events we have even invited banned players to join the events.
new hongkong does not even have an active connection to IC
Errrrmm... Will the Coaly Hypergate not be active in 2.0? the move of IOC to NHK was largely becasue of this... -
well, somebody convinced me today to add a jump connection to IC today
... to add a jump connection to IC ...
By the way, will there be a complete explanation in the wiki on the clan base ??? ... I'm not very familiar with that actually... sorry guys ...
very likely
Have a look here index.php?page=Thread&threadID=36331
important for the final config also would be to know:
1. the name of the clan leader (exact char name from which the clan will be administrated)
2. the correct clan tag (members of the clan have to use exactly this tag)
3. which roleplay the clan has -> members of the clan will be bound to this roleplay and have to mount a RP license (if not they will be fined automatically) -
1. the name of the clan leader (exact char name from which the clan will be administrated)
it will be exactly on this one char or account where is this char located? (account will be nicer if possible)
Quoteif not they will be fined automatically
It mean buy "right" license prior first undock on Manhattan? (for new chars). And how about old members with chars used other RP license?
currently one administrative char... other rights can maybe given later
new clan chars have a specific amount of time to buy a license before its a duty for them to mount one
Ancient Souls
Leader: [AS]Thrax
Clan tag: [AS]
RP: Pirate -
"Ancient Souls" .....
I start to become really very curious about the
NEW, UPDATED, COMPLETE and as it looks like also longer OFFICIAL SERVER CLAN LIST,
that CF 2.0 seems to sport.
Independent Operators' Consortium
Clantag = (IOC)
RP = smuggler
Leader = (IOC)Centaurian_Alpha