Not goodbye

There are 30 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Abrasdevil.

  • I didn't make it in time to answer in that forum before Griff eagerly shut it down.

    I've made a policy of mine to stay clear of a vast majority of discussions that can cost me time and nerves, since you can't discuss things with some people here (you know whom I'm referring to), so I've just stopped trying.

    I've been here since 2009 (I think, maybe 2008, dunno now), and most of that time was spent in the fold of PX. I'm proud of that time - I've reached a high rank and had loads of fun with my mates and people on the server. Since PX no longer exists on Crossfire as a clan, I've resumed my career as freelancer.

    Good luck to CSF, you'll need it.

    Also, screw you - I did help with the portal when no one else made any effort. I made a shit load of events spending +3 billion of both tweaked (by OP) and PX money, reorganized the EMs (check how many topics were started by me, and how many events were held), and I did my job as a GR. I made like lots of trips to Styx station, and gave out literally hundreds of licences, asking most of the times I was in my GR char if anyone needed them.

    My suggestions in CF development were mostly from practice things that could be changed to improve, most of which went unanswered as OP had other ideas which were more lucrative (so today, no one mines and no one trades in commodities, only in escape pods and cargo pods). The short story - yes, that's my fault for not delivering - creativity and time were the problems, but essentially, mea culpa.
    In fact, most of the things where I went inactive were due to lack of time because of work and life.

    Now, I've lost approximately 2 billion in ships, equipment and money; my mates lost much, much more...

    Pirates, I wish you good luck and loads of rum, see you in Malta sometimes. Cops, well, you do whatever.
    Merc clans, think for yourselves. Smuggies, annoy the hell outta them, hehe.

    Truth is, you'll miss us, 'cos you liked having us as the bad guys, uniting over who will hate us more. Which makes me wonder, whom will you hate now? I guess time will tell.

    And to the smug CFPD asshole camping near Sidewinder, saying how nice it is now that Alaska is quiet - watch your back. :bevilplan:

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • And to the smug CFPD asshole camping near Sidewinder, saying how nice it is now that Alaska is quiet - watch your back. :bevilplan:

    I would like to know who that officer is. And btw, CFPD is used to watching our backs, but not only that, but watching mysteriously financed pirates. See you out there.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • I am sorry if i misinterpreted your silence.
    If you would have told me then certain things could have been re-organized... you know... its very hard to read your mind to find out whats going on.

    And ehmm... RP is not about hate.
    Its not about playing against each other... RP is playing with each other.
    Hate should never be part of a game. I am sure that the situation will change to a better one now.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I never seen more than 30 CSF chars of people wearing CSF licenses, well, I guess stores were full.

    Still, if you want to continue the hate in RP and insulting arround, you won't do better than your mates did. Revenge is not a way (not a long one) for your 2nd chance.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Gunny, yes, naturally there's a conspiracy behind everything. As for that guy, why don't you simply ask your clan mates.

    You do realize there's Crossfire even when you're offline, Michael? I made it a principle not to give people lots of licences for the stores, but vast majority for immediate use. What you (don't) see doesn't concern me at all.
    I don't hate - that takes too much time and nerves; and I don't insult except when I've really had enough; most people would find that commentary very dickish which is why I wrote what I wrote.

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • I'm still not understand what was going on, but nevermind.

    Good to still see you here.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • I'm still not understand what was going on, but nevermind.

    Good to still see you here.

    Some guys made a mistake and the whole clan got punished for it.
    Some guys stuck their nose into other peoples business and can't handle the fact it's not apreciated that much.

    Those who want to return will return, no matter what.

    Shockwave: how about us? :) you know you love me (no homo) ;)

  • GROUP HUG!!!!!

    Is that a group hug or a clusterfuck? Hope it's a group hug...we already have the other thing....


    If those guys are gone, why we still talking about them? Please stop.

  • Quote

    Some guys made a mistake and the whole clan got punished for it.
    Some guys stuck their nose into other peoples business and can't handle the fact it's not apreciated that much.

    Actually, I meant the details... Sorry, but your explanation isn't enough
    I don't know, what exactly happend, why, how, different views, etc. The full story. Becouse that case reminds me something...

    But, as I said - nevermind. I will try to gather the info to lay out the full picture on my own.


    If those guys are gone, why we still talking about them? Please stop.

    The story can not be forgotten. Especially if it has a dark things.
    if you don't want to see repeated that dark parts of story in the future, of course...

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited once, last by [BC]afGun: edit ().

  • hey man, you did enough for this sever as well as put enough blood, sweat, tears, credits and time into making CF what it is now

    Granted i've been away for a while, your post is enough justification to deserve a break and a rant...rants are good occasionally as they can de-stress any tension (as well as get a point across)

    we've all had issues with PX or a member of PX at one point in time. maybe it just seem's Daywalker is a drama-magnet

    this same shit happened when CFPD got banned...strangely enough, DW had been guilty in some fashion then as well (back then he was known as Kermit)

    your commentary, Shockwave, wasn't dickish. you were just getting a point across

  • we've all had issues with PX or a member of PX at one point in time. maybe it just seem's Daywalker is a drama-magnet
    this same shit happened when CFPD got banned...strangely enough, DW had been guilty in some fashion then as well (back then he was known as Kermit)

    That's not a fair thing to say - it takes two (or more) people to tango, and I'm sure I've done my share of dancing (or lack of).

    Yes, Abras, we'll still have a bromance. :D

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • well, threads are closed, dont know where to post. in my expirience in such situation server's global wipe happens. just for all. everyone got the same and everyone are angry equally he-he. but here master are talking and explaining with us. cool server.

    things are started and must be finished. i said my leader after Dino and UR shit that war with piix is possible, but OP was stopped this and much more first. OP, do what you did. herecy happens here.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 2nd Founder
    [BattleCommand] Head Administrator
    In game signatures:
    [BC]Ender and only [BC]Ender.

  • Actually, I meant the details... Sorry, but your explanation isn't enough
    I don't know, what exactly happend, why, how, different views, etc. The full story. Becouse that case reminds me something...

    If you really want a details - read this thread again - if you didn`t this yet, ofc.


    The story can not be forgotten. Especially if it has a dark things.
    if you don't want to see repeated that dark parts of story in the future, of course...

    Sounds like a hidden threat - no?
    Nvm, things were done, even someone want to light up the killed fire. Repetition of similar "stories" now prevented, I guess.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • People can judge for themselves.
    They can read at the PX forum and they can read here.
    It does not take much to find out that my words and decision were correct.
    And no matter how often DW did his claims about everything being a lie, his lack of proof and his poor insults show the truth



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    If you really want a details - read this thread again - if you didn`t this yet, ofc.

    Thanks for your help, C.O.
    Much better than AD explanation.

    And thanks for understanding...


    Sounds like a hidden threat - no?

    Are you alright? Misunderstadning between me an you is not mean that I threat everyone.
    I meant, that if that will be forgotten like "never was", then somebody will repeat the strory soon or later, one way or another. Somebody who will not remember even their clan name. It's the experience of those who already faced it. Try to understand that. And try to judge my words objective next time.

    Warning can not be the tread anyway and anyhow.

    P.S. I said, that I wanted the details of the story, not only the lies and truth in the forums. Becouse I'm interested it as a storywriter (don't forget that I writing the book based also on CF), becouse I'm interested as a third party observer, becouse I'm already saw many much worse things than that. But if someone can't or don't want to tell it (from his side o not), then please IGNORE that my post. Thanks in advise.
    And also I said, that it NEVERMIND in this thread. I hope no one will return to this again here.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited once, last by [BC]afGun: edit ().

  • as from what i have read so far i find that OP has done a fair job.

    Shure many will not like it, and shure it is curently a darn bad situation but like OP ment . its all gonna be fine.

    There are always people who get hurt in things like this. dont hesitate and just get an new acount since not all members of px got banned but the clann did.

    Now to be honest i would have reacted probaly the same was if i where in OP,s his shoes.

    Now please stop about it and get on with the importand part, Creating a new and beter rp world with some nice fellas wich think alike so we all can have some fun agian.

    well got nothing more tp mention about it right now so game on and see you all in space some time.

    Friendly greets from,


  • [BC]afGun:
    what I told was a very long story made pretty short.
    The full story no one will be able to tell, since for a complete story with all details, everything would have to be revealed. (from all sides)
    Parts of the story are spread across the forum over a duration of more than just 2, 3 or 5 month.
    Parts of the story happend on the leader board, where only clan leaders have access to and where it should remain, since it's not of anyone elses business.
    Parts of the story happend via PM, where only the sender and receiver have access to.
    Everything else has been moved to the archives or it's been deleted already, since it was not boiling up just since yesterday, but a long period of time.

    The whole thing could probably fill a complete novel, which would contain misunderstandings, accusations, lies, rumors, threats, different opinions, stubborness, agression, fear and probably much more.

    No offense, or hard feelings, but not you or anyone (besides the involved parties) will ever get to know everything what happend and lead to the result.

    All we can do, is learn and don't repeat it again ;)

  • I see that most people wanted to just stop this topic... and I am over with the topic for a while now. So it's time to let it slip into the past.

    To avoid bans or worse situations from repeating, it's as simple as obeying, at least most of the time, the current rules and keep fair play to keep a good athmosphere between players, no hate in RP !
    Each player himself knows when something is abusive, or unfair, despite it not being "exactly mentioned in the rules list".

    Have fun and,
    ___Enjoy !


    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis