Freelancer had it´s Release in 2003.
You might think, well, perfect my Grafic Card is from 2009 this Game will run perfect within my High End Gaming System.
But unfortunal this old Game may not recognise your Card.
For this Louva-Deus (cudos man) updated the File which is responsible for the detection of you grafics card on a regular base. Unfortunal the File is now outdated.
But it is not that hard to do it yourself.
Just follow this manual step by step to put your grafic card into the database, so the game will proper recognize it:
First of all you need the manufacturer and the vendor of your Grafics Card.
With a freeware Tool called GPU-Z it will be easy to find out:
1) Download this tool by using this GPU-Z Download Link .
It´s an exe file, you do not need to install anything. Simply doubleclick it whereever you downloaded it to (on Vista and above with Admin rights please).
You will see something similar like this:
The marked parts are what you need.
1) Now open your mypathtofreelancer\Freelancer\EXE Directory in your Explorer.
2) Search for a file named flconfigdatabase.txt and open it with for example notepad (if the file is write protected you need to disable the write protection first).
3) Search your manufacturer in the file - in my case NVIDIA
4) Have a look where your type of Card is listed - in my case GeForce
5) Scroll down to the last GeForce (or ofc. your Crads type) entry - in Crossfire 1.9 it´s:
0x0398 = "GeForce Go7600 (??)" // added by Louva-Deus
for the GeForce Cards.
6) Now insert your Grafic Cards Vendor by using the second marked part of GPU-Z which is in my case 0A34 - simply put a 0x before and the correct name of your Card without the name of the manufacturer behind it so it will look like this for example:
0x0A34 = "GeForce GT 240M" // added by Daywalker
7) Save the File.
You will notice that several glitches will not exsist anymore. Also you will be able to see the Mega Asteroids which makes mining more profitable and some more things. In many cases where spawning NPC´s stucked the Game it also went away.
Have fun.